Tarikh: 11-12 Februari 2020 (Selasa-Rabu)
Tempat: Dewan Merak, Level 2, Hotel D Palma Ampang.
- 10.30 am – Taklimat bengkel from PM Dr Suzana selaku Pengerusi Bengkel Strategik. Beliau mengharapkan percambahan idea secara profesional dalam berkongsi dan membangun peta strategik dan balance scorecared FTIR selaras dengan 6 KFA Utama UTM. Peta Strategik ini perlu dihantar pada 5 Mac 2020.
- 10.40 am – Ucapan Alu-aluan oleh Dekan. PM Dr Astuty Amrin mengingatkan untuk sama-sama bekerja lillahitaala. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan bukan sahaja dengan 100% eLPPT tetapi juga nikmat kesihatan yang masih diberikan oleh Allah SWT.
- KFA1 Excellence in Learning and Teaching, and Transformative
Campus Experience – Diketuai oleh PM Dr Khairur Rijal – tough job untuk semakan kurikulum. - KFA 2 Research Excellence, Industry and Community Engagement – Diketuai oleh Dr Nur Azaliah Abu Bakar
- KFA 3 Sustainable Campus, Infrastructure, Information and
Communication (ICT) System – Diketuai oleh Dr Norliza Mohammad - KFA 4 Talent Transformation, Governance and High Performance
Delivery – Diketuai oleh En Nasir - KFA 5 Advancement and Business Development for Financial
Sustainability – Diketuai oleh PM Dr Nazri Mahrin – Business Center (5 entities as income generator) to get 1Mill in 2020. - KFA 6 Global Prominence and Branding – Diketuai oleh PM Dr Nor Zairah Ab Rahim.
- KFA1 Excellence in Learning and Teaching, and Transformative
3. Prof Dr Shahrin bin Mohamad (Pro Naib Canselor Strategi UTM) fokus kepada pembangunan peta strategi dan balance scorecard.
- Realtime short time survey.
https://www.menti.com/mgcw9bx8pc – 42 27 27. - PGU 3 2020 – UTM able to get RU within 2 years by moving to the same direction. Get more from https://www.utm.my/smo/playbook-pgu-3-2020-utm-global-plan-phase-3-2020/
- There are 5 Big Things PGU III 2020.
- The Strategy Map
- Strategic Objectives by KFA
- The Key Amal Indicators and Targets
- The High Impact Programs
- Strategic Initiatives, Action Plan or activities
- Expected Headlines
- DNA UTM (9) to ISES (Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, Sustainability).
- UTM Strategy MAP 2020 UTM-STRATEGY-MAP-2020-02012020
Add new elements S2 – UTM Core Values-Driven Talents with Great Sense of Well-being (without we realized – we are the stakeholder of UTM). Need program for togetherness, happy, cheerful and – Great Sense of Well Being. New term for 2020 is ‘work-life integration’. Previously was ‘work-life balance’. - Bayaran utilities akan ditanggung oleh fakulti. Bajet adalah daripada peruntukan mengurus.
- Kurangkan birokrasi dan processing time.
- Kenaikan pangkat perlu lebih transparen dan processing time kenaikan pangkat dimaklumkan dalam tempoh 2 tahun.
- Realtime short time survey.
4. Prof Emeritus Dato’ Ir Ts Dr Zainai bin Mohamed (fasilitator and mentor FTIR)
- UTM History from 1904 (Technical School), 1972 National Institute of Technology (ITK) and 1975 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
- New campus in Johor 1985, Idea to become RU in 2001 (wowww the main idea basically from Dato’ Zainai). In 2006, Government announce 4 Research Universiti (UM, UPM, UKM, USM) and finally from 10th June 2010 – UTM become a Research University.
- PGU History
- PGU 2012-2020. PGU 1(2012-2014), PGU 2 (2015-2017 – comprehensive) and PGU 3 (2018-2020).
- PGU 3 2020-2025 – now we are here!
- Then 6 KFA are aligned based on PGU 3.
- Standard flow to develop the strategy.
- Part 1A: Understanding the status of the Organization
- Part 1B: Understanding environment & SWOT analytsis
- Part 1C: Envisioned future, core prupsoses and core values – vision & mission.
- Part 2A …
- Key Questions to answer
- What is FTIR core business – UTM core business is teaching, research and community contributions. Then FTIR need to align and focus within it.
- Academic – Executive & Profesional Program, executive program, academic teaching for profesional, industry based academia, life-long learning.
- Research – penyelidikan dan penerbitan, solve industry problem, industrial based problem, industry driven research,
- Services – consultation, capacity building, BATC, USR
- People – prominet & experienced staff, vibrant academia,
- Discipline – multi-disciplinary, industry relevant multi-discipline.
- Keyword for FTIR
- Money concious, income generator
- Strength
- Multidisciplinary
- Strategy location – KL
- Prominent Staff – expert
- Good brand #UTMRazak & QS Ranking
- Weaknesses
- Occupational stress – too many in my plate
- Superficial synergy
- Huge skill gap
- Internal long process
- Limited internal guidelines* policy
- Poor succession planning
- low student intake for student program
- Low number of professors
- FTIR is not well branded
- Enhancing of initiatives & experts in marketing & branding
- Insufficient future ready T&L facilities
- Lack of research labs’ equipment
- Insufficient budget for outbound faculty program.
- Insufficient staff/student facilities (vending machine,
- Utilization of partnerships with other academic institutions.
- Opportunity to develop extended program beyond/after EDGE Diploma, especially for government servant (Create Bachelor program).
- Opportunities
- Leverage the social media platform available to promote FTIR.
- Propose high impact research program – based on multi-disciplinary RG.
- Threat
- Limited industry & international grants
- limited central guidelines & policy. E.g. The policy for Blockchain.
- Ranking
- Similar program within university
- Similar program from other universities
- Facilities of other (faculties, institutions and companies)
- Competitive inbound programs
- Attention to trend and Event
- Identify critical trends –
- Require Higher qualification and professional experience among sfaff,
- Require more publications and high impact/high index,
- expected more collaboartion
- more demand for life long leanring
- commercialization of academic products
- KPI-focused performance
- more services to others
- more women work force
- Exposure to entrepreneurship education
- Trade war between USA and China
- Technology transofrmation continuous to change our life – 4ir, iot, big data, blockchain, TaaS, Automation.
- Uncertainties in higher education management.
- Identify potential events (confirm berlaku) an unambigious
- Less funding for public university
- Drop in world oil price in 2016
- Coronavirus 2020.
- Forecast event and trends
- Identify critical trends –
- Market Segmentation
- Society structure in Malaysia – T20, B40, M40
- Society structure & economic sectors – e.g. elite, occupational based.
- Then focus for certain market segmentation.
- What is FTIR core business – UTM core business is teaching, research and community contributions. Then FTIR need to align and focus within it.
- Utilize Multi-discipline of FTIR in problem solving especially for social problem, grants, etc.
- Organizational Growth curve (S Curve)
- Start up zone
- Growth zone
- Transformation zone
- Addressing National Policy Issues
- RMKe 11 2006 – 2020
- RMKe 12 2021-2025
- PPPM (PT) 2015 – 2015
- Others (within UTM)
- UTM HCBP 2013 -2020 Human Capital Blue Print
- UTM Plan Global 2020 – 2025
- Essential & Desired – Knowledge, Skills & Attribute (KSA)
- Desired State (Vision/Mission)
- Strategic Management is a future-oriented
- Envisioned future – mutual & matured engagement between UTMRazak & Industries. So far only a few researchers can do this.
- core values – Realitistics.
- core purposes – Nurture the nations/Malaysia
- Strategic Management is a future-oriented
- Desired State (Vision/Mission)