Hadith Penawar Hati #28 Kelebihan azan dan solat saf pertama


…seandainya mereka tahu akan kelebihan azan dan saf pertama, pasti mereka berebut  sehingga hanya boleh dapat melalui undi”

Tawaran yang diberikan kepada orang islam – azan dan mendapat saf yang pertama.

Kelebihan azan (menjadi muazin)

  1. Azan adalah syiar islam – menandakan di tempat itu ada orang islam. Semasa zaman nabi menghalang peperangan di kawasan yang terdapat laungan azan.
  2. Hak orang islam untuk melaungkan azan – sekarang ada kes orang kafir mempertikaikan laungan yang kuat daripada masjid. Jadi bacaan Al Quran boleh dikurangkan tetapi azan tiada kompromi.
  3. Azan menjadikan syaitan lari daripada tempat itu. Kes zaman nabi, azan dilaungkan sehingga syaitan lari daripada bandar Madinah (approx 30 batu) dan kemudian kembali semula. Tips untuk azan bagi kes bayi yang nangis kerana gangguan (yakin dengan azan tersebut). In case datang lagi, azan lagi berulang-ulang.
  4. Muazin adalah satu profesion yang berprestij tinggi. Contoh; di Turki ada pertandingan azan. Pahala muazin adalah lebih besar daripada imam.

Kelebihan mendapat saf pertama

  1. Kosong saf pertama adalah haq/tanggungjawab yang perlu diambil.
  2. Tidak boleh juga ambil saf pertama sebagai hak orang lain. Means, orang dah sampai dulu.
  3. Boleh booking? – di dalam islam tiada kaedah booking tempat. First come first serve. Toleransi, dalam tempoh sekejap takpe – tapi kalau lama dan menyusahkan orang lain adalah tidak dibenarkan.
  4. Lurus dan jangan putuskan saf – nanti Allah akan sambung rahmat. Menunjukkan disiplin solat yang teguh dalam umat islam. Sebagai contoh di Mekah, once iqomah – terus semua jemaah boleh susun dalam saf yang cantik.  Kalau  boleh bawa perkara ini ke dalam kerja – untuk pastikan keseragaman dan precision. Eventhough nampak macam tak muat – insya Allah muat.
    • Bagaimana untuk rapatkan saf? – bahu dengan bahu dan kaki dengan kaki tetapi dalam mazhab shafie tidak sesuai aturan sedemikian
    • Dalam mazhab shafie yang relevan ialah asalkan bersentuhan bahagian bahu/tangan. Kaki pula jarak bukaan antara tumit lebih kurang 1 jengkal.

Jika mereka mengetahui fadhilat bersegera ke masjid setelah azan dilaungkan, mereka akan bersegera untuk mendapatkannya…

  1. Manusia perlu lebih peka dengan masa. Apps; waktu solat Malaysia (by Murad) ialah apps yang bagus kerana memberi waktu solat yang tepat dan koordinat berubah mengikut lokasi kita pergi. Widget pula boleh diletak dihadapan handphone.
  2. Bersedia fizikal dan mental untuk solat awal waktu. E.g. 1.30 tengahari untuk solat – then 1.30 itulah waktu yang sesuai untuk memulihkan roh dan fizikal kita. Peluang exercise berjalan ke masjid bersegera ke masjid.
  3. Isyak dan Subuh adalah 2 waktu yang paling berat.
  4. Masa ialah Allah yang bagi pada kita. Sekiranya kita menggunakan masa untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab kita kepada Allah, maka Allah akan mencukupkan masa untuk kita.
  5. Untuk muslimah – tiada tegahan untuk wanita pergi ke masjid tetapi di rumah adalah lebih afdhal. Walaubagaimanapun, sekiranya di masjid lebih khusyuk, ada majlis pengajian, boleh solat sunat maka lebih afdhal pergi ke Masjid. Setiap pahala yang diperolehi oleh suami yang ke masjid, maka pahala yang sama akan diperolehi oleh isteri yang ada dirumah.
  6. Solat jemaah 27 kali ganda berbanding solat sendirian. E.g. Sahabat nabi sedeqah kebun kurma kerana ralit berkebun sehingga terlepas solat awal.

