GIS Jokes

  1. Why did the GIS analyst bring a ladder to work?
    Because they wanted to take their analysis to a whole new level!
  2. Why don’t GIS professionals ever get lost?
    Because they always know the coordinates of their destination!
  3. How do GIS experts navigate through a forest?
    They use tree-mendous spatial analysis!
  4. Why was the GIS technician always calm under pressure?
    Because they knew how to stay within their spatial limits!
  5. Why did the GIS map file apply for a job?
    Because it wanted to find a good “location” to settle down!
  6. Why did the GIS specialist always carry a map and a calculator?
    Because they believed in the power of “map-thematics”!
  7. How does a GIS analyst tell a joke?
    They map it out for you, one layer at a time!
  8. What did the GIS manager say when asked about their favorite place on Earth?
    “It’s a tough decision, but I’ll have to create a multi-layered map to answer that!”
  9. Why did the GIS software go to therapy?
    Because it had too many unresolved spatial issues!
  10. What do GIS professionals say when they’re about to start a project?
    “Let’s put the ‘geo’ in ‘geek’!”
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