
Wujud Ke Dimensi Kelima?

Kenyataan ini merujuk kepada konsep dimensi kelima dalam konteks fizik dan ilmu pengetahuan kuantum. Penjelasan yang diberikan mengenai dimensi kelima dan konsep dimensi tinggi adalah sebahagian daripada spekulasi dan perbincangan yang berterusan dalam komuniti sains. Dimensi Empat: Kenyataan ini bermula dengan penerangan mengenai dimensi empat yang merupakan dimensi ruang dan masa yang kita kenali dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Ia merangkumi tiga dimensi ruang (x, y, z) dan satu dimensi masa (waktu). Dalam dimensi ini, kita terhad dalam pergerakan ruang dan masa. Dimensi Kelima: Penyelidik mencadangkan kemungkinan wujudnya dimensi yang lebih tinggi, seperti dimensi kelima. Idea ini berasaskan pemahaman bahawa jika […]

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Artikel: Konsep Nur Muhammad

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep Nūr Muhammad dalam pemikiran sufi serta hubungannya dengan kosmologi fizik dan nilai-nilai ketuhanan. Ia merangkumi kajian perbandingan antara perspektif agama dan sains, khususnya dalam konteks kosmologi fizik yang sering kali kurang menekankan aspek ketuhanan. Dalam kajian ini, penulis ingin menghubungkan pemahaman Nūr Muhammad dan pemikiran sufi dengan sains modern, khususnya kosmologi fizik. Artikel ini menyoroti pentingnya keterhubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan melalui konsep Nūr Muhammad. Ia mencuba menjelaskan bagaimana Nabi Muhammad SAW berperanan sebagai pintu yang menghubungkan manusia dengan Tuhan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Pendekatan komparatif antara pemikiran sufi dan kosmologi fizik Barat diusulkan

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Exploring the Quantum Frontier: Quantum Computing’s Transformative Potential in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of computing, quantum technology stands out as a promising frontier that has the potential to reshape how we approach complex problems. One domain where quantum computing shows exceptional promise is Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS encompasses an extensive array of applications, from mapping and spatial analysis to environmental modeling and urban planning. In this article, we delve into the profound implications of quantum computing on the GIS industry, exploring the transformative applications, existing challenges, and the future of this exciting intersection. The Quantum Advantage Central to the astonishing capabilities of quantum computing

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From Quantum GIS to QGIS: The Evolution of a Geospatial Powerhouse

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In the world of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), QGIS stands tall as an open-source software solution renowned for its versatility, user-friendliness, and powerful geospatial capabilities. However, you may be surprised to learn that QGIS did not always go by this name. Originally christened as “Quantum GIS,” the software underwent a transformation in its nomenclature. In this article, we explore the reasons behind this transition and its impact on the GIS community. Simplification for Accessibility One of the primary reasons for dropping the “Quantum” from its name was simplification. By becoming “QGIS,” the software simplified its branding,

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Navigating the Digital Frontier: A Bright Future for Geoinformatics Graduates

By Shahabuddin Amerudin In an age where data is king, and technology continues to shape the way we interact with our world, there’s a field of study that’s becoming increasingly vital and promising: Geoinformatics. For students with a passion for programming and system/application development, pursuing a degree in Geoinformatics can open doors to a world of exciting career opportunities and a future that’s anything but ordinary. Geoinformatics: Where Geospatial Meets Technology Geoinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that bridges the gap between geospatial and technology. It harnesses the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, data analysis, and programming to

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Balancing Programming Education in Geoinformatics: Striking the Right Chord for Student Success

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article delves into a pressing issue within the realm of Geoinformatics education at UTM, namely, the divergence between the comprehensive programming curriculum provided to undergraduate students and their challenges in applying programming skills to practical scenarios. Geoinformatics undergraduates are mandated to undertake an array of programming courses as part of their academic journey, yet they often encounter obstacles and exhibit reluctance when confronted with coding tasks. This article explores the underlying causes of this discrepancy, investigates its implications for students’ readiness in the professional workforce, and presents suggestions for curriculum refinements and support mechanisms aimed

