2022 Day 76 Task – Small CEE Group Meeting

Leading an organization, such as Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) could be tricky, challenging and overwhelming since a big chunk of our team is very busy academician (consisting of research fellow and associate fellow). All of them have their own special strength where they can contribute and I really appreciate them. Because of that, for CEE activities, I won’t be troubling them yet for certain activities that can be executed by our full time energetic and enthusiastic CEE staffs.

In the morning (10.30am) we had a small yet impactful discussion on what we should plan to do, plan to execute in this year. It covers the issue of SPC22, Webinars, Youtube, Discord, RCEE2021 and others. We will try to be as strategic and as systematic possible in terms of our program marketing.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Online meeting with Izyan and Hasmaliyana regarding Statik Paper for AJEE – 2.30pm
  • Signed and stamped Kelly’s certificate.
  • Signed and stamped TedXUTM society support letter.
  • Obtained and gave Hidayah all experimental consumption invoices for payment.
  • Small discussion with Prof K about RCEE2022 program to be organized by our Indonesian counterpart.

2022 Day 73 Task – UTM 50th Anniversary Ceremony

It’s a hectic day today. Early in the morning I had to attend the 50th Anniversary of UTM that was officiated by the Queen of Johor who is the Vice Chancellor of UTM.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Chemical Engineering Department meeting – 2pm, SKT
  • Final check of Thermo draf paper
  • Final check of Tan’s review paper
  • Claim authorship of ECM
  • Demo software vLab dr clouddesk – 2.30pm, Webex

2022 Day 72 Task – Site Meeting JHB, Contractor and CEE

The progress of CEE new building are presented on a monthly basis via this Site Meeting (Mesyuarat Tapak). The progress made by the contractor seems fine, based on their presentation and also questions directed to them by JHB officials. The meeting today commenced at 10am and CEE was represented by me, Izzati and Syafiq. We just hope everything will be smooth and fine. Well, what needs to be done, needs to be done.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Checked Turnitin of IOP paper
  • Provided leger of ICSEC2021 for CEE audit
  • Checked Tan’s review paper draft
  • Checked Poh Lin’s thermo paper draft
  • Purchase Zara’s book
  • Read MCED documents for annotation
  • AJEE Update and follow up reviewers
  • Prepare and improvise MKKL course information for the subject I will teach next semester (next week)

2022 Day 71 Task – Voting Day for Johor

My mother, father and me… yours truly

This is indeed our official responsibility that must be executed by citizen’s of Johor due to the State Election. Early in the morning, I drove to Taman Gembira, Tampoi, where I’m registered to cast my vote there. Unlike the past General Election, this time, I casted my vote only with my parents, the three of us. Other family members, particularly my siblings could not attend due to various reasons that include geographical location, being out of the country and positive covid.

Other tasks of the day:

Mainly reviewing and commenting on Tan’s review paper and also Poh Lin’s thermo paper.

2022 Day 70 Task – Checking Draft Paper

I know this topic has been consistently repeating over and over again in this weblog. This is mainly of the due date that we have to commit and because of that my focus as well as priority are on this matter. Since the targeted journal is of high quality, hence we are trying our best to get our papers up to the required standard and this is not easy task to do.

2022 Day 69 Task – Gas Cylinder Arrived at Lab

Positive Cases at home update – 3 victims. Gas cylinder story to be updated soon.

Other tasks of the day:

  • MCED Meeting for interview improvement – 9.30am
  • Informed Ridzuan JHB to proceed for new Wiring power point after getting approval.
  • Discussed solution with Marina to pay oven (Kewpa issue)
  • Passed to Hidayah a file for organizing my grant documents.
  • Updated website
  • Finalized about zeolite ZSM-5 catalyst decision
  • Confirmed commitment to contribute as committee for UK Japanese Engineering Education League (UKJEEL) online Workshop.
  • Invited Haseeb and Zamrin as FGD participant under MCED and Halatuju Kejuruteraan di Malaysia
  • Checked & commented Thermo paper
  • Checked & commented Starch Review paper

2022 Day 68 Task – Course Assessment Report (CAR) Preparation for All My Courses 

Since there was a briefing to prepare CAR this morning, I took the opportunity to prepare all of my CAR using UTM OBE system. I can say that the timing of the briefing was spot on as it around the time that all of us have to prepare for this document.

