Creative Commons


Creative Commons (CC) is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work  From the web, by using  search in common button, we can search the materials (picture, video, text, graphics) from google, youtube, Flickr, music, wikimedia)

There are six license under CC:

Geng SPPT 1 Tahun 2017

I spend 3 weeks course (9 – 26 July 2017) with them. At Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL) UTM Johor Bahru.

Alhamdulillah – Nice people & good networking.

Seek refuge with Allah whenever you want to recite Al Quran

.. 98 ayat – Surah Al Nahl

Allah expect you to  seek for Allah refuge, whenever you want to recite Al Quran.

It will happen every single time when we want to engage with Al Quran (recite Al Quran, Solat) – Syaitan will Corrupt your experience with Allah – remember something else, misunderstand, misintepreted, not engage with the Al Quran

Genuinely need Allah to protect and guide us by reciting taawuz, Insya Allah.

Formative vs Summative


Assessment (Pentaksiran)

e.g. Course UANP6013, Peperiksaan mid-term (ada perjumpaan ibu bapa amek report card – feedback)

Evaluation (Penilaian)

e.g. Tesis Viva PhD
Tidak menilai process phd – hanya berdasarkan tesis. Sebab tu external perlu tanya SV tentang students capabilities.

Formative – continuous on going to improve learning Summative – final to gauge quality
Process-oriented: How learning is going Product-oriented: What’s been learned
Reflective: Internally defined criteria/goals Prescriptive: Externally imposed standards.
Diagnostic: Identify areas for improvement Judgemental: Arrive at an overall grad/score
Flexibile: Adjust as problems are clarified. Fixed: To reward success, punish failure

(memang bersifat competitive)

Absolute: Strive for ideal outcomes.

(Ikut minat pelajar)

Cooperative Competetive

Tips membetulkan homework anak.
Apabila ada homework yang salah, suruh anak jelaskan macamana dia buat (how knowledge) untuk dapat jawapan yang salah itu. Daripada penjelasan tersebut, kita kenalpasti dan terangkan kenapa dia salah (why knowledge). Kemudian baru betulkan semula (refine how and why knowledge) kesalahan tersebut.

Secara tidak langsung, sebenarnya kita telah berjaya mengajar anak tentang cara mereka berfikir (meta-cognitive knowledge) untuk dapatkan sebarang solusi terhadap masalah. Itulah dia roh berfikir aras tinggi (Higher Order Thinking Skills) dan itulah dia formative assessment.

Measurement Scales for Assessment and Evaluation

Previously, we use normal referenced test (ujian rujukan norma – Bell-shaped graph) to assess the students’ assessment. Now, when we move to OBE – we are hardly to get bell-shaped graph anymore. This is because formative assessment use criterion reference test. It is like measuring people’s height – most of Malaysian will be between 1.5-1.7 meters height. But it is still valid for summative evaluation (e.g final exam) to get the bell-shaped graph again.

Measurement scales Essential features Zero point Example
Nominal –
Hanya untuk nama sahaja – takde nilai nombor tersebut
Unordered categories Arbitrary (meaningless) Course code at university, postcode, jersey number, races
Ordinal –
Number ada pangkat (order)
– tidak boleh mencari nilai purata
Ordered categories Arbitrary Ribbons in a talent contest, a student’s percentile rank, Liekert Scale
Interval –
Equal units along the scale
Equal units along the scale. Arbitrary Fahrenheit, temperature
-skala yang paling banyak untuk memberi information
Equal units Absolute meaning (means tahu mana nilai 0) Kelvin temperature, disctance in kilometre.

Type of Classroom Test

Types of Classroom Test

Type Description Example
Placement test
  • Pretests designed that is before teaching process.
  • To identify the presence or absence of prerequisite skills.
  • Concern with the students; readiness to begin the instruction
  • Concern with the appropriateness of our planned instruction.
e.g. Ujian minat bakat, Myerr-Briggs Test

(assessment/ penaksiran)

  • For improvement
  • learning measures
  • decentralized
  • most student centered
  • direct measures
  • soundest evidence
  • least public
e.g. Quiz, presentation, group discussion
  • As needed during instruction.
  • To detect students learning difficulties.
  • To pinpoint the specific types of error each student is making.
  • Takes up where the formative test leaves off.
(evaluation/ penilaian)
  • For accountability
  • performance measures
  • centralized
  • least student centered
  • indirect measures
  • weakest evidence
  • most public
e.g. Final exam, phd viva.

Why we need OBE?

A. Why we need OBE?

No OBE means no accreditation by MQA. Based on Washington Accord (1989), by using OBE means the students as the product of OBE can work anyway in the country within/signed Washington Accord. Means our student capable to sell themselves internationally.

When you plan your teaching for a course, what is the first thing that you think about?

  • Duration/important tasks – Kokilavani
  • CO and previous CO.
  • My answer is ‘what I want my student to get?’ = outcomes

Fresh graduate students quality I am looking for.

  1. Problem solvers
  2. Quality of the education
  3. Motivation – self determination.
  4. Communicate well
  5. Cert for skills.