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The Evolution of Undergraduate Degree Choices in the United States: A Decade-Long Analysis (2011–2021)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the shifting landscape of undergraduate degree choices in the United States over the past decade, specifically from 2011 to 2021. We draw upon meticulously collected and analyzed data sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), as presented in the insightful article authored by Kashish Rastogi, “The Shifting Landscape of U.S. Undergraduate Degrees: A Decade in Review,” published on September 3, 2023. In doing so, we not only elucidate key trends in higher education but also extrapolate invaluable lessons and critical considerations that should inform the decisions

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The Decline in Enrollment in GIS Master’s Programs: Unraveling the Complex Challenges

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article delves into a pressing issue that has been plaguing GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Master’s programs in recent years, with a particular focus on the situation at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The alarming decrease in enrollment numbers has raised critical questions about the program’s viability and the underlying problems leading to this decline. Through an exploration of the multifaceted challenges faced, we aim to stimulate critical thinking and encourage readers to contemplate potential solutions to rejuvenate GIS Master’s programs. 1. Introduction The past few years have witnessed a perplexing phenomenon within the realm of GIS

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Enhancing GIS Master’s Programs: Strategies for Attracting Students in Malaysia

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In recent years, the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has witnessed significant growth and transformation. As GIS technology becomes increasingly essential in various industries, the demand for skilled GIS professionals is on the rise. However, some universities, including institutions like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), have faced challenges in attracting students to their GIS Master’s programs. In this article, we will delve into the strategies universities can employ to address these challenges and make their GIS programs more appealing to prospective students. Marketing and Promotion One of the primary challenges universities face is raising awareness about

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Enhancing Enrollment in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Master’s Programs: A Case Study of UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a pivotal role in today’s data-driven world, offering applications across various sectors, including urban planning, environmental management, and business analytics. The growing demand for GIS professionals underscores the importance of robust GIS education programs. However, universities worldwide, including institutions like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), have encountered challenges in attracting students to their GIS Master’s programs. This article investigates the factors contributing to low enrollment in GIS Master’s programs, provides insights into the case of UTM, and presents strategies to enhance program attractiveness. 1. Introduction Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have evolved into

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Location Privacy: Ensuring Control and Protection in an Evolving Digital Landscape

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract In today’s interconnected world, location-based services have become an integral part of our daily lives. These services, which rely on various technologies such as satellite navigation systems, mobile carrier antennas, and wireless networks, enable us to navigate, communicate, and access a wide range of information. However, the pervasive use of location data raises significant concerns regarding location privacy. This article delves into the concept of location privacy, emphasizing the importance of individuals’ ability to control the disclosure and use of their location data. It explores the methods used to determine a device’s physical location and discusses

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Datang Kosong, Pulang Pun Kosong – I

Falsafah “Datang Kosong, Pulang Pun Kosong” membawa pengertian yang mendalam dalam aspek kerohanian, khususnya dalam perspektif agama Islam dan tasawuf. Ungkapan ini mengingatkan kita tentang hakikat kehidupan yang bersifat sementara serta kewajipan kita sebagai hamba Allah SWT dalam menjalani kehidupan yang penuh dengan ujian dan hikmah. Mari kita hayati makna dan pengajaran yang terkandung dalam falsafah ini dengan lebih mendalam. Ungkapan “Datang Kosong, Pulang Pun Kosong” menzahirkan bahawa manusia dilahirkan ke dunia tanpa sebarang milikan dan akan kembali kepada Allah SWT juga tanpa membawa apa-apa. Segala nikmat dan rezeki yang kita peroleh di dunia hanyalah pinjaman dan akan kembali kepada

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The Interview Imposter

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Nusantara, there was a renowned IT company called TechnoSys. Known for its cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions, TechnoSys attracted some of the brightest minds in the industry. On a sunny morning, they were about to conduct a particularly important interview for a coveted position. In a dimly lit room adorned with state-of-the-art computer screens and a panel of stern-faced interviewers, the door slowly creaked open. In walked John, a young man with unruly hair and a mischievous glint in his eye. The interview panel, consisting of the company’s top experts, greeted

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Pusat Geospatial Negara (PGN): Peranan, Pencapaian, dan Cadangan Penambahbaikan

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pusat Geospatial Negara (PGN) telah memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan dan pengurusan Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara (MyGDI) sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 2002. Bertindak sebagai pusat utama penyelarasan dan perkongsian maklumat geospatial, PGN telah berjaya membina platform yang memungkinkan integrasi data dari pelbagai agensi kerajaan, sektor swasta, dan awam. PGN bukan sahaja menggalakkan penggunaan standard geospatial yang seragam, tetapi juga menyediakan perkhidmatan capaian data geospatial yang berkualiti dan boleh dipercayai. Peranan dan Tanggungjawab PGN PGN bertanggungjawab dalam memastikan keseragaman data geospatial melalui pembangunan standard yang ketat dan penyelarasan antara pelbagai pihak berkepentingan. Sebagai pusat sehenti untuk perkongsian maklumat

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What happened to the smartest kid in your class?

The question “What happened to the smartest kid in your class?” is a common conversation starter and can lead to interesting discussions. Here are some possible ways to approach this question: When discussing what happened to the smartest kid in your class, it’s crucial to recognize the complexity of individual journeys and the various factors that contribute to success. This conversation can lead to insights about personal growth, the pursuit of passion, and the importance of resilience in the face of challenges.

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The Art of Learning and Remembering: Read and Teach

Learning is a fascinating journey, and our ability to acquire and retain knowledge plays a crucial role in our personal and professional development. There’s a simple yet profound saying that encapsulates two essential aspects of this process: “If you want to learn, read; if you want to remember, teach.” In this article, we’ll explore this wisdom and discover how reading and teaching are the key to unlocking your learning potential. 1. Learning through Reading Imagine you’re on a quest for knowledge. You want to explore new horizons, understand complex concepts, and discover the wisdom of others. Where do you begin?

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Colours of the Moon

According to a fascinating tidbit shared on Space Facts via their Facebook page, the remarkable photographic achievement of capturing the stunning spectrum of 48 distinct colors adorning our celestial neighbor, the moon, was a labor of dedication spanning an impressive decade. This monumental endeavor was undertaken by none other than the talented photographer Marcella Julia Pace, whose unwavering commitment to her craft and relentless pursuit of lunar beauty culminated in this extraordinary collection of lunar hues. Over the course of ten years, Marcella Julia Pace meticulously documented the moon’s ever-changing visage, weaving together a captivating visual narrative that showcases the

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The Role of FOSS in Advancing GIS for Government Agencies in Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This paper explores the benefits, limitations, and challenges associated with Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications for government agencies engaged in environmental conservation and natural resource management. FOSS offers the potential for cost-effective, customizable solutions that align with the principles of open data and open standards, promoting interoperability and collaboration. However, adoption, implementation, training, support, data migration, and integration pose significant challenges that agencies must carefully consider. Understanding the role of FOSS in GIS can help government agencies leverage its advantages while mitigating potential pitfalls. 1. Introduction Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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Advancing GIS Software for Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools for government agencies engaged in environmental conservation and natural resource management. This paper delves into three critical aspects of GIS software development that play a pivotal role in these contexts. Firstly, it discusses the significance of the “Build Once, Deploy Anywhere” approach, emphasizing its relevance to government agencies striving for efficient GIS software development. Secondly, it provides a comprehensive comparison between server-based GIS solutions and mobile GIS applications, highlighting their suitability for specific tasks related to environmental conservation and natural resource management. Lastly, it explores the design of

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Sociodemographic Patterns of Convicted Bribe Givers and Solicitors: Unveiling Racial Disparities

Introduction Corruption, a persistent challenge in many societies, corrodes trust in institutions and undermines the rule of law. A deeper understanding of the dynamics behind corruption can provide insights into the factors driving this illicit activity. This article delves into the sociodemographic characteristics of convicted bribe givers and bribe solicitors, shedding light on the racial disparities that emerge from the data. Understanding Bribery Bribery involves the exchange of something valuable, often money or gifts, to influence the actions or decisions of individuals in positions of power. The two main players in this illicit activity are the bribe givers, who offer

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