Alhamdulillah I managed to complete all CAR for my Introduction to Engineering (SETK1523), Industrial Seminar and Profession (SETK1511) and Master Plant Management – Quality Management (MKKL1523). Yeah.. it took quite some time to prepare this report as we depend on a system that in my opinion can be improved / enhanced.

Update of the positive cases at home – 3 victims (Mummy, No. 2 and No. 3)

Other tasks of the day:

  • CEE Audit Preparation Meeting – 11.30am
  • Checked draft thermo paper

2022 Day 67 Task – Jelajah Envision UTM 2025

Today was quite full pack with multiple activities live activities and also due date submission. In the office I have to seek for Hidayah’s and Syafiq’s assistance to focus on the Sustainability Award Briefing online. In Syaa Allah we will do our best for this award.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Attended Sustainability Award Briefing online
  • Submit MKKH Supervisory claim form to Post Grad office (Isma) – Just realized I have 4 MKKH students.
  • Submit MKKL Class Claim form.
  • Checked Abdelrahim’s Chapter 3 proposal
  • Pass to Aishah to help improve the similarities of our IOP paper
  • Update ChemEngOnline website
  • Ordered (emailed Purchase Order) to buy Standard Refinery Gas from Perkin Elmer

2022 Day 66 Task – Global Engineering Capability Review (GECR) Feedback Workshop

RAE Global Engineering Capability Review (GECR) website

I was invited more than 1 month ago to participate in GECR workshop. Today, I had the opportunity to join this global forum and I must say that I am proud to be participating in it. Let me share a brief infor about what is GECR… and the program I attended (8.30pm – 10.00pm Malaysia Time Zone).

Engineering X ‘Engineering Skills Where They are Most Needed Programme’ is considering a follow up report to the GECR 2019. To produce a better GECR 2022 that is useful to Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (RAE) audience, they run a workshop to assess whether the GECR 2019 report contained the right kind of information that is useful for our audience. The outcome of the workshop will inform the design and scope of the GECR 2022 to ensure the Review is more useful to RAE target audience.

Hence, RAE invited me to participate in a 90-minute GECR 2019 feedback collection workshop that has been held virtually on 07 March 2022 from 12:30 – 14:00 (GMT).

As a workshop participant, I was asked to read the GECR 2019 report – the PDFs of the report, methodology and dataset here.

We were asked to at least read the following sections of the report before the meeting if we do not have time to read the entire report:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Engineering Index 2019: 3 out of 99 countries that you are interested in.
  3. Country Case Studies: One of the countries that you are interested in.
  4. Recommendations

Other tasks of the day:

  • Met Haseeb (my IEM mentee) and received FOBS sample from him. Thanks Bro.
  • Filled up forms for Anis Master Proposal defense.
  • Followed up on Zeolite order and purchase.
  • Followed up on gas standard purchase.
  • Sign and Stamped BEM documents for KarChun and the geng.
  • Sign and accepted the appointment to be STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREA 5: – SDG LOCALISATION member, under UTM Campus Sustainability, UTM-CS (Appointment from 1 Mac 2022 hingga 28 Februari 2023).
  • Registered SG’s paper in AJEE.

2022 Day 65 Task – Discussion With One of My Academic Student Advisor’ Parent

One of the important task that many are not aware of a lecturer is his role as an Academic Advisor (Penasihat Akademik) to a group of student he is assigned for. I am not excluded. I am assigned 24 students in 2018 and now all of the students are going to graduate at the end of 2nd quarter 2022. In Syaa Allah.

However, there are always 1 or 2 students that require special care and attention. I have 2 students this semester that I have to really closely monitor. They are highly intelligent students but somehow something went wrong and we have to help, guide and monitor them accordingly so that they can graduate the chemical engineering course.

Following up to that, I squeezed my time from my hectic schedule to contact the parent of one of the student that requires help. We had a conversation and I smell and see some positive sign. I hope the student will enhance his performance soon and I really want to see him excel and graduate. I want to see the student have a bright and awesome future ahead.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Meeting with Dr. Helen
  • Updating Chem-Eng-Online site
  • Followed up on the rack for lab status permission
  • Checked Thermo paper
  • Lead discussion on IEM SESIG FB Page via whatsapp
  • PA Report for PNG below 0
  • IEM SESIG Proposed Paper Meeting – 10pm
  • Assigned reviewers for AJEE