Comprehensive Analysis of Survey Feedback: UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


The survey conducted on participants of the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme yielded valuable insights into their experiences and perceptions of the program. Through a thorough analysis of the survey responses, several key findings emerged, shedding light on various aspects of the program. Participants’ feedback encompassed a range of topics, including willingness to pay additional fees for program expenses, understanding of the mobile app and online database, interest in future CSR programs, likelihood of recommending the program to others, and additional comments about their overall experience. This detailed analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of participants’ perspectives and highlights important considerations for program improvement. By examining the data collected, we can gain valuable insights into participants’ satisfaction, preferences, and suggestions for enhancing future iterations of the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme.

1. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme?

The average satisfaction rating obtained from the survey stands at 4.5 on a scale of 1 to 5. Analyzing the responses, it is observed that the majority of participants (15 out of 30) rated their overall satisfaction with the program as either “satisfied” or “very satisfied,” accounting for 50% of the respondents. Notably, no participants expressed dissatisfaction or strong dissatisfaction, indicating a highly positive response. This suggests that the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme effectively generated a significant level of satisfaction among the participants.

The substantial number of participants providing ratings of 4 or 5 emphasizes the program’s positive impact and effectiveness in meeting participants’ expectations and needs. The program’s ability to consistently meet or exceed participant satisfaction levels demonstrates its success in delivering a valuable experience. This analysis reaffirms the program’s effectiveness and highlights its capability in providing a satisfactory and rewarding engagement for the participants.

Overall, the technical analysis of the survey feedback underscores the program’s achievement in generating a high level of satisfaction among the participants. The positive ratings and absence of dissatisfaction indicate the program’s effectiveness in meeting expectations and delivering a valuable experience. These findings provide valuable insights into the success and impact of the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme, reinforcing its position as a well-received and beneficial initiative.

2. Did the program meet your expectations in terms of providing hands-on learning opportunities and practical experience in mangrove conservation? Please elaborate.

Out of the total respondents, 24 participants stated that the program did meet their expectations, indicating a positive response. The feedback received highlights several aspects of the program that resonated with the participants and contributed to their satisfaction. Participants appreciated the hands-on learning opportunities offered by the program, including activities such as planting saplings and engaging with geotagging through the application. They expressed gratitude for the chance to acquire new experiences and knowledge in mangrove conservation.

While the program received overall positive feedback, a few respondents suggested areas for improvement. Specifically, they mentioned the need for additional information about the trees being planted and their future benefits. Additionally, one respondent indicated the importance of clearer explanations regarding mangrove criteria and the significance of site selection. These constructive suggestions provide valuable insights for enhancing the program’s content and addressing potential gaps in participants’ understanding.

Overall, the survey findings indicate a high level of satisfaction among participants regarding the program’s ability to meet expectations in terms of providing hands-on learning opportunities and practical experience in mangrove conservation. Participants recognized the program as a valuable opportunity for students to gain practical experience and knowledge in the field. The feedback received contributes to the program’s continuous improvement by providing recommendations for further enhancing participants’ learning experience and addressing logistical concerns, such as facility comfort.

3. How well did the program facilitators guide and facilitate the activities?

The average satisfaction rating for the program facilitators was 4.5, indicating a high level of satisfaction among respondents. The majority of participants rated the facilitators highly, with the most common rating being 5. This positive feedback indicates that the program facilitators demonstrated their competence and skill in guiding and facilitating the activities.

Respondents expressed appreciation for the guidance and facilitation provided by the program facilitators. They recognized their effectiveness in leading the activities and ensuring a smooth execution of the program. The facilitators’ ability to effectively fulfill their role and responsibilities contributed to the overall positive perception of the program.

The responses exhibited consistency, with the majority of ratings falling between 4 and 5. This consistency suggests that the program facilitators consistently performed well throughout the program, maintaining a high level of engagement and support for the participants.

In conclusion, the survey findings demonstrate that the program facilitators received positive feedback and were successful in guiding and facilitating the activities of the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme. The high satisfaction ratings and consistent responses reflect the facilitators’ competence and effectiveness in their role, contributing to the overall success of the program.

4. Did the program effectively raise your awareness about the importance of mangrove conservation? Please share your thoughts.

