
Bijaksana ialah kerana ilmu, ketetapan hati, meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya serta menilik sesuatu menurut harganya. Hikmah kebijaksanaan adalah anurgerah istimewa dari Allah – sesiapa yang mendapat, ia memperoleh anugerah yang sangat banyak.

Tidaklah bijaksana orang orang yang membenarkan perkara yang dusta, meluruskan barang yang bengkok atau orang yang memasuki perkara yang bukan keahliannya.

Kurang cerdas dapat diperbaiki dengan belajar, kurang cekap dapat dihilangkan dengan pengalaman tetapi jika kurang jujur – sulit memperbaikinya.

Petikan daripada buku Peribadi – Abuya Hamka

Bagaimana untuk tenang dalam kehidupan

Hati yang tidak tenang kerana:

  1. Membesarkan perkara lain lebih daripada Allah – anak-anak, pekerjaan, hiburan, manusia, dunia.
  2. Solat tidak efektif – wuduk tidak sah.
  3. Mencari selain daripada Allah.

Bagaimana untuk tenang?

  1. Mulakan dengan niat – lurus kerana Allah. e.g. kenapa buka pintu – sebab saya dekat dengan pintu. so thats it you dapat – buka pintu. Luruskan niat – nak tolong orang lain masuk dan dengar majlis ilmu.
  2. Hati mesti tulus. – bersihkan jiwa dengan taubat. Hati berpenyakit ialah selalu sakit walaupun yang kena itu sikit.
  3. Ikhtiar mesti serius – usaha dengan tubuh badan
  4. Doa dengan telus
  5. Taubat terus menerus – ubat segala masalah ialah taubat. Anything ubat dengan taubat. Kerana orang yang taubat dekat dengan Allah

Perkongsian daripada Prof Muhaya dan Aa Gymnastiar

Tips untuk kekal istiqamah

  1. Mujahadah – lawan sehabis tenaga. Bantuan Mujahadah; pesan orang lain untuk tolong bangunkan kita, buat analisis log tidur – tidur awal, jam loceng, hukum diri (e.g masuk tabung masjid RM20 kalau bangun lewat).
  2. Riadah – biasakan dan biasakan. Alah bisa tegal biasa. Sehingga diri rasa guilty concious sehingga hendak tidur pun rasa bersalah.
  3. Perlu ada guru dan jemaah pengajian untuk membantu istiqamah.

Ubat Hati Yang Lalai

Lalai ialah ghuflah. Iaitu lupa daripada mana kita datang, buat apa kita di dunia ini dan ke mana kita akan pergi akhirnya. Jadi hati akan sibuk dengan dunia. Walaupun tahu kita datang daripada Allah dan tahu juga kita akan kembali kepada Allah namun hati tidak mahu atau tidak mampu sedar keadaan itu. Sakit hati yang lalai ini lebih bahaya daripada sakit fizikal kerana sakit fizikal akhirnya sedar akan mati tetapi sakit hati yang lalai terus tidak sedar mati sehingga akhirnya tiba-tiba mati.

Diantara ubat hati yang lalai ialah:

  1. Mencari sahabat yang baik – yang mampu mengingatkan kita ketika lalai dan membantu berbuat kebaikan ketika kita ingat.
  2. Sentiasa melazimi astaghfirullah dari hati. Mengenang dengan benar dosa dan mohon keampuan atas dosa tersebut.
  3. Mendekati orang-orang soleh – melawat mereka, hadir hampir kepada mereka (contoh, masjid, majlis ilmu, perkumpulan orang-orang soleh), mohon doa daripada mereka.
  4. Berdakwah untuk memberi kekuatan hati bukan menunggu baru ada kekuatan baru berdakwah. Namun, nilai dahulu potensi diri. Umpama – berenang untuk menyelamatkan orang yang lemas. Andaikata memang perenang handal – silalah terjun di air dalam tetapi andai masih perenang novice, mungkin hanya mampu untuk selamatkan anak kecil di swimming pool dengan kedalaman 1.2 meter sahaja.
  5. Berilmu dan beradab. Berapa ramai orang yang berilmu tetapi tetap lalai kerana tidak beradab.

