Flood Hotspot Identification and Implications for Flood Preparedness

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article presents a comprehensive analysis of flood hotspots, areas highly susceptible to recurrent or severe flooding. It delves into the considerations for identifying these hotspots, focusing on the role of timeframes and frequency thresholds. The article explores various methodologies, data sources, regional variations, and the implications for flood risk mitigation and management, with a specific focus on Malaysia’s flood hotspot scenario until September 2023. Introduction Floods are complex natural phenomena […]

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Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pendahuluan Banjir adalah satu ancaman semulajadi yang melanda Malaysia dari semasa ke semasa, terutamanya semasa musim monsun timur laut. Kesan-kesan banjir boleh merosakkan harta benda, infrastruktur, dan mengancam keselamatan penduduk. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk memahami hotspot banjir, iaitu kawasan-kawasan yang berisiko tinggi mengalami banjir secara berulang. Maklumat terkini yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia (JPS Malaysia) mengenai jumlah hotspot banjir dan statistik mengikut negeri memberi gambaran mengenai kesiapsiagaan Malaysia

Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023 Read More »

Elevating SBEG3583 2023: Student Perspectives and Recommendations from Semester-End GIS Course Survey

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction The SBEG3583 Course Evaluation Survey, conducted at the end of Semester 2 in the 2022/2023 academic session, yielded valuable insights from students about their experiences in the GIS Software System course. This analysis delves into the findings and provides recommendations for improving the course based on both the quantitative data and qualitative comments from respondents. Knowledge Gained Students’ enthusiastic acknowledgment of the specific knowledge and skills acquired during the course underscores

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Enhancing the SBEG3583 GIS Software System Course: A Comprehensive Analysis of Student Feedback and Recommendations

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction The SBEG3583 Course Evaluation Survey for the GIS Software System course provided valuable insights into students’ perspectives on various aspects of the course, including course content, teaching methods, knowledge gained, and overall learning experience. The survey took place towards the conclusion of Semester 2 within the academic session of 2022/2023, and it garnered responses from 33 students who were enrolled in the SBEG3583 GIS Software System course. The findings suggest several

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Analisis dan Komen Mengenai Laporan Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Kewangan Malaysia pada Suku Kedua 2023

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pada tarikh 18 Ogos 2023, Bank Negara Malaysia telah menerbitkan laporan mengenai perkembangan ekonomi dan kewangan Malaysia pada suku kedua tahun 2023. Laporan ini memberikan gambaran yang mendalam mengenai prestasi ekonomi negara dalam tempoh yang diulas. Mari kita lihat secara kritikal dan memberikan komen mengenai beberapa aspek yang diberikan dalam laporan ini. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi yang Sederhana Menurut laporan, ekonomi Malaysia mengalami pertumbuhan sederhana sebanyak 2.9% pada suku kedua tahun 2023. Walaupun pertumbuhan

Analisis dan Komen Mengenai Laporan Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Kewangan Malaysia pada Suku Kedua 2023 Read More »

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