Adab azan

  1. Diam semasa azan dilaungkan
  2. Membalas setiap bacaan azan
    • La hau lawala kuwata ilah billah – tiada daya dan upaya (kecerdikan, kepandaian, skills, kaedah)
    • hil aliyul azim – melainkan dengan kekuatan Allah yang maha tinggi dan maha agung.
  3. Doa selepas azan – khas untuk rasulullah untuk dapat shafaat dan bantuan rasulullah semasa hari kiamat kelak –  dapat minum di telaga kauthar

Semoga dengan perkongsian ini dapat menjadikan kita solat awal waktu dan dekat dengan amal soleh.

Tazkirah pagi UTM KL Dr Fathi,
21 Februari 2018, 8.30 – 9.20 pagi
Aras 17, UTM KL

Community Engagement – Towards Five Star Project

  1. At the end of a project, successful applicant must deliver:
    1. A final report in two formats:
      1. Adobe Reader (.pdf) to be uploaded in RADIS
      2. Microsoft Word (.doc) for promotional purposes
    2. Pictures and short videos of activities (2 minutes) copied in CD
  1. A project has to achieve a minimum of three (3) Star CE Impact Rating in order to contribute to MyRA performance. Thus, it needs to meet 3 minimum requirements:
    1. The community should have a positive orientation towards the programme where the attendance exceed or equal to 80% from the targeted number of participants.
    2. A minimum of three (3) stakeholders’ involvement (i.e. Government Agencies, Industries, Civil Society, NGOs, Learning Institutions, etc.).
      1. Provide evidence that the community consider the programme relevant and needed.
      2. Provide a formal university-community cooperation agreement.
  • The participants exhibit the expected changes based on the objectives of the programme such as change of attitude or increment of knowledge / skills or aspirations.
  1. Additional requirements to achieve four (4) or five (5) Star CE Impact Rating:
  2. The programme results in change of practice where the participants adopt the innovations that were introduced (4 star).
  3. The community is empowered and independently able to sustain the practices that were introduced through the programme without UTM’s assistance (5 star).
  4. Please note that all information will be kept confidential and will ONLY be used for university reporting.

You can refer the CE Form here: CE-Impact-Rating-Form-2017

Bagaimana untuk tenang dalam kehidupan

Hati yang tidak tenang kerana:

  1. Membesarkan perkara lain lebih daripada Allah – anak-anak, pekerjaan, hiburan, manusia, dunia.
  2. Solat tidak efektif – wuduk tidak sah.
  3. Mencari selain daripada Allah.

Bagaimana untuk tenang?

  1. Mulakan dengan niat – lurus kerana Allah. e.g. kenapa buka pintu – sebab saya dekat dengan pintu. so thats it you dapat – buka pintu. Luruskan niat – nak tolong orang lain masuk dan dengar majlis ilmu.
  2. Hati mesti tulus. – bersihkan jiwa dengan taubat. Hati berpenyakit ialah selalu sakit walaupun yang kena itu sikit.
  3. Ikhtiar mesti serius – usaha dengan tubuh badan
  4. Doa dengan telus
  5. Taubat terus menerus – ubat segala masalah ialah taubat. Anything ubat dengan taubat. Kerana orang yang taubat dekat dengan Allah

Perkongsian daripada Prof Muhaya dan Aa Gymnastiar

PRGS, TRGS, FRGS and LRGS under KPT (pindaan tahun 2020)

We are lucky to have Dr Herlina explained about geran MOE this year. As usual, the criteria change every year. This year, please refer to Garis Panduan Geran (pindaan 2020) seperti di bawah:

Garis Panduan PRGS (pindaan 2020)
Garis Panduan LRGS (pinddan 2020)
Garis Panduan FRGS (pindaan 2020)

Amount & years of research as of pindaan 2020 :

  • The FRGS – ceiling RM250,000.00 for 2-3 years research;
  • The PRGS – ceiling RM500,000.00 for 1-2 year research period;
  • The TRGS – ceiling RM1,500,000.00 – for the first year, max 50% of total 3 years
  • The LRGS – ceiling RM3,000,000.00 per year for 3-5 years of research.

To achieve the countries growth on research and innovation, the ministry of higher education (MOHE) has initiated grants RM 741 million for 2 years running under RMKe-10. Four types of funds that have been initiated for private institution which is Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) in 2010 and in 2011 3 other types of funds which are Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS), Exploratory Research Grants Scheme (ERGS) and Prototype Development Research Grant Scheme (PRGS) cited from http://www.qiup.edu.my/centre-for-graduate-studies-and-research-cgsr/funding-national/


1. PRGS (Prototype Research Grant Scheme)

Open 15 January 2018
Submit 15 January 2018 – 31 January 2018
Latest guideline can be downloaded from Website Mygrants with browser IE or Chrome

RM 500,000 for TWO years. Cannot be used for: produce business plan, market survey, product exhibition and promotion, conference.

