A young man named Ahmad [Part 10]

As Ahmad approaches the end of his career as an academician and GIS researcher, he feels a mix of emotions. On one hand, he is proud of all that he has accomplished and the impact that he has made in the field of GIS. On the other hand, he is tired from the years of hard work and dedication that he has put into his profession.

Ahmad reflects on all the people who have helped him along the way. He is grateful to his family, friends, and colleagues who have supported him through the years. He is also grateful to the students who have passed through his classes and who have been a source of inspiration to him. He is humbled by the impact that he has made on the lives of so many people.

As Ahmad gets ready for retirement, he knows that it is time for him to step back and let the next generation take over. He is ready to hand over the reigns and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. He wants to spend more time with his family and friends, to travel and to explore new places, and to live a life that is free from the stresses of work.

But at the same time, Ahmad doesn’t want to completely disconnect from the GIS community and he wants to continue to contribute to the development of the country. He wants to use his knowledge and experience to help others, to mentor young professionals and to share his insights with the next generation.

Ahmad knows that the future is uncertain, but he is at peace with that. He trusts that Allah will guide him on the path that is right for him. He is grateful for the opportunity to have lived a fulfilling life and to have made a difference in the world. May Allah put him in heaven with all good peoples and God’s blessing. InshaAllah.

The End.

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