Out of the 30 respondents, 23 indicated that the program effectively raised their awareness about the importance of mangrove conservation. The majority of participants acknowledged the benefits and significance of mangroves in environmental preservation. They highlighted specific roles, such as binding river banks, acting as breakwaters, preventing erosion, protecting the land, and maintaining ecological balance.

Respondents recognized the program’s initiative to address the global loss of mangrove habitats and the role of mangroves in mitigating climate change. They demonstrated an understanding of the importance of conserving mangroves for the well-being of the environment and society.

However, a few respondents expressed a desire for more knowledge and information about the benefits of mangroves. They indicated a need for further understanding of the positive impacts and ecosystem services provided by mangroves. This suggests an opportunity for the program to provide additional information and resources to enhance participants’ knowledge and awareness of the topic.

In conclusion, the survey findings indicate that the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme was generally effective in raising awareness about the importance of mangrove conservation. Respondents displayed an understanding of the significance of mangroves in environmental protection. However, there is a suggestion from some participants to provide more information to further enhance their knowledge and awareness of the subject matter.

5. How useful were the resources provided, such as the Mangrove Forest Tree Identification and Geotagging mobile app and online database, in enhancing your understanding and engagement with the program? Please elaborate.

Out of the respondents, 18 participants found the resources to be highly useful in enhancing their understanding and engagement with the program. The majority of respondents appreciated the Mangrove Forest Tree Identification app as a valuable tool for quickly identifying mangrove species through QR code scanning. They also praised the Geotagging mobile app for its assistance in accurately storing data in the online database and providing information about the tagged trees.

Respondents expressed that the resources were helpful in various aspects, such as learning about different mangrove species, locating planted mangroves, understanding the ecosystem, and tracking progress. They particularly appreciated the user-friendly interface of the app and its features, including image recognition, detailed descriptions, and interactive keys for species identification.

However, there were suggestions for improvement. Some participants recommended making the resources, especially the mobile app, compatible with iOS devices to ensure wider accessibility. There were requests for offline functionality, considering the challenges of internet connectivity in mangrove areas. Respondents also mentioned the importance of updating the database after submitting data and raised concerns about GPS accuracy and app performance.

In addition, there were miscellaneous comments, including requests for sharper digging tools and expressions of enjoyment in geotagging activities.

In conclusion, the survey findings indicate that the provided resources, such as the Mangrove Forest Tree Identification and Geotagging mobile app and online database, were perceived as useful in enhancing participants’ understanding and engagement with the program. The app’s ability to identify mangrove species and the geotagging feature received positive feedback. However, there are suggestions for improving compatibility, offline functionality, database updates, and addressing GPS accuracy and app performance issues.

6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well were the boat excursions and firefly-watching activity organized?

The average satisfaction rating for the organization of these activities is 4.8, indicating a high level of satisfaction among respondents. The majority of participants rated the organization with top scores, highlighting their positive experience. They expressed appreciation for the smooth coordination and management of the boat excursions and firefly-watching, indicating an enjoyable and memorable experience.

The positive feedback suggests that participants felt satisfied with the arrangements made for these activities, reflecting the efforts put into their organization. However, a few respondents provided slightly lower ratings of 4, indicating that there is some room for improvement. Although these participants felt that certain aspects could have been better, their overall satisfaction with the organization remains intact.

In conclusion, the survey findings indicate that the boat excursions and firefly-watching activity were generally well organized. The majority of respondents had a positive experience and expressed satisfaction with the arrangements made for these activities. While there is some feedback for improvement, the overall sentiment remains positive, highlighting the successful organization of these activities.

7. Considering the value provided, did you find the fee collected for food, boat rides, and the firefly-watching activity to be reasonable? Please explain.

Out of the respondents, 27 indicated that they found the fee collected for these activities to be reasonable, highlighting a positive sentiment towards the pricing. Participants expressed satisfaction with the value provided, acknowledging the opportunity to experience activities such as boat rides and firefly-watching at a relatively low cost. They mentioned that the fee was worth it considering the valuable experiences and the opportunity to learn and explore. Overall, there was a recognition of the reasonable pricing for the activities and services offered, with respondents finding the fee affordable and providing good value for money.

