
A Glimpse into the Past: Reviewing the Early Career of Bill Gates and Its Contemporary Relevance

In the early 1970s, a young and driven individual named William H. Gates had his sights set on the rapidly evolving world of computer systems and programming. His resurfaced job application provides a fascinating snapshot of his aspirations, achievements, and experiences during that era. Known as Bill Gates, he later became the co-founder of Microsoft and a renowned philanthropist. He briefly attended Harvard University before dropping out to pursue the development of Microsoft. As we delve into this historical document, we gain insights into the foundation of a career that would ultimately reshape the technology landscape and inspire generations of […]

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Mengupas Hubungan Antara Kelas Pendapatan dan Kos Sara Hidup: Cabaran dalam Realiti Sosioekonomi

Pengenalan Kelas pendapatan dan kos sara hidup adalah dua aspek yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam landskap ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat. Dalam dunia yang semakin kompleks, perbincangan mengenai bagaimana kelas pendapatan mempengaruhi kesesuaian untuk memenuhi kos sara hidup telah menjadi subjek yang semakin relevan dan mendalam. Artikel ini akan mengupas hubungan yang kompleks antara kelas pendapatan dan kos sara hidup serta menggariskan cabaran yang berkaitan dalam realiti sosioekonomi. Kelas Pendapatan: Pemahaman Awal Kelas pendapatan merujuk kepada pembahagian masyarakat ke dalam kategori-kategori berdasarkan pendapatan mereka. Kelas pendapatan ini biasanya digunakan oleh kerajaan atau pihak berkuasa untuk mengkategorikan pendapatan rakyat mengikut julat tertentu.

Mengupas Hubungan Antara Kelas Pendapatan dan Kos Sara Hidup: Cabaran dalam Realiti Sosioekonomi Read More »

Navigating Roundabouts in Malaysia

In Malaysia, as in many countries that drive on the left side of the road, the rules for navigating a roundabout are akin to those in similar driving environments. Referring to the diagram above depicting the roundabout junction, the following instructions apply to drivers (blue and green cars, respectively): General roundabout tips for drivers in Malaysia: Remember that local traffic rules and regulations can change, so it’s always a good idea to stay up-to-date with the latest driving guidelines in Malaysia. If you’re unsure about how to navigate a specific roundabout, you should follow the signage and markings present at

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The Motherboard’s Whisper: Unveiling the Intelligence of Computers

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. From powering communication networks to processing complex calculations, these machines have grown increasingly intelligent, leaving many of us marveling at their capabilities. Curiosity often leads us to question the origins of this intelligence, and a child’s innocent inquiry can sometimes offer a surprisingly profound perspective. “Why are computers so smart?” a child asks, and the response, “Because computers listen to their motherboards,” might seem whimsical at first glance, but it holds a kernel of truth that delves into the heart of a computer’s functionality.

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Exploring the Essence of Silat: Tradition, Techniques, and Cultural Significance

By Shahabuddin Amerudin The term “Silat” refers to an art of self-defense encompassing the understanding of movement to protect oneself, involving techniques employing weaponry or unarmed combat. Silat is synonymous with the indigenous martial arts of the Nusantara region, spanning countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Borneo, and other Southeast Asian nations. According to the Kamus Dewan dictionary, the term “trickery” is denoted as “elak,” while in the northern dialect of Tanah Melayu, it is referred to as “elat.” A theory posits that “Silat” has its origins in “si-ilat,” which means “one skilled in deception.” Furthermore, “Silat” can also connote

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Chemical Leak at Idemitsu Plant in Pasir Gudang, Johor – Safety Measures and Hazards

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Incident Alert: Chemical Leak at Idemitsu Plant in Pasir Gudang, Johor – Safety Measures and Hazards Introduction A recent chemical leak incident at the Idemitsu (M) Sdn Bhd plant in Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia, has raised concerns about safety and potential hazards. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the incident, details about the hazardous chemical involved, its distribution, and essential safety precautions for the local community. Incident Details On August 23, 2023, at approximately 5:21:54 PM, an emergency call reporting a chemical leak was received by the State Operations Center (PGO) in Johor. The incident occurred

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Choosing Between Web-Based Applications and Native Mobile Apps

By Shahabuddin Amerudin In the dynamic landscape of digital development, the choice between adopting web-based applications and native mobile apps has emerged as a pivotal decision for businesses and developers alike. The path chosen significantly influences user experience, functionality, accessibility, and long-term success. In this article, we delve into the intricate nuances of this decision, exploring in depth the benefits and drawbacks of both web-based applications and native mobile apps. Web-Based Applications: Unleashing the Power of Platform Independence Web-based applications have gained traction due to their inherent cross-platform compatibility and seamless accessibility. These applications, accessible through web browsers, transcend device

