Integrated Flood Management (IFM)

Integrated Flood Management (IFM) is a holistic approach to managing flood risk that considers the social, economic, and environmental aspects of floods. It aims to reduce flood risk by implementing a range of measures such as structural and non-structural measures, land use planning, and emergency preparedness.

IFM is a multidisciplinary approach that involves the participation of different stakeholders such as government agencies, local communities, and private sector. It involves the integration of different flood management strategies such as structural measures (e.g. dams, levees), non-structural measures (e.g. land use planning, early warning systems) and emergency preparedness.

Structural measures refer to physical structures such as dams, levees, and flood walls that are built to protect against floods. They can be effective in reducing flood risk, but they can also have negative impacts on the environment and the local communities.

Non-structural measures, on the other hand, focus on managing land use, zoning, and building codes to reduce flood risk. This can include measures such as setting building codes that require new buildings to be constructed above the flood level, or creating flood-prone areas where development is restricted.

Emergency preparedness is an important aspect of IFM that aims to minimize the impact of floods on people and property. This can include measures such as developing emergency evacuation plans, providing emergency warning systems, and training local communities in flood emergency response.

IFM models are used to evaluate the effectiveness of different flood management strategies. They combine different types of models, such as hydrological, hydraulic, and hydrodynamic models, along with other data and information, to produce a comprehensive picture of flood risk and to evaluate the effectiveness of different flood management strategies.

In summary, Integrated Flood Management (IFM) is a holistic approach to managing flood risk that considers the social, economic, and environmental aspects of floods. It aims to reduce flood risk by implementing a range of measures such as structural and non-structural measures, land use planning, and emergency preparedness. IFM models are used to evaluate the effectiveness of different flood management strategies. They combine different types of models, such as hydrological, hydraulic, and hydrodynamic models, along with other data and information, to produce a comprehensive picture of flood risk and to evaluate the effectiveness of different flood management strategies.

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