Community is a group of people living in the same palce or having a particular characteristic in common. E.g. Muslim community, Malaysia community, Putrajaya community. Then a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals is essential to tie them up.

For muslim, there are four fundamental elements to develop solid community:
1. Healthy relationship with AlQuran – Understand in deep and meaningful way. Deeper and evolving over the time. Halaqah of Al Quran means community exercise to understand Al Quran comprehensively.
2. Engage in our solat – Have heart and concious in our solat. It is the real way to remember Allah is through practicing quran in solat.
3. Solat Jumaat – Muslim convention every week without marketing. Khutbah jumaat is the opportunity to connect them back to Al Quran. Then please talk productive things – something related, practical and can help the individual and community in their life.
4. Study of Sirah – Muslim cannot really feel islam without understand their struggle – e.g Nation teach history. This is the way to give them the national/islam identity.