Assessing Your Readiness for GIS Undergraduate Studies: A Review of the GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

Are you considering a future in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and contemplating pursuing your undergraduate studies at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)? The GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz, hosted at, offers an insightful and user-friendly way to determine your readiness and suitability for GIS undergraduate programs. Let’s take a closer look at this engaging quiz designed to guide prospective students on their academic journey.

Ease of Access

The GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz is readily accessible online, making it a convenient tool for anyone interested in GIS studies at UTM. The straightforward design ensures that users can navigate the quiz effortlessly, creating a user-friendly experience from start to finish.

Self-Assessment Made Simple

The quiz comprises ten thoughtfully crafted questions, each requiring a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ response. These questions delve into various aspects of GIS and related fields, allowing respondents to self-assess their interest and qualifications. It’s an efficient and effective way to gauge your enthusiasm and readiness for GIS studies.

Tailored Recommendations

What sets this quiz apart is its ability to provide tailored recommendations based on your responses. Depending on the number of ‘Yes’ answers you provide, the quiz offers detailed justifications and suggestions for your academic and career path in GIS. It’s a personalized touch that helps individuals make informed decisions about their future studies.

A Sneak Peek into GIS

Through questions like, “Do you enjoy exploring geographic information and its applications in various fields?” and “Are you excited about the potential of GIS to contribute to sustainable development and decision-making?” the quiz gives prospective students a glimpse into the exciting world of GIS. It fosters curiosity and can inspire those who may not have considered GIS before.

Encouraging Exploration

The quiz encourages exploration, even for those who may not have initially considered GIS as their academic path. By providing recommendations for each level of interest, from “exceptional commitment” to “limited interest,” it allows users to reflect on their passions and aspirations. It’s a valuable tool for career guidance and self-discovery.

In conclusion, the GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz serves as an excellent resource for individuals contemplating their academic journey in GIS at UTM. Whether you’re already passionate about GIS or are just beginning to explore this dynamic field, this quiz offers valuable insights and personalized recommendations to help you make informed decisions about your future studies. It’s an engaging and informative tool that underscores UTM’s commitment to guiding students towards success in GIS and related disciplines.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Assessing Your Readiness for GIS Undergraduate Studies: A Review of the GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 23 September 2023).
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