
Enhancing GIS Master’s Programs: Strategies for Attracting Students in Malaysia

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In recent years, the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has witnessed significant growth and transformation. As GIS technology becomes increasingly essential in various industries, the demand for skilled GIS professionals is on the rise. However, some universities, including institutions like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), have faced challenges in attracting students to their GIS Master’s programs. In this article, we will delve into the strategies universities can employ to address these […]

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Enhancing Enrollment in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Master’s Programs: A Case Study of UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a pivotal role in today’s data-driven world, offering applications across various sectors, including urban planning, environmental management, and business analytics. The growing demand for GIS professionals underscores the importance of robust GIS education programs. However, universities worldwide, including institutions like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), have encountered challenges in attracting students to their GIS Master’s programs. This article investigates the factors contributing to low enrollment in GIS

Enhancing Enrollment in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Master’s Programs: A Case Study of UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) Read More »

Pelajar Pascasiswazah atau Pembantu Penyelidik di dalam bidang GIS

Mencari seorang pelajar Pascasiswazah (Master atau PhD) atau Pembantu Penyelidik untuk menjalankan penyelidikan berkenaan dengan “APLIKASI AGENT-BASED MODELLING (ABM) DAN GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) UNTUK PENGANALISAAN DAN PERAMALAN CORAK-CORAK JENAYAH”. Bidang kerja: – Membangunkan pangkalan data GIS – Membangunkan model ABM – Menjalankan analisa dan ramalan corak jenayah – Menulis laporan dan kertas kerja Calon yang mempunyai latar-belakang di dalam bidang GIS/geospatial/komputer sains/berkaitan adalah sangat-sangat dialukan. Calon yang berjaya akan diberikan elaun bulanan dan panduan

Pelajar Pascasiswazah atau Pembantu Penyelidik di dalam bidang GIS Read More »

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