However, there were a few participants who provided mixed feedback. They mentioned that the fee for the boat ride was expensive, particularly for students. While the majority found the fee reasonable, these participants felt that it could be more affordable or adjusted to better accommodate students. This feedback suggests that there could be room for considering different pricing structures or discounts to better cater to the needs and affordability of student participants.

In conclusion, the survey findings indicate that the fee collected for food, boat rides, and the firefly-watching activity was generally perceived as reasonable by the participants. The majority expressed satisfaction with the value provided and considered the fee affordable and worth the experience. However, there were suggestions for potential adjustments in pricing to better accommodate students. Taking this feedback into account can help ensure the overall value and sustainability of the program while considering the financial constraints of different participant groups.

8. Would you be willing to pay additional fees for transportation (e.g., bus), program merchandise (e.g., t-shirt), or other related expenses in future programs?

A significant portion of respondents expressed their willingness to pay additional fees, indicating that they value the program and its offerings. Some participants explicitly stated their willingness to invest more to enhance their experience or support the program. This willingness to pay additional fees reflects the perceived value and importance of the program to participants.

However, the willingness to pay is contingent upon the specific items or services offered. Many respondents indicated that their willingness to pay depends on the clarity and details provided about what they would be paying for. Participants expressed the need for transparency and information before making a decision. Their willingness to pay additional fees is driven by the alignment of the items or services with their expectations and preferences.

It is also important to note that there is a segment of participants who expressed a preference against paying additional fees. Some may have budget constraints or personal preferences that make them hesitant to incur additional expenses. Respecting and accommodating the preferences of these participants is crucial to ensure inclusivity and accessibility.

In conclusion, the survey findings indicate that participants are generally willing to pay additional fees for transportation, program merchandise, or other related expenses in future programs. However, the specific items or services offered and the clarity of information provided will greatly influence their decisions. Balancing the needs and preferences of participants who are willing to pay with the considerations of those who may be hesitant or unable to pay additional fees will be essential in designing future programs that cater to a diverse range of participants.

9. Did your understanding of the principles, theory, development process, system architecture, and functioning of the Mangrove Forest Tree Identification and Geotagging mobile app and online database increase as a result of your participation in the program?

The average satisfaction rating indicates a moderate level of improvement in participants’ understanding. Several participants reported a significant increase in their understanding, as reflected in their high ratings. The program appears to have effectively contributed to enhancing participants’ knowledge and comprehension of the app and database.

However, there were mixed responses among participants. Some reported a moderate increase in their understanding, while others indicated a limited improvement. It is important to consider that participants may have had varying levels of technical knowledge or familiarity with the app and database prior to the program, which could influence their perceptions of improvement.

There were also a few participants who expressed the need for improvement in their understanding or suggested areas for enhancement. They may have expected more in-depth explanations or training on the principles, theory, development process, system architecture, and functioning of the app and database. Addressing these concerns could be achieved through additional resources, clearer explanations, or incorporating more hands-on activities to further enhance participants’ understanding.

Overall, the survey findings indicate that the program had a positive impact on participants’ understanding of the app and database. However, the extent of improvement varied among participants. To ensure a more comprehensive understanding, it may be beneficial to offer ongoing support, provide clearer explanations, or create opportunities for participants to engage with the app and database beyond the program duration. This continuous learning approach would contribute to enhancing participants’ technical knowledge and proficiency in utilizing the app and database effectively.

10. Based on your overall experience, would you be interested in participating in future CSR programs organized by UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun?

The majority of participants expressed a definite interest in participating in future programs, with 19 respondents indicating a “Yes” response. This high level of interest reflects the success of the program in engaging participants and leaving a positive impression. Participants showed enthusiasm and willingness to continue their involvement in similar initiatives.

Additionally, 11 respondents selected “Maybe,” indicating a conditional interest in participating in future programs. These participants expressed the need for more information about the program content and activities before committing. Their conditional interest emphasizes the importance of designing engaging and meaningful programs that align with participants’ interests and expectations.

Overall, the survey findings indicate a positive response towards future CSR programs organized by UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun. The program has successfully generated a high level of interest and satisfaction among participants, fostering a desire for continued involvement. To sustain this positive momentum, it is crucial for future programs to deliver valuable and engaging content while considering participants’ preferences and expectations during the planning phase. By doing so, the organizers can ensure continued participant engagement and satisfaction in future CSR initiatives.