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Laman Web Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kampung Melayu Kangkar Pulai

Mengatasi Masalah Pengurusan Tanah Perkuburan melalui Inovasi Teknologi

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Dalam dunia yang semakin berkembang dan penuh dengan kemajuan teknologi, pengurusan tanah perkuburan menghadapi pelbagai cabaran yang semakin rumit. Masyarakat yang berkembang pesat memerlukan pendekatan baharu untuk mengurus dan memudahkan akses kepada tanah perkuburan. Permasalahan ini menuntut penyelesaian yang inovatif dan lebih efisien. Artikel ini akan mengetengahkan kepentingan Laman Web Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kampung Melayu Kangkar Pulai ( sebagai satu contoh inovasi yang berjaya menangani cabaran dalam pengurusan tanah perkuburan dengan pendekatan yang lebih berkesan. Cabaran dalam Pengurusan Tanah Perkuburan Pertumbuhan penduduk yang pesat telah memberi tekanan kepada penggunaan tanah, termasuklah tanah perkuburan, menjadikannya satu keperluan penting

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anah Perkuburan Islam Kampung Melayu Kangkar Pulai

Laman Web Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kangkar Pulai

Dalam era teknologi yang semakin canggih, pengalaman interaktif memainkan peranan penting dalam mengubah perkara biasa menjadi sesuatu yang luar biasa. Itulah yang cuba dicapai oleh Laman Web Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kampung Melayu Kangkar Pulai, Johor Bahru. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi terkini, laman web ini membolehkan pengguna menjelajahi kawasan perkuburan dengan cara yang lebih menarik dan terperinci. Hanya dengan melayari laman web di URL:, pengguna dapat merasai pengalaman baharu. Laman web ini menyediakan peta interaktif yang bukan sahaja memaparkan lokasi kubur tetapi juga membolehkan pengguna berinteraksi dengan peta tersebut. Anda boleh menjelajah peta dengan mudah untuk mencari kubur yang diingini. Sekiranya anda

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Belajar lain kerja pulak lain

Keputusan untuk belajar kursus tertentu di universiti tetapi kemudian bekerja dalam bidang yang tidak berkaitan dan berhutang adalah situasi yang kompleks dan boleh mencetuskan pelbagai isu. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan: Pilihan Kursus Universiti Keputusan memilih kursus di universiti merupakan langkah awal penting dalam membentuk kerjaya. Sekiranya seseorang memilih kursus yang tidak sejajar dengan pekerjaan yang beliau diperolehi, ini boleh mencerminkan ketidakselarasan dalam matlamat dan minat seseorang. Penting untuk membuat kajian yang mendalam dan memilih kursus yang sesuai dengan aspirasi dan kebolehan. Kerja Tidak Berkaitan Mungkin ada sebab-sebab tertentu mengapa seseorang berakhir bekerja dalam bidang yang

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Kelip-Kelip, Kunang-Kunang & Fireflies

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Selain “kelip-kelip” dan “kunang-kunang”, bergantung pada bahasa dan daerah, serangga ini juga dikenali dengan berbagai nama lain. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh nama lain yang mungkin digunakan untuk merujuk kepada serangga dengan kemampuan bioluminesensi: Setiap bahasa dan budaya mungkin memiliki nama khas mereka sendiri untuk serangga dengan cahaya berkedip ini. Kerlipan Kelip-Kelip “Kerlipan kelip-kelip” adalah istilah yang menggambarkan fenomena alami cahaya berkedip-kedip, seperti bintang-bintang di langit malam yang terlihat seperti titik-titik cahaya yang berkedip. Istilah ini sering kali digunakan dalam konteks sastra, puisi, dan lagu untuk menggambarkan suasana malam yang tenang, penuh keindahan dan misteri. Kerlipan kelip-kelip dari

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Navigating the Expansive Horizon of Spatial Data Science

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract In recent times, the realm of spatial data science has witnessed an unprecedented surge, propelled by the exponential growth of spatial data and its potential applications across diverse domains. This review article delves into the multifaceted world of spatial data science, spanning its foundational principles, practical applications, inherent challenges, and the evolving research trends that are shaping its trajectory. By exploring the intricate interplay of spatial data, complexities, and novel methodologies, this review aims to provide a holistic understanding of this dynamic and interdisciplinary field. Unveiling the Essence of Spatial Data Science The advent of the

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The Dynamic Potential of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Extracting and Analyzing Geospatial Data

