Overcoming Challenges in GIS Software System Course: Lessons from Semester 2, 2022/2023

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


Hello, exceptional students! As we reflect on Semester 2, 2022/2023 in the GIS Software System course, it’s crucial to recognize the challenges we faced and the valuable lessons we’ve learned. These challenges have provided us with insights that can guide incoming students, helping them avoid repeating the same issues in the upcoming semesters. In this article, we’ll delve into these challenges in more detail, provide concrete examples, and outline how we can share our experiences to ensure a smoother journey for future students.

1. Programming Challenges: Examples and Lessons

Let’s begin by discussing the programming challenges we encountered during our semester. We might have felt apprehensive or struggled with developing applications for various platforms, such as desktop, web, cloud, or mobile. Here’s how we can frame our experiences as lessons for incoming students:

Example: During our semester, we were tasked with creating a mobile application to display geospatial data creatively. While we excelled in designing a user-friendly interface, handling geospatial data in the code posed challenges.

Lesson: Incoming students can prepare by dedicating more time to learn programming languages and seeking assistance from lecturers, classmates, and online coding communities. Understanding that programming is a skill honed through practice can help them overcome this hurdle more effectively.

2. Time Management: Examples and Lessons

Effective time management is paramount to academic success. Late submissions and incomplete coursework were challenges we faced. Here’s how we can present our experiences as lessons:

Example: We were given two weeks to complete a GIS project involving extensive data processing. Unfortunately, some of us started working on it just a week before the deadline.

Lesson: Incoming students can benefit from our experiences by implementing better time management strategies. Setting deadlines for each phase of assignments and partnering with classmates for accountability can enhance their efficiency.

3. Discipline in Learning: Examples and Lessons

Maintaining discipline in a physical classroom environment is crucial. Challenges included getting easily distracted during in-person lectures or lab sessions. Let’s draw lessons from our experiences:

Example: During in-person lab sessions, some of us found it challenging to resist distractions like working on unrelated tasks on the computer, such as digitizing a map, instead of focusing on the lab activities.

Lesson: We can emphasize the importance of staying fully engaged and dedicated to the tasks at hand during lab sessions for incoming students. Encouraging them to prioritize lab-related activities can significantly enhance their discipline in learning.

4. Asking Questions: Importance and Sharing Our Lessons

Asking questions is fundamental to understanding complex concepts. It allows us to clarify doubts and gain deeper insights. Here’s how we can stress the significance of this practice:

Example: Some of us hesitated to ask questions when we didn’t understand a concept, fearing it might make us appear less knowledgeable.

Lesson: Incoming students should understand that there are no ‘dumb’ questions. They can learn from our experiences and actively seek clarification from professors and peers to enhance their understanding of course material.

5. Effective Digital Communication: Importance and Lessons Shared

In the digital age, effective communication is vital for staying informed and connected. Here’s how we can underscore its significance:

Example: Missing important messages, such as changes to project deadlines, due to oversight in reading emails carefully was a challenge.

Lesson: Incoming students should prioritize careful reading and prompt responses to digital messages. Our experiences can serve as a reminder to them about the importance of staying updated through effective digital communication.

6. Cultivating a Positive Attitude Towards Learning: Lessons for Growth

Our attitude towards learning can significantly impact our success in the course. Challenges, even though daunting, can be seen as opportunities for growth. Here’s how we can communicate this:

Example: Some of us encountered difficulties in managing the coursework load and felt stressed by the academic demands.

Lesson: We can encourage incoming students to embrace challenges with a positive attitude. Joining study groups, attending workshops, and seeking support can help them develop a more constructive mindset towards their studies.

7. Effective Feedback and Continuous Improvement: A Vital Lesson

One additional critical lesson we can impart to incoming students is the importance of providing feedback and actively participating in continuous improvement efforts. Our experiences can serve as a testament to the impact of constructive feedback.

Example: Throughout our semester, some of us hesitated to provide feedback on our learning experiences or suggestions for course improvement. This resulted in missed opportunities to enhance the learning environment.

Lesson: Incoming students should understand that their feedback is valuable. Encourage them to actively participate in course evaluations, surveys, and discussions. Our collective feedback can drive positive changes in the course structure and teaching methods.

8. Building a Support Network: Lessons in Collaboration

Collaboration and building a support network among peers can significantly enhance the learning experience. We can share how working together can make overcoming challenges more manageable.

Example: Some of us discovered the benefits of forming study groups and collaborating on projects after struggling to grasp complex concepts independently.

Lesson: Incoming students should be encouraged to collaborate, seek help from peers, and engage in group discussions. Our experiences highlight the advantages of learning together and leveraging collective knowledge.

9. Embracing Adaptability: A Key to Success

In the rapidly evolving field of GIS and geospatial technology, adaptability is a valuable skill. We can emphasize how adapting to change positively impacted our learning experiences.

Example: Adapting to new software or technologies introduced during the semester was challenging for some, but those who embraced change found it to be a valuable learning opportunity.

Lesson: Encourage incoming students to be open to change and to view it as an opportunity for growth. Highlight how adaptability can be a key factor in their success in this dynamic field.

A Serious Warning and a Call to Improvement

As we reflect on these challenges and the valuable lessons we’ve learned, let’s issue a serious warning and a call to improvement to incoming students:

Warning: The GIS Software System course is not without its difficulties. It will test your skills and dedication. Neglecting to address these challenges can result in missed opportunities and hinder your progress in this dynamic field.

Call to Improvement: However, these challenges are not insurmountable. By learning from our experiences and applying the lessons we’ve shared, incoming students can navigate this course more effectively. Let’s empower them to take proactive steps to ensure their success.

In Conclusion: Paying It Forward for Future Success

As we conclude our journey through Semester 2, 2022/2023, we find ourselves armed with invaluable insights for conquering challenges. By generously sharing our experiences and the lessons we’ve gathered along the way, we have the power to spare incoming students from stumbling into the same pitfalls. Let us diligently cultivate a nurturing learning environment, one where each new cohort of students takes up the mantle of knowledge passed down by their predecessors. In this collaborative cycle of wisdom, we lay the groundwork for future GIS Software System course takers to embark on their academic journeys well-prepared and poised for excellence.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Overcoming Challenges in GIS Software System Course: Lessons from Semester 2, 2022/2023. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=7030 (Accessed: 7 September 2023).
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