Capping for Financial:

  1. V11000 – 36K – RO and RA must not a student
  2. V21000 – 15% from project total allocation.
  3. V24000 – only allowed for buildings,
  4. V27000 – not allowed to buy ICT equipments and office (e.g papers, toner)
  5. V28000 – minor modification for research
  6. V29000 – special services – printing, hospitality , IPR max RM5,000.00
  7. V35000 – Accessories and equipment (max 40%) – must have justification and quotation accoiding to Treasurer Circular

Research Output

  1. One prototype – successful obtained pre-commercial and commercialization grants
  2. One IP – for one year. If two years then 2 IP.
  3. One commercialization output/product – commercialization output from project funded by PRGS grant and other sources.

How to apply

  1. Register profile at myGrants Online System
  2. Activation of profile by RMC
  3. Preparation
  4. Presnetiaon and first evaluation by appointed panel
  5. Amendment
  6. Second evaluation
  7. Endorsement by Mesyuarat Panel Penilaian Proposal Penyelidikan
  8. Proposal submission to MOHE

Eligible criteria

  1. Malaysian
  2. Permanent academic staff
  3. For contract staff including non Malaysian staff
  4. Fulfilled application requirements and completed the previous project
  5. New application if the previous project 75% completed
  6. More than 6 months study leave + sabbatical – not allowed to apply.

Application rules

  1. Must submit under My Grants
  2. Should state planning of the grant that has been/will be obtained up to pre-commercial
  3. If involve human – must follow ethics committee

Assessment criteria

  1. Output must; POC, evaluation, up scaling, pre-clinical testing, field testing
  2. Give humanities, country values.

2. FRGS (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme)

Open 15 January 2018
Submit 15 January 2018 – 15 February 2018
Latest guideline can be downloaded from Website Mygrants with browser IE or Chrome
Evaluation first round 19-25th Feb
Presentation No presentation
Evaluation in the system
Correction 13-20 March
Prepare, process and submit to MOE 15-16 April


  • Philosophy – knowledge enhancement an intellectual, new technology invention and cultural enrichment in line with the nations’ aspiration
  • Definition
  • Motivation

RM250,000 for THREE years. Cannot be used for: produce business plan, market survey, product exhibition and promotion, conference.  Previous FRGS must at least completed 75% and verified by RMC UTM

  • 3 years – 1 PhD fulltime or 2 masters student fulltime or combination of masters and phd
  • 2 indexed papers with acknowledgement to FRGS, MOHE, UTM & Grant No.
  • Encourage to apply for IP
  • 2 years – 1 master student fulltime

Capping for Financial:

  1. V11000 – Salary and Allowance for GRA – 1800 for masters, 2300K for phd
  2. V21000 – Travel includes all domestic travel and transportation – 15% from project total allocation. Overseas subject to approval from assessment panel (presentation of output, economical resources and technology transfer)
  3. V24000 – rental – allowed for buildings, equipments, transportation and other items directly related to research.
  4. V27000 – not allowed to buy ICT equipments and office (e.g papers, toner) – sebab; boleh dapat from university.
  5. V28000 – minor modification for research – e.g. building, lab,
  6. V29000 – special services – printing, hospitality , honorarium, consultation, data processing,, total expenditure max 5% of the approved amount. Journal fees related to MYRA.
  7. V35000 – Accessories and equipment (max 40%) – must have justification and quotation accoiding to Treasurer Circular. Please state all the ruqired items in the proposal. Only items listed out in the proposal are allowed to be purchased/claimed.

Research Output

  1. New idea, theory, concept, method, model or new process
  2. Enhancement of policy, methodology

How to apply (application workflow)

  1. Register profile at myGrants Online System
  2. Activation of profile by RMC
  3. Preparation
  4. Presentation and first evaluation by appointed panel
  5. Amendment
  6. Second evaluation
  7. Endorsement by Mesyuarat Panel Penilaian Proposal Penyelidikan
  8. Proposal submission to MOHE

Eligible criteria

  1. Malaysian
  2. Permanent academic staff
  3. For contract staff including non Malaysian staff
  4. Fulfilled application requirements and completed the previous project
  5. New application if the previous project 75% completed
  6. More than 6 months study leave + sabbatical – not allowed to apply.
  7. Malaysia citizen Research fellow from IPTA with a contract of not less than 1 year is allowed to apply as project leader. However, co-researcher must be permanent

