
Review Article: World Sees Record Heat Waves

The article by Anna Fleck discusses global heatwaves and presents preliminary data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) regarding recent temperature records. It highlights that the world has just experienced the hottest week on record (average July 3-9) following the hottest June on record. The article provides examples of temperature records being broken in various regions around the world. In South Asia, an exceptional heatwave occurred in April and May 2023, resulting in national temperature […]

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Utilising GIS for Heat Wave Management: Mapping, Modelling, Analysis, and Prediction

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Heat waves pose a growing threat to society, necessitating effective management strategies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offer a range of technical tools, techniques, and methods to handle and mitigate the impacts of heat waves. By leveraging GIS capabilities such as mapping, modeling, analysis, and prediction, we can enhance our understanding of heat waves and implement targeted strategies to protect vulnerable populations, optimize urban planning, and foster climate resilience. This article explores the

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Understanding Heat Waves: A Growing Threat and Path to Solutions

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Heat waves, extreme climate events characterized by prolonged periods of high temperatures, are posing an increasing threat to our society and the environment. Their frequency, intensity, and duration are expected to rise throughout the 21st century. In this article, we will explore the key insights from recent research on heat waves, their impact on society and the environment, and propose short and long-term solutions to address this pressing issue. Understanding Heat Waves

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