Unlocking Textual Insights: The Power and Applications of Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Source: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/11/a-beginners-introduction-to-ner-named-entity-recognition/

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

Named Entity Recognition (NER), often referred to as entity chunking, extraction, or identification, is a vital process in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It revolves around the identification and classification of crucial information, known as entities, within text. These entities can be single words or phrases consistently referring to the same concept. Through NER, we can automatically categorize these entities into predetermined classes, such as “Person,” “Organization,” “Time,” “Location,” and more. This computational feat yields valuable insights from extensive textual data and finds its application across a plethora of scenarios.

The Mechanism Behind NER

NER models primarily operate through a two-step approach:

  1. Detecting Named Entities: This pivotal step involves the identification of words or phrases representing entities. For instance, consider the sentence “Google’s headquarters are situated in Mountain View.” Here, the entities “Google” and “Mountain View” are discerned.
  2. Categorizing Entities: Once pinpointed, these entities are then assigned to predefined categories, such as identifying “Google” as an “Organization” and “Mountain View” as a “Location.”

Categories of Recognised Entities

Typical entity categories encompass:

  • Person: Names of individuals like “Shah Deans” and “Zai Jane.”
  • Organization: References to companies or institutions, such as “Google” or “University of Nottingham.”
  • Time: Temporal indications like “2003,” “16:34,” or “2am.”
  • Location: Place names including “Forest Fields” and “Hyson Green.”
  • Work of Art: Titles of creative works like “Bohemian Rhapsody” or “The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France”

Importantly, these categories can be tailored to the task’s specific requirements or custom ontologies.

The Real-World Significance of NER

NER proves invaluable across a diverse array of contexts, including:

  • Human Resources: Condensing CVs for efficient hiring processes, categorizing employee inquiries.
  • Customer Support: Grouping user requests, complaints, and questions for quicker responses.
  • Search and Recommendation Engines: Elevating the speed and relevance of search results, much like Booking.com.
  • Content Classification: Profiling themes and subjects within blog posts and news articles.
  • Healthcare: Extracting crucial details from medical reports.
  • Academia: Summarizing research papers and making historical newspapers searchable.

Getting Started with NER

For those interested in harnessing NER’s capabilities for their projects or enterprises, a systematic approach is recommended (Marshall, 2019):

  1. Choose an NER Library: Opt for established open-source libraries like NLTK, SpaCy, or Stanford NER.
  2. Label Your Data: Assemble a dataset with annotated entities and relevant categories tailored to your task.
  3. Train Your Model: Employ the annotated dataset to train your NER model to proficiently recognize and categorize entities.
  4. Implement NER: Deploy the trained model to analyze and process text data, unveiling crucial information.


Named Entity Recognition stands as a formidable tool in NLP, facilitating automatic identification and categorization of specific entities in text. Its potential is far-reaching, from streamlining customer support to optimizing search engines and content classification. With accessible NER libraries and customizable labeled datasets, integrating NER into your projects is an achievable endeavor that promises enhanced insights and efficiency.

Reference: Marshall, C. (2019). What is named entity recognition (NER) and how can I use it? [Online] Available at: https://medium.com/mysuperai/what-is-named-entity-recognition-ner-and-how-can-i-use-it-2b68cf6f545d (Accessed: 19 August 2023).

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Unlocking Textual Insights: The Power and Applications of Named Entity Recognition (NER). [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=6696 (Accessed: 20 August 2023).
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