Application rules

  1. Must submit under My Grants
  2. Should state planning of the grant that has been/will be obtained up to pre-commercial
  3. If involve human – must follow ethics committee

Assessment criteria

  1. Output must; POC, evaluation, up scaling, pre-clinical testing, field testing
  2. Give humanities, country values.
  3. Basis for many commercial product


3. TRGS (Transdisciplinary Research Grant Scheme)

Open 15 January 2018
Submit 15 January 2018 – 28February 2018
Latest guideline can be downloaded from Website Mygrants with browser IE or Chrome
First assessment 19-25th Feb
Presentation 6-7 March 2018
Evaluation in the system
Correction 13-20 March
Prepare, process and submit to MOE 15-16 April


  • Philosophy –
  • Definition –
  • Motivation

Minimum three projects from different clusters under the same institution.

RM1,500,000 for THREE years. First year cannot exceed 50%. Previous TRGS must at least completed 100% and verified by RMC UTM

  • Human capital
    • 3 years – 4 PhD fulltime or 8 masters student fulltime or combination of masters and phd
  • Publication
    • 8 indexed papers with acknowledgement to FRGS, MOHE, UTM & Grant No.
    • AND 2 must be Q1.
    • Acknowledgement to TRGS, MOHE, UTM & Grant No.
  • IP
    • Encourage to apply for IP

Capping for Financial:

  1. V11000 – Salary and Allowance for GRA – 1800 for masters, 2300K for phd
  2. V21000 – Travel includes all domestic travel and transportation – 40% from project total allocation. Overseas subject to approval from assessment panel (presentation of output, economical resources and technology transfer – max 20% of the fund allowed for attendance to conferences and other activities other than field work.
  3. V24000 – rental – allowed for buildings, equipments, transportation and other items directly related to research.
  4. V27000 – not allowed to buy ICT equipments and office (e.g papers, toner) – sebab; boleh dapat from university.
  5. V28000 – minor modification for research – e.g. building, lab,
  6. V29000 – special services – printing, hospitality , honorarium, consultation, data processing,, total expenditure max 5% of the approved amount. Journal fees related to MYRA.
  7. V35000 – Accessories and equipment (max 40%) – must have justification and quotation accoiding to Treasurer Circular. Please state all the ruqired items in the proposal. Only items listed out in the proposal are allowed to be purchased/claimed.

Research Output

  1. New idea, theory, concept, method, model or new process
  2. Enhancement of policy, methodology or new approach of solving problem
  3. Issue on elevating …….
  4. Contribute to country strategic agenda

How to apply (application workflow)

  1. Register profile at myGrants Online System
  2. Activation of profile by RMC
  3. Preparation
  4. Presentation and first evaluation by appointed panel
  5. Amendment
  6. Second evaluation
  7. Endorsement by Mesyuarat Panel Penilaian Proposal Penyelidikan
  8. Proposal submission to MOHE

Eligible criteria

  1. Malaysian
  2. Permanent academic staff
  3. For contract staff including non Malaysian staff
  4. Fulfilled application requirements and completed the previous project
  5. New application if the previous project 75% completed
  6. More than 6 months study leave + sabbatical – not allowed to apply.
  7. Malaysia citizen Research fellow from IPTA with a contract of not less than 1 year is allowed to apply as project leader. However, co-researcher must be permanent


Application rules

  1. Must submit under My Grants
  2. Should state planning of the grant that has been/will be obtained up to pre-commercial
  3. If involve human – must follow ethics committee

Assessment criteria

  1. Output must; POC, evaluation, up scaling, pre-clinical testing, field testing
  2. Give humanities, country values.
  3. Basis for many commercial product


4. LRGS (LONG Research Grant Scheme)

Open 15 January 2018
Submit 15 January 2018 – 12February 2018
Latest guideline can be downloaded from Website Mygrants with browser IE or Chrome
First assessment 19-25th Feb
Presentation 20-21 Feb 2018
Evaluation in the system
Correction 13-20 March
Prepare, process and submit to MOE 15-16 April
3 Institusi – ipta, ipts, university cawangan
Apply manually – Fill up 2 forms and first evaluation based on these forms.
  • Philosophy – berupaya untuk mempromosikan ilmu, cutting edge. Mulitdiscipline and kerjasama keserakanan bagi meletakkan Malaysia dalam peta dunia dari segi pengyelidikan fundamental dalam nic-nic tertentu.
  • Definition –
  • Tujuan – memantapkan kecemerlangan


  1. Global warming;
  2. Infectious Diseases;
  3. Tropical Diseases;
  4. Food security;
  5. Energy & Water Security;
  6. Information and communication technology (ICT);
  7. Advanced and Value Added Manufacturing; and
  8. Societal Wellbeing

Minimum three projects from different clusters FROM AT LEAST 3 DIFFERENT institution.