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Named Entity Recognition (NER), an integral component of Natural Language Processing (NLP), plays a pivotal role in extracting meaningful information from unstructured text. This technique involves the identification and classification of specific entities within text, ranging from names of people and organizations to temporal expressions and geographic locations. The applications of NER are wide-ranging and impactful across diverse industries. In this comprehensive article, we will delve deeper into the mechanics of NER, explore its diverse applications, and focus on a specific use case: geospatial data extraction facilitated by the EntityRecognizer model. The Mechanism Behind NER At its

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Unlocking Textual Insights: The Power and Applications of Named Entity Recognition (NER)

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Named Entity Recognition (NER), often referred to as entity chunking, extraction, or identification, is a vital process in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It revolves around the identification and classification of crucial information, known as entities, within text. These entities can be single words or phrases consistently referring to the same concept. Through NER, we can automatically categorize these entities into predetermined classes, such as “Person,” “Organization,” “Time,” “Location,” and more. This computational feat yields valuable insights from extensive textual data and finds its application across a plethora of scenarios. The Mechanism Behind NER NER

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Simplifying Automated Building Footprint Extraction with Deep Learning in GIS

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This paper delves into the realm of geospatial data processing, highlighting the amalgamation of Python scripting and advanced deep learning techniques for object detection. The resulting synergy offers an avenue to streamline complex tasks within this domain. The focus of this work is on the automation of building footprint extraction from aerial imagery using these integrated methodologies. Automated Building Footprint Extraction via Deep Learning Techniques Consider a scenario where the conventional approach of manually delineating building footprints from newly acquired aerial imagery demands weeks of laborious effort. Conversely, a technologically empowered approach leverages Python scripting in

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Beyond Horizons: Mapping the Future with AR, VR, and Boundless Innovation – Part 2

By Shahabuddin Amerudin In the bustling heart of Nusantara, GeoSmart Solutions had transformed into an innovation powerhouse. Ahmad, the visionary System Analyst, was leading a team that had not only revolutionised tree data collection but was now poised to redefine the very landscape of GIS technology. The success of “Geoscape Greens” had unleashed a wave of creativity, propelling the team into uncharted territory. The integration of AR, VR, XR, and MR into the application marked a turning point. As they tinkered with the potential of these technologies, the team realized they were on the cusp of something extraordinary. The world

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GeoAI: Merging Geospatial Data and AI for Enhanced Decision-Making

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) is a specialized field that combines geospatial data, which includes geographic information such as location, coordinates, and spatial relationships, with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to extract valuable insights, patterns, and predictions from spatially referenced data. In essence, GeoAI involves the application of AI algorithms and methodologies to geospatial data to solve complex problems and enhance decision-making in various domains. Key Components of GeoAI Applications of GeoAI Tools and Software Platforms for GeoAI There are several tools and software platforms available for working with GeoAI. These tools offer functionalities for processing, analyzing, visualizing, and

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GeoAI: Unveiling Patterns and Shaping Futures at the Nexus of Geography and Artificial Intelligence

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction In the contemporary era of technological advancements, the amalgamation of artificial intelligence (AI) with geography has ushered in a revolutionary field known as GeoAI. This interdisciplinary domain leverages the prowess of AI to decode intricate patterns concealed within geospatial data, enabling us to predict, analyze, and respond to a spectrum of events and phenomena. From predicting ecological shifts to deciphering human mobility trends, GeoAI stands as a beacon of innovation that reshapes our perception of the world. In this article, we delve deeper into the essence of GeoAI and its multifaceted applications, bringing to light its

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Analisis dan Komen Mengenai Laporan Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Kewangan Malaysia pada Suku Kedua 2023

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pada tarikh 18 Ogos 2023, Bank Negara Malaysia telah menerbitkan laporan mengenai perkembangan ekonomi dan kewangan Malaysia pada suku kedua tahun 2023. Laporan ini memberikan gambaran yang mendalam mengenai prestasi ekonomi negara dalam tempoh yang diulas. Mari kita lihat secara kritikal dan memberikan komen mengenai beberapa aspek yang diberikan dalam laporan ini. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi yang Sederhana Menurut laporan, ekonomi Malaysia mengalami pertumbuhan sederhana sebanyak 2.9% pada suku kedua tahun 2023. Walaupun pertumbuhan ini lebih rendah berbanding suku pertama tahun yang sama (5.6%), ia masih dianggap memberangsangkan berdasarkan kepada cabaran daripada permintaan luaran yang lebih perlahan. Permintaan domestik

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Free Online Guide: Uploading a Website with PHP and MySQL Database

In this tutorial, the video creator will walk you through the steps of uploading your website with a database for free, without requiring any financial investment. The video creator has previously designed a signup-login website using PHP and MySQL, and now they will illustrate the process of effectively deploying it online. By meticulously adhering