Employers rating of skills/quality (2002)

  1. Communication (verbal & written)

(2016, Jobstreet)

  • Command of English language
  • Weak of communication skills.
  1. Honesty/integrity
  2. Teamwork skills
  3. Interpersonal skills
  4. Strong work ethics
  5. Motivation & initiatives
  6. Flexibility/adaptability
  7. Analytical skills
  8. Computer skills
  9. Organizational skills
  10. Detail oriented
  11. Leadership skills
  12. Self confidence
  13. Friendly/outgoing personality
  14. Well mannered
  15. Tactifulness
  16. GPA (3.0 or better)
  17. Creativity
  18. Sense of humour
  19. Entrepreneurship

From 30 years Professor’s experience

Potential students for good job.  Even 3.9 CGPA Students’ – not ready for the industries. Because they are straight forward. When they come to industry which are open book, then there is no one ultimate answer. Then they don’t know what to answer. They fail.

Another story, 2.5 CGPA student is able to be with the fifth company because he always get better offer within 2 years. Because the quality of him as a human being (friendly, good communication skills, helpful).

How to improve soft skills

  • Doing part time job. e.g Starbucks, receptionist, janitor.
    • Doing part time job can increase the communication skills
    • Down to earth – know how to respect people, listen to people.
    • Experience nurture us to be more independent and appreciate value of life
    • More nature than
  • HOTS is better to be teach using natural activity instead of modules in the class.

Curriculum Design for Higher Education

Alhamdulillah, we have a wonderful session with Prof Madya Dr Ahmad Johari Sihes. From 215 pm to understand more about curriculum development at Dewan CTL UTM Johor Bahru.

Life Learning I learn from him today:
1. Don’t see others as unimportant’. Especially we as technology people vs social science people. I experienced these a lot of time. I took it as the different shool of thought. Hence it is not easy to change others’ mental model. So I just adjusting myself. But his advice is quite relevant – when us become the big people, don’t do these to other people.

  1. Don’t do syok sendiri research/curiculum – make sure do some needs analysis – then our curriculum will be more relevant since it must according to the analysis findings.

Academically, herewith is the key points he shared during the course.

Lecturer has 3P for curriculum design

  1. Perancang – merancang dan menyediakan kkurikulum
  2. Pelaksana – melaksankan kurikulum melalui pengajaran & pembelajaran
  3. Penilai – adakah kurikulum efektif? (pensyarah perlu nilai sendiri).

Proses Rancangan Pengajaran

  1. Kurikulum
  2. Silibus/maklumat kursus – gabungan ‘course outline’
  3. Rancangan Kerja
  4. Rancangan pengajaran

    What is curriculum

Kurikulum bukan bermaksud untuk akademik sahaja tetapi meliputi design secara keseluruhan dengan tujuan utama untuk membangunkan modal insan.  Design for Curriculum akademik adalah menyeluruh, berkos tinggi dan hidden curriculum sangat penting untuk membentuk spiritual modal insan yang lebih baik. Curriculum is not only in the classroom but overview the learning process in IPTA

Definisi kurikulum

  • Currere (history from Latin word)
    • a race course atau satu litar perlumbaaan.
    • Untuk menamatkan satu litar perlumbaan, perlu ada banyak strategi untuk menang dalam satu perlumbaan.
  • Satu rancangan pengajian
  • ‘a plan of learning’ atau satu rancangan pembelajaran.
  • Satu rancangan pendidikan yang dibentuk untuk suatu kumpulan pelajar bagi mencapai matlamat yang telah ditentukan.
  • For UTM, kurikulum dirancang di setiap jabatan atau fakulti berdasarkan 1) falsafah dan matlamat Pendidikan negara di samping mengambilkira 2) falsafah, 3) visi 4) misi dan 5) matlamat IPT dan 6) fakulti berkenaan melalui program-program yang ditawarkan.


  • Falsafah Pendidikan Negara (bermula tahun 1987)

Pendidikan adalah satu usaha berterusan (continuity dan perlu sentiasa tambah baik) kearah memperkembangkan lagi potensi individu (walaupun dia OKU) secara menyeluruhan dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani (JERI) berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada tuhan.

  • Falsafah UTM

Hukum Allah adalah dasar kepada sains dan teknologi. Maka Universiti Teknologi Malaysia berusaha secara menyeuruh dan bersepadu memberkembangkan kecemerlangan sains dan teknologi untuk kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran sejagat sesuai dengan kehendaknya.

  • Visi UTM:

Diiktifat sebagai pusat kecermerlangan akademik dan teknologi bertaraf dunia (for 2017 they want to be top 50 with differentiation in kejuruteraan & technology)


  • Enhance quality education
  • Promote excellence in research, innovation and graduate education
  • Enhance professional training and lifelong learning – article review, pergi library, buat video, gambar (gambar dan video yang lebih konkrit) masa discussion/pergi library)
  • Enhance international standing Strengthen community outreach
  • Provide quality management and effective risk management in Malaysia Education Blueprint (ada 10 shift)

Kurikulum mesti mengandungi elements tersebut:

  1. Rancangan pendidikan
  2. Mengandungi matlamat dan objektif.
  3. Menyenaraikan kandungan, topik atau pengalaman pembelajaran
  4. Menentukan kaedah dan aktiviti.
  5. Menetapkan kaedah dan instrument yang perlu untuk menilai pencapaian matlamat dan objektif.