Enhancing GIS Master’s Programs: Strategies for Attracting Students in Malaysia

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


In recent years, the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has witnessed significant growth and transformation. As GIS technology becomes increasingly essential in various industries, the demand for skilled GIS professionals is on the rise. However, some universities, including institutions like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), have faced challenges in attracting students to their GIS Master’s programs. In this article, we will delve into the strategies universities can employ to address these challenges and make their GIS programs more appealing to prospective students.

Marketing and Promotion

One of the primary challenges universities face is raising awareness about their GIS programs. To tackle this issue, institutions like UTM can invest in effective marketing strategies.

  1. Targeted Marketing: UTM should engage in targeted marketing efforts, reaching out to potential students interested in GIS. This includes running online advertising campaigns, maintaining an active presence on social media, and participating in education fairs and conferences.
  2. Engaging Online Presence: A well-designed website with comprehensive program information, student testimonials, and success stories can attract and retain the interest of prospective students.
  3. Leveraging Alumni Networks: UTM can harness the power of alumni networks by sharing stories of successful GIS program graduates who have gone on to have rewarding careers.
  4. Collaborative Content: Collaborating with industry experts to create content such as webinars, workshops, or articles can highlight the relevance and importance of GIS skills in various industries.

Program Tailoring

To cater to a broader range of student interests, UTM can consider tailoring its GIS program.

  1. Curriculum Flexibility: Evaluating and adapting the GIS program’s curriculum to ensure it’s flexible and up-to-date with industry trends is crucial. Offering elective courses or specializations can cater to a wider range of student interests.
  2. Interdisciplinary Approach: Incorporating interdisciplinary elements, such as GIS applications in environmental science, urban planning, business analytics, or healthcare, can attract a broader audience.
  3. Online and Part-Time Options: Offering online or part-time study options can accommodate working professionals seeking to enhance their skills without leaving their jobs.

Financial Incentives

Financial considerations can be a significant factor for prospective students.

  1. Scholarships and Financial Aid: UTM can provide scholarships, grants, or financial aid to qualified students, making the program more financially accessible.
  2. Tuition Fee Options: Offering flexible tuition fee payment plans or discounts for early applicants can ease the financial burden of pursuing a Master’s degree.

Industry Partnerships

Collaborating with industry partners can significantly enhance the attractiveness of a GIS program.

  1. Internship and Job Placement Programs: UTM can establish partnerships with industry players to provide internship opportunities and job placement assistance for graduates. This demonstrates clear career pathways for students.
  2. Guest Lecturers and Workshops: Inviting professionals from the GIS industry to give guest lectures, conduct workshops, or participate in career panels can enhance the program’s credibility and connect students with potential employers.
  3. Research Collaborations: Foster research collaborations with industry partners, showing how GIS research can address real-world challenges. Such collaborations provide students with opportunities to engage in meaningful projects.

Addressing Institutional Barriers

To improve enrollment, universities like UTM must also address specific institutional barriers.

  1. Admission Process: Evaluate and potentially adjust admission requirements to ensure they are reasonable and accessible to a diverse pool of applicants.
  2. Support Services: Enhance student support services, including academic advising, career counseling, and mental health support, to create a supportive learning environment.
  3. Diversity and Inclusion: Promote diversity and inclusion within the program to attract a wide range of students. Encourage an inclusive culture that values different perspectives and backgrounds.


Attracting more students to GIS Master’s programs in Malaysia, such as at UTM, requires a multifaceted approach. Universities must combine effective marketing, program adaptation, financial incentives, industry engagement, and the removal of institutional barriers to create programs that are both attractive and accessible to a diverse group of students. By implementing these strategies, institutions can increase enrollment and produce graduates who are well-prepared for the growing job market in the field of Geographic Information Systems.


Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Enhancing GIS Master's Programs: Strategies for Attracting Students in Malaysia. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=6983 (Accessed: 4 September 2023).
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