RM3,000,000 for ONE years. 3-5 YEARS. Monitoring every year. First year cannot exceed 50%. Previous LRGS must at least completed 100% and verified by RMC UTM

  • Human capital
    • 3 years – 5 PhD fulltime or 10 masters student fulltime or combination of masters and phd
  • Publication
    • 8 indexed papers with acknowledgement to FRGS, MOHE, UTM & Grant No.
    • AND 2 must be Q1.
    • Acknowledgement to TRGS, MOHE, UTM & Grant No.
  • IP
    • must apply for IP

Capping for Financial:

  1. V11000 – Salary and Allowance for GRA – 1800 for masters, 2300K for phd
  2. V21000 – Travel includes all domestic travel and transportation – 40% from project total allocation. Overseas subject to approval from assessment panel (presentation of output, economical resources and technology transfer – max 20% of the fund allowed for attendance to conferences and other activities other than field work.
  3. V24000 – rental – allowed for buildings, equipments, transportation and other items directly related to research.
  4. V27000 – not allowed to buy ICT equipments and office (e.g papers, toner) – sebab; boleh dapat from university.
  5. V28000 – minor modification for research – e.g. building, lab,
  6. V29000 – special services – printing, hospitality , honorarium, consultation, data processing,, total expenditure max 5% of the approved amount. Journal fees related to MYRA.
  7. V35000 – Accessories and equipment (max 40%) – must have justification and quotation accoiding to Treasurer Circular. Please state all the ruqired items in the proposal. Only items listed out in the proposal are allowed to be purchased/claimed.

Research Output

  1. New idea, theory, concept, method, model or new process
  2. Enhancement of policy, methodology or new approach of solving problem
  3. Issue on elevating …….
  4. Contribute to country strategic agenda

How to apply (application workflow)

  1. Register profile at myGrants Online System
  2. Activation of profile by RMC
  3. Preparation
  4. Presentation and first evaluation by appointed panel
  5. Amendment
  6. Second evaluation
  7. Endorsement by Mesyuarat Panel Penilaian Proposal Penyelidikan
  8. Proposal submission to MOHE

Eligible criteria

  1. Malaysian
  2. Permanent academic staff
  3. For contract staff including non Malaysian staff
  4. Fulfilled application requirements and completed the previous project
  5. New application if the previous project 75% completed
  6. More than 6 months study leave + sabbatical – not allowed to apply.
  7. Malaysia citizen Research fellow from IPTA with a contract of not less than 1 year is allowed to apply as project leader. However, co-researcher must be permanent

Application rules

  1. Must submit under My Grants
  2. Should state planning of the grant that has been/will be obtained up to pre-commercial
  3. If involve human – must follow ethics committee

Assessment criteria

  1. Output must; POC, evaluation, up scaling, pre-clinical testing, field testing
  2. Give humanities, country values.
  3. Basis for many commercial product

Coffee Talk: Seni dalam Permohonan Intellect Property (IP)

Pejabat Timbalan Dekan (Penyelidikan, Inovasi, Komersialisasi & Jaringan) UTM AIS akan mengadakan Coffee Talk: IPR Tips & Tricks kepada staf akademik UTM AIS.

Butiran Program adalah seperti berikut:

Tarikh     :  24 Januari 2018 (Rabu)

Masa        :  11.00 pagi – 12.30 tengahari

Tempat   :  Dining Room, Aras 4, UTM AIS, Menara Razak, UTM Kuala Lumpur

Penceramah:  Encik Gameladha Nasirifiin bin Arifin, IP Rights (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Sehubungan dengan itu, semua kakitangan akademik yang berminat untuk hadir dimohon untuk mendaftar di link seperti berikut:


Pre-TeamTac UTM-AIS 15 January 2018

UTM-AIS Team Tac Objectives

  1. To share the UTM AIS 2017 journey (bad, good and ugly)
  2. To synergize with diferent school



En Mohd Najib (Registrar UTM KL) 9.15 am, Bilik Banquet AIS, Aras 4, Menara Razak, UTM KL

RAZAK SCHOOL (tukar nama lain as gabungan RAZAK-AIS-PERDANA) Gabungan UTM-AIS, Perdana Center and Razak School.

Bengkel perlu bincangkan;

  1. Kewangan (Vot 38) – duit AIS sendiri bagaimana untuk diuruskan.
  2. Lokasi – centralized command for administration
    1. AIS – Aras 5
    2. Perdana – Aras 6
    3. Razak – Aras 7
  3. Staf – akademik dan non-akademik
    1. Pertukaran staf akademik baru
      1. Faculty manager – coming is non-academic staff
      2. IT manager – coming is non-academic staff
      3. TimPengarah – Pn Zaharah might go to other school
  1. Chair – UTM-AIS pakai chair (higher level than director) – must be at least Prof level
  2. Lebihan tenaga setelah gabungan hanya 7 orang dengan keperluan pertambahan staff 3 orang.
  3. Sila cadangkan staf baru untuk marketing, rebranding dsb
  4. Siapa mahu pindah ke tempat baru (especially non-academic staff ) sila apply case by case.
  5. Name of AIS is maintain but instead of School it will become department.
  6. Dean is supposed to support NC for strategical job and head of department will play the bigger roles.

Tentative For 19-21 January 2018 TeamTac  

Morning: Jungle Walk

0730: Depart from UTM (boleh tak gerak pukul 8.00?)

0930: Briefing; warming up and gear up

1030: Cape Rachado Exploration – not meant for race. Mengenal persekitaran dan diri sendiri (perjalanan santai dalam ½ jam) – bawa kasut sukan dan pakaian sukan dan tawakkalillah.

1200: pack lunch – boleh makan di bawah atau di atas cape rachado.

1300: solat jumaat kariah teluk pelanduk

1500: check in (dua katil satu bilik)


Afternoon reflections

1545: workshop housekeeping & hose rules

1600: tea break

1615: the good, the bad and the ugly

1830: Dinner

1930: Maghrib & Isyak (berjemaah dan tazkirah)


Malam Coffeematics (KAI) – ada KAI yang baru dan kurang sikit daripada tahun lepas.

2040: Coffee Brewing

2140: First topping

2220: Second topping

2240: Third topping

2240: Fourth topping

2300: Coffee Cup Review

2330: Lights out.


Day 2

0600: Subuh & Tazkirah

0645: Brisk walking by the beach

0730: Breakfast

Morning – Change Lab

0900: CL 1 (JKP Structure)

1030: Encounter 1

1100: CL2 (JKA Structure)

1200: Encounter 2

1230: Lunch break & Prayer

1400: CL 3 (JKPIKJ Structure)

1500: Encounter 3

1530: Consolidation

1630: Tea break.

Evening – Teambuilding

1700: Teambuilding Black TShirt #bersedia untuk basah.

1900: Maghrib, tahlil & isya’

2100: Dinner – majlis perpisahan (shades of blue) and we got photo booth there


Day 3


0515: Tahajjud & witir

0600: subuh & tazkirah

0645: Brisk walking – Dr Ganthan and Dr Saiful

Morning – way forward

0745: Breakfast

0900: resolution and new AIS Organization

1100: conclusion and goodbye

Calling for Papers – Emerging Technologies for Artifact Construction in Learning

Emerging Technologies for Artifact Construction in Learning

Call for Papers for a special issue for the Computers in Human Behavior titled “Emerging Technologies for Artifact Construction in Learning” (Q1)

Guest Editors:

1) Dr. Antigoni Parmaxi [http://antigoniparmaxi.weebly.com/] 2) Prof. Panayiotis Zaphiris [http://www.zaphiris.com]

Cyprus Interaction Lab (http://cyprusinteractionlab.com/)
Cyprus University of Technology
Emails: antigoni.parmaxi@gmail.compzaphiri@cyprusinteractionlab.com

Focus of the Special Issue

The Innovating Pedagogy 2016 report claims that we are at the beginning of a learning revolution (i.e., a new era that builds and extends the impact of technology in learning in new and unanticipated ways). The goal of this special issue is to bring together different facets of emerging technologies and ground their use under the theoretical framework of constructionism. This special issue aims to include not only innovation on the use of different features of emerging technologies, but also on practices and strategies employed by practitioners and instructional designers as well as their impact on human behavior. This special issue is not constrained in the discipline of Technology-Enhanced Learning. Research on interface design, security concerns arising from the use of emerging technologies are also welcome.

Find more information from here:
