Published Paper in International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability Vol 6 No 1-2 (2019)

THE KEY SUCCESS FACTOR OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM RE-IMPLEMENTATION IN TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD DISTRIBUTION, MALAYSIA: A CASE STUDY OF CHERAS TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD DISTRIBUTION STATION Fazilah Mat Yatim, Zulkepli Majid and Shahabuddin Amerudin Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Distribution has embarked on the development of a Geographical Information System (GIS) since the year 2009. The scope of work is to map and digitize all TNB distribution electrical assets and to systematically establish the customer’s database. In […]

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In today’s socially conscious environment, employees and customers place a premium on working for and spending their money with businesses that prioritize corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is an evolving business practice that incorporates sustainable development into a company’s business model. It has a positive impact on social, economic and environmental factors. As the use of corporate responsibility expands, it is becoming extremely important to have a socially conscious image. Consumers, employees and stakeholders are

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Generic Skills and UTM’s Graduate Attributes

INTRODUCTION In line with UTM’s vision and mission statements, the University is committed to graduating competent, creative and versatile professionals who are guided by high moral and ethical values in the service of God and mankind. This will require graduates with sound disciplinary and professional knowledge, high self-esteem and effective skills in communication, team working, problem-solving and lifelong learning. The University has therefore identified a range of attributes and generic skills which will enable our

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Very special instructions in the exam room for Geospatialist

You are trained to be a Geospatialist and not a story writer, answer point to point. If you have missed my classes and have not prepared, don’t waste your time, instead, pray to God. Do not unnecessarily smile at the person sitting next to you, they may also not know the answer, moreover, exam hall is not the right place for networking. Do not get nervous if your friend is taking more sheets, they may

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Geoinformatics Education and Training at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

By Mohamad Nor Said Mohamad and Ghazali Hashim, Department of Geoinformatics, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2013) Human resource development is a part of the major components that constitute a successful implementation of Geographical Information System (GIS). Technical knowledge and skill is always required in ensuring a GIS is applied effectively, no matter for what purpose. Hence, a properly designed curriculum at various levels of teaching and learning of the subjects

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Definition of GIS

GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems, but the “S” is increasingly being used to stand for science and studies as well. Geographic Information Science, and Geographic Information Studies are used increasingly. No universally agreed-upon definition has been put forth. Surprisingly, a number of GIS texts do not even attempt to define the term. Traditionally, GIS is a computer-based system for collecting, managing, analyzing, modeling, and presenting geographic data for a wide range of applications. Geographic

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Cartography has been defined by the International Cartographic Association as “the art, science and technology of making maps, together with their study as scientific documents and works of art.” It has also been defined as “the production—including design, compilation, construction, projection, reproduction, use, and distribution—of maps” (Thrower, 2008, p. 250) The term geographic cartography is frequently used to distinguish the kinds of maps that geographers use in world and regional studies to distinguish it from

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Prestasi Pencapaian eLPPT 2011-2019

Alhamdulillah, untuk lima tahun berturut-turut dari tahun 2015 sehingga 2019 saya dapat mengekalkan pencapaian markah eLPPT melebihi 90%. Segala puji dan syukur hanya untuk Allah SWT dan salawat dan salam untuk Nabi Muhammad SAW. Terima kasih kepada semua di atas pencapaian ini dengan bantuan dan kerjasama secara langsung dan tidak disedari, hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang layak membalasnya; khususnya buat keluarga, rakan-rakan seperjuangan dan semua pelajar-pelajar saya.

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What is the importance of literature review?

To conduct a literature review, researchers must first find all previous research done on the topic they are studying. This review of the literature provides a thorough introduction to the reader on the topic and presents all the analyses and findings of previous studies. Current researchers use these findings to develop their own research questions and eventually to create their own hypotheses on the topic that provides a focus for their explorations and analyses. The

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Bidang Tugas Seorang Pensyarah (DS45/DS51/DS52)

DS45/DS51/DS52 – Pensyarah JAWATAN: Pensyarah SENARAI TUGAS : 1. PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN Bidang kerja ini ditumpukan pada perkara yang berkaitan dengan pengendalian sesuatu matapelajaran yang merangkumi: Menyediakan jadual rancangan semester yang diedarkan kepada pelajar; Memeriksa jawapan; Mengadakan perkhidmatan bimbingan dan pemulihan; Memberi kuliah antara 2 kredit (30 jam) hingga ke-8 kredit (120 jam) setiap semester; Membuat penilaian keberkesanan pengajaran; Menyediakan alat bantu kuliah; dan Menyediakan rancangan dan bahan untuk penilaian bagi matapelajaran yang dikendalikan lengkap dengan

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Minda Lestari 2: Perkongsian Gaya Hidup Positif, Aktif dan Lestari

Berdasarkan pemerhatian awal dan beberapa siri pertemuan bersama beberapa unit/PTJ yang menyediakan pelbagai perkhidmatan berkaitan pendidikan dan penyelidikan, pihak UTM CS masih mendapati beberapa budaya lama yang dipraktikkan oleh warga kampus. Persekitaran warga kampus yang seharusnya ceria dan menghasilkan budaya kreatif merupakan salah satu elemen (tiang utama) dalam pembentukan budaya yang positif, aktif dan lestari 1. Budaya “Malu” Membawa Bekal Adalah diperhatikan budaya “tapau”, “bekal” dan “tupperware” yang sering dipraktikkan sekitar tahun 80-an dan 90-an

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Pembentangan Hasil Laporan Kajian Aplikasi Pemetaan Jenayah Juvana Menggunakan GIS

Putrajaya, 20 April 2016. Satu pembentangan laporan akhir kajian aplikasi pemetaan jenayah juvana di Semenanjung Malaysia menggunakan GIS telah dilaksanakan di Aras 36, Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat.

Pembentangan Hasil Laporan Kajian Aplikasi Pemetaan Jenayah Juvana Menggunakan GIS Read More »

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