Innovations in LnT: Sharing Session on NALI and AKRI Participants

Today, Prof Dr Zaidatun Tasir from Sekolah Pendidikan, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan gives talk about LnT NALI and AKRI. NALI is New Academia Learning Innovation. You can revised NALI here. AKRI is Anugerah Kecemerlangan Khas daripada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. This year NALI 2019 conference had been held on September 2019. Please visit here


Active Learning


Problem based learning – need cycle, problem formulation, weightage and assessment (triple jump). Indeed claim learning through problem or problem learning. Please visit

Students Centered Learning because four principles of

  1. Learning is personalized
  2. Students take ownership
  3. Learning can take time anytime and anywhere
  4. Competency based learning

Problem Based Learning for 21st Century Learning

  1. Step 1: Explore the issue.
    Gather necessary information; learn new concepts, principles, and skills about the proposed topic.
  2. Step 2: State what is known.
    Individual students and groups list what they already know about the scenario and list what areas they are lacking information.
  3. Step 3: Define the issues.
    Frame the problem in a context of what is already known and information the students expect to learn.
  4. Step 4: Research the knowledge.
    Find resources and information that will help create a compelling argument
  5. Step 5: Investigate solutions.
    List possible actions and solutions to the problem, formulate and test potential hypotheses
  6. Step 6: Present and support the chosen solution.
    Clearly state and support your conclusion with relevant information and evidence.
  7. Step 7: Review your performance.
    Often forgotten, this is a crucial step in improving your problem-solving skills. Students must evaluate their performance and plan improvements for the next problem.

Learning Evolution

  1. Theory of Inquiry (Dewey 1938) to community of Learning
  2. Learning in the community – web pages, LMS, FB Groups
  3. Learning with the Crowd – is now 21st century learning evolution

Now learning is social network relation, interact with societies,

Crowd learning activities

New Learning theories

  1. Location based theory
  2. Space Based theory
  3. Constructivism theory toward connectivism in digital age (learning is a process of connecting nodes or information sources).


Teaching Excellency System (TES) UTM

On 11 July 2019 (Wednesday), Dr Nihra share with us about Teaching Excellency System (TES). Basically TES is about compilation for our teaching development. For kenaikan pangkat, the lecturer must get DCP bend more than 2.33 for VK7 and bend more than 2.1 for DS54. You can access TES through on academic module.

For individual, we can access our academic profile through ( Learning boleh akses sini ( -> hanya bos sahaja boleh akses ye (coordinator – in Razak Faculty Dr Syahid).

Basically there are two elements within TES – teaching portfolio (as a platform untuk maklumat pencapaian serta keupayaan staf akademik untuk menguasai kompetensi asas (KA) dan kompetensi dibezakan (KD) dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Another one is about a platform untuk memasukkan penilaian pengajaran daripada pakar dan rakan setugas bagi tujuan kenaikan pangkat. Terdapat 7 modul dalam TES iaitu:

Module 1 – Blended Learning.
Sila rujuk sini untuk faham eLearning

Module 2 – OBE.
OBE lebih lanjut sila rujuk sini

  1. CAR buat Manual – hantar kepada KJ
  2. Buat melalui sistem – Course Analysis using OBE (

Module 3 – NALI HIEPS
Sila klik sini untuk faham HIEPS
atau klik sini untuk faham tentang active learning

  1. Tanya student (access from ePPP) – ditanya daripada 3 perspektif – penyampaian, generic skill dan NALI. Selalunya pelajar tak berapa paham – so I need to explain to students every semester during the course.
  2. Dapatkan evidence daripada pensyarah (upload ke sistem)

Module 4 – Teaching Using Technology
Sila klik sini untuk faham teachning and technology
atau klik sini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang active learning dengan penggunaan technology

Module 5 – eCONTENT (e-kandungan asli terbuka) bonus for eLPPT
Boleh guna teknologi seperti di atas untuk membangunkan e-Content

Syarat diterima sebagai e-Content:

  1. Perlu dibangunkan sendiri oleh pensyarah.
  2. Tidak melanggar copyright license
  3. perlu open (online and can be access to everyone) – wordpress, youtube, padlets, facebook cannot only friends.
  4. Boleh apply untuk markah eLPPT melalui online……
  5. Tahap bahan kandungan
    1. Reseptif – pelajar hanya menerima kandungan pengajaran – 1 marks. e.g. pdf, teks, ppt yang pelajar boleh download sahaja.
    2. Interactive dalaman antara pelajar dan komputer – 2 markah
    3. Ada ciri sumbangsaran-5marks
      • Cooperative
  6. Mestilah education content/learning
    • can – video during our class
    • cannot be tazkirah, consultation, teaser bengkel dsb
    • cannot be double count (already got in eLearning – hence eLearning UTM )

Module 6 – Teaching Portfolio (modul 6) – end date July 2019 [new!!!]

Teaching portfolio – myutm UTMACAD > TESDCP
Idea asal daripada Royal Academy of Engineering

  1. Teaching Portfolio Course File (CAR File) – masukkan every semester (start this semester by July 2019). Masukkan CAR according to these:
  2. Self-Assessment & Reflection (upload sekali sahaja setahun – mptambil contoh daripada elearning Dr Nihra & benchmark based on rubrics yanng disediakan (Bend 1- Bend 4) – peringatan untuk key-in within 20 minutes duration before timeout.
  3. Professional Activities. Tarik from system. At least 40 credits untuk kenaikan pangkat.
    1. Formal professional activities -Appointed as teaching speaker, appointed as expert panel related to that subject.
    2. Informal professional activities – need to do report –
      • boleh guna pptx or docs untuk explain semua activities yang dijalankan. e.g. Dr Nihra used flipgrid (untuk flipclassroom) and show the evidence – activities, pictures, certificate involved.
      • Siapa rajin menulis sila buat karangan like teaching methodology – explain all about class session, active learning, dsb.
  4. Testimony and testimony (from others) – IMPACT
    1. Measures of student learning  – feedback and testimony. Gambar, makan, dsb.

Module 7 – Teaching Observation 

Need more info for this.

High Impact Educational Program

In my opinion, HIEPS comes from High-Impact Practices (HIPs). They share several traits:

  • They demand considerable time and effort,
  • facilitate learning outside of the classroom,
  • require meaningful interactions with faculty and students,
  • encourage collaboration with diverse others, and
  • provide frequent and substantive feedback

HIEPS teaching and learning practices have been widely tested and have been shown to be beneficial for college students from many backgrounds. These practices take many different forms, depending on learner characteristics and on institutional priorities and contexts. High-impact practices that educational research suggests increase rates of student retention and student engagement. Basically, these includes:

First Year Seminar/Experience
Service/Community Based Learning
Diversity/Global Learning
Collaborative Assignment & Project
Capstone Project
Empirical Research
Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessment

eLearning: How to embed active learning tools into eLearning?

Today, I learn a few digital application for eLearning extension. Some are good and easy to use.

  1. tes teach blend lesson – simple and what I like the most is the overview tes can gave us. You can search the content, drag drop and organize your content within one page. Wow! impressive – so me.
  2. Canvas – Azizul Azizan said this is more complicated but the comprehensive one.
  3. edmodo – being use by Dr Hafiza Abas, ask her if you want to learn more about it.
  4. padlets – ok this one has been introduced by PM Dr Norzairah in the early semester. Simple and suit me too – you can see everything within one view.

Find more Active Learning using Interactive Tools here

The most interesting part is – all of the application above can be embedded into UTM’s eLearning and counted as your CL1 (at least 7 learning sources). Using add URL – Make sure to tick and change the settings appearance from automatic to embed. The example is like the picture below:

UTM eLearning and Blended Learning

Blended learning is defined as the practice of combining both online and face to face learning experiences (30%-79% of the course content is delivered online). By referring to Dasar e-Pembelajaran Negara (DePAN 2.0) – 70% online learning by the year of 2020.

At UTM, to comply blended learning – we need to have these elements for each course:

  • A – at least 1 information in the introduction. Must upload the CLO
  • B – at least 7 resources – files, slides, journal, youtube, books.
  • C – at least 3 activities – forum, wiki, glossary, chat
  • D – at least 2 assignment submit through elearning
  • E – at least 28 hits average per student
 Each Public Universities need to ensure that the practice of blended learning (e-Learning) meets predefined conditions. These condition and practice of blended learning courses offered at UTM were evaluated and reported as follows:
1. Level 1 : Fulfill condition EL1 only; (CO)
2. Level 2 : Fulfills condition EL1 & EL2 / EL1 & EL3 / EL1 & EL4 / EL1 & EL5 only; (at least 50% of the total content or 7 units weekly lecture notes)
3. Level 3 : Fulfills condition EL1, EL2 / EL3 / EL4 and EL5 only; (organize at least 3 online learning activites during the semester. E.g forum, wiki)
4. Level 4 : Fulfills condition EL1, EL2, (EL3 + EL4) > 5 only; (using at least 2 online assessment during the semester. E.g. Assignment, quizzes)
5. Level 5 : Fulfills all condition EL1, EL2 , EL3 , EL4 and EL5; (Average access for each student to e-learning known as Active index greater than 28 times during the semester – at least 2 time per week)

Blended Learning Level:

CL1: Fulfils condition EL1 only;
CL2: Fulfils condition EL1 and EL2 / EL3 / EL4 only ;
CL3: Fulfils condition EL1, EL2 / EL3 / EL4 and EL5 only;
CL4: Fulfils condition EL1, EL2, EL3 and EL4 only;
CL5: All 5 elements of blended learning fulfils; and of course active index average access 28 times per semester per student.
Courses that belong to CL4 and CL5 level are considered as a blended learning courses.

Anugerah UTM eLearning and Blended Learning:

Achieve EL5 – Anugerah Pengajar eLearning paling aktif
Achieve CL5 – Anugerah Kursus Blended Learning paling aktif
(masukkan dalam eLPPT – anugerah & awards)

This is my results for the last semester. Alhamdulillah, got level 5 for UANP6013. Thanks to my active students and Dr Rasimah for great support. Insya Allah, we will try to achieve 5 for Business Strategy Management. Actually Prof Madya Dr Nor Zairah is very active at padlet – lets link the padlet into eLearning next semester.

Active Learning using Interactive Tools

Directory of Learning & Performance Tools

active learning  – Engaging Learners through active learning by Prof Khairiyah UTM

Bookends Approach

  • Advanced Organizer – introduce the topic 10-15 minutes
  • Intermittent Discussion – informal cooperative learning, repeated every 10-15 minutes
  • Closure Focused Discussion – summarize the class session around 5 minutes.

Update 19 feb 2020. Tools for active learning

  1. edpuzzle

Here is a directory that compile interactive tools online. This effort will support us to execute active learning in lecture. The directory contains over 1,000 entries in which categorized in four main areas – instructional tool, content devolopment tools, social tools, personal & professional tools.

Among the tools we can use:

1. Prezi – be careful, your audience can be dizzy

2. Padlet – organize and plan your padlet well – it can be your contents for eLPPT. CTL can give you extra marks if you really utlize your subject content here.

3. Kahoot – kahoot can lead you to edutainment ctl. There are a few of edutainment apps. We can download at CTL UTM

4. Powtoon – It is a powerful tool for us to animate the presentation tools. This will lead us to UTM-MIT-Blossoms.

5. Wideo – create video online

6. Creaza – Creaza is a digital learning tool that enables students to work with different subjects and topics by creating mind maps, presentation, comic strips, movies and audio productions.

7. Storybird – Visual storytelling for everyone. A plafform for writers and bloggers.

8. be funky – Photo editing & graphic design made for everyone.

9. Coggle – a clear way to share complex information – mind map.

Last but not least – we can use powerpoint – but put more on active learning activities (e.g. blank page in the middle of class, unique elements after 20 minutes lecture, a game or interactive picture. I think the most relevant and cute one is actually the storytelling element to help students understand the gist of our lecture in a narrative and interesting way).

Powerful Presentation

Handling students copies of your presentation – (e.g power point slides – hardcopy or elearning)

  • Before the class – they will be well prepared before the class and this can improve student learning, opportunities for active learning.
  • After the class – students underutilized the notes, they don’t pay attention during the class, refused to attend the class, fail to develop good note taking skills.”many students and teachers believe that writing down new information in their own fashion helps them learn”
    (Carrier et al, 1988).
  • Make up and organize your powerpoint.

 1. Prepare opening questions – please come out with positive and negative answer.

Reflect and relate this question with the topic we want to teach. And also relate with the

previous lesson.

2. Clarify the lesson’s objectives.

3. Ask students to think for 2 minutes

4. Ask students to stretch their body

5. Rearrange their positions from one position to others

6. Do active learning presentation

7. Pause every 12-15 minuters – what we should do?