Dengarkan untuk pemahaman yang lebih terang dan bermakna daripada Pahrol Juoi di sini


The real story of Nabi Daud and the lesson learned from it (reflection from Surah as Sad)

Do you remember the story of two people that one is having 1 sheep and the other is having 99 sheep?

When they tasawwaru (root word is surah) – castle (long wall to protect secure place) to penetrate. These two people ambushed Nabi Daud through tasawwaru and he was panic and being reminded not act on impulse.

Two siblings in which one own 1 sheep and the other owned 99 sheep (Israeliyat mentioned about 99 wives instead of sheep) – Daud jumped to the conclusion without hearing the other party. Two parties have an argument – Be fair in your judgment. Hear both sides out before passing any judgment. Don’t follow impulsive desire.

Thus, when two parties have an argument – be fair in your judgment. Hear both sides out before passing any judgment. Don’t follow impulsive desire.

When you are a judge – you must hear from both sides.

Hear more and in details from Nouman Ali Khan here –





How doa works?

When we make doa, we are expecting an immediate answer from Allah.

The thing is, our doa getting answered immediately or not is nothing to do with either Allah is happy with us or not. There is no connection between these two.

E.g. Nabi Nuh invited his nation for islam for 950 years. Do you think this kind of guy was not making doa for his son and wife?Nabi Muhammad was not making doa for his uncles – Abu Talib and Abu Lahab? Nabi Yaakub a.s not making doa for his twelwe sons?

Listen more to Nouman Ali Khan for How Doa works at


Seek refuge with Allah whenever you want to recite Al Quran

.. 98 ayat – Surah Al Nahl

Allah expect you to  seek for Allah refuge, whenever you want to recite Al Quran.

It will happen every single time when we want to engage with Al Quran (recite Al Quran, Solat) – Syaitan will Corrupt your experience with Allah – remember something else, misunderstand, misintepreted, not engage with the Al Quran

Genuinely need Allah to protect and guide us by reciting taawuz, Insya Allah.

Four Fundamentals For Solid Community

Community is a group of people living in the same palce or having a particular characteristic in common. E.g. Muslim community, Malaysia community, Putrajaya community. Then a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals is essential to tie them up.

For muslim, there are four fundamental elements to develop solid community:

1. Healthy relationship with AlQuran – Understand in deep and meaningful way. Deeper and evolving over the time. Halaqah of Al Quran means community exercise to understand Al Quran comprehensively.

2. Engage in our solat – Have heart and concious in our solat.  It is the real way to remember Allah is through practicing quran in solat.

3. Solat Jumaat – Muslim convention every week without marketing. Khutbah jumaat is the opportunity to connect them back to Al Quran. Then please talk productive things – something related, practical and can help the individual and community in their life.

4. Study of Sirah – Muslim cannot really feel islam without understand their struggle – e.g Nation teach history. This is the way to give them the national/islam identity.


Lets learn about Barakah.

Barakah is a word from Tabarakah. Direct english translation -blessing has limited meaning. Here, we try to understand the deeper and beautiful meaning of barakah from arab definitions. Nouman Ali Khan helps us a lot on these.

Basically, arab linguists breakdown the barakah into three main parts:

  1. Growth and increases above and beyond expectations – it is like you plant a tree and then you get the forest.
  2. Something keeps coming continuously – it is like the rain keeps coming.
  3. remains in its place – stay and stable – it is like a camel kneels and sunk in the sand.

So part of what Barakah means is that logic says when you plant one seed in the ground, you expect one tree to come out of it; but in return, you get ten trees! Or after 10 years you come back and you get a forest in return!

That is barakah.

I hope one day the book we (UKM alumni) readers will say this “I remember I read only this book to start my phd journey, today that book still remains in my heart and I do realize what it saying one by one”.

That is barakah.

You may hear some people say “in my first year, I struggled to find one student to come to my classes, but today my school has grown so much that I have to turn away students because I don’t have capacity even though I have expanded three times already!”

That is barakah.


Finally, when Barakah from Allah comes, know that there is no end to Allah’s Barakah.




Nilai bekerja

Perbezaan pekerjaan bukanlah pangkat tetapi pembahagian kewajipan. Menurut darjat, kecerdasan otak serta pendidikan dan nasib masing -masing (Hamka, 1941)

Diantara buku yang mempengaruhi pemikiran saya ketika ini. Lembaga Hidup – Adat diisi, lembaga dituang.