11. How likely are you to recommend the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme to others? Please share your reasons for recommending or not recommending the program.

The majority of participants, 28 respondents, expressed a strong likelihood to recommend the program to others. They found the program enjoyable, fun, and beneficial in terms of learning and hands-on experiences. Participants highlighted the value of the program, including the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, learn about mangrove ecosystems, and contribute to nature. They emphasized the rare experiences offered by the program and the knowledge gained about mangrove conservation and ecosystem preservation. The implementation of Geographic Information System (GIS) and database systems for storing and accessing information was also mentioned as a positive aspect.

Participants provided reasons for recommending the program, including its valuable educational experience, deepening understanding of mangrove conservation and ecosystem balance, and the importance of community work. They viewed the program as an opportunity to contribute to nature, learn new things, gain experiences, and create awareness among their friends and peers. The program’s impact on the community, alignment with personal values, transparency in operations, effective volunteer engagement, reputation, and inclusivity were noted as factors contributing to their recommendation. Participants also highlighted the program’s ability to increase knowledge, raise awareness, and provide a valuable learning experience for students and individuals.

While some participants offered suggestions for improvement or noted areas that require further development, these considerations did not diminish their overall recommendation of the program.

Based on the survey findings, it can be concluded that the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme has generated a high level of recommendation among participants. The program’s positive impact, valuable learning experiences, community involvement, and focus on mangrove conservation were key factors influencing participants’ likelihood to recommend it. To ensure continued success, future programs should address areas for improvement while maintaining the program’s educational value, engaging activities, and opportunities for participants to contribute to environmental conservation.

12. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme?

Participants expressed overall satisfaction with the program, describing it as wonderful, fun, and fantastic. They found the program to be a useful and educational experience, providing them with new knowledge and exposure to the mangrove ecosystem. Participants appreciated specific aspects of the program, such as watching fireflies, visiting Kg. Sg. Timun, and engaging in activities like the boat trip and planting. The beauty of the surroundings, particularly the sight of fireflies at night, was mentioned as a highlight. The food provided during the program was generally described as delicious.

Some participants provided suggestions for areas of improvement. They mentioned the unavailability of advertised activities like “lokan” catching and crocodile watching, which were expected but not provided. Facilities, including the surau (prayer room) and toilets, were mentioned as areas that could be enhanced for participants’ convenience. One participant suggested the provision of bigger shovels for the planting activities to increase efficiency.

A few participants had no additional comments or did not share anything specific about their experience. Some mentioned that the program was worth the money paid, while one participant noted that the cost of the food was slightly pricey.

Overall, the feedback received from participants was largely positive, indicating their enjoyment and satisfaction with the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme. The program was seen as a valuable learning experience that allowed participants to explore the environment, learn about mangroves, and engage in enjoyable activities. The suggestions for improvement, such as including advertised activities and enhancing facilities, should be considered for future programs. Additionally, addressing pricing concerns may further enhance participants’ satisfaction with the program.


In conclusion, the detailed findings and analysis of the survey responses provide valuable insights into participants’ experiences and perceptions of the UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme. Overall, the program received positive feedback, with participants expressing satisfaction and appreciation for the educational experiences, engaging activities, and opportunities to contribute to mangrove conservation. The majority of participants showed a willingness to pay additional fees for program expenses, indicating their recognition of the value provided. However, it is important to consider the preferences and budget constraints of participants who may be hesitant to incur extra costs. The program was successful in increasing participants’ understanding of the mobile app and online database, although there were varying levels of improvement reported. To ensure comprehensive comprehension, future programs could provide additional resources and clearer explanations. Participants demonstrated a high level of interest in participating in future CSR programs organized by UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun, highlighting the positive impact of the current program and the importance of delivering valuable and engaging content in future initiatives. Additionally, participants expressed a strong likelihood of recommending the program to others, emphasizing the educational value, hands-on experiences, and positive community impact as key reasons for their recommendation. The feedback also highlighted specific areas for improvement, such as the inclusion of advertised activities, enhanced facilities, and addressing pricing concerns. By considering these suggestions and insights, future iterations of the program can be further optimized to meet the participants’ expectations and ensure a successful and meaningful CSR experience for all involved.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Comprehensive Analysis of Survey Feedback: UTM and Kg. Sg. Timun CSR Programme. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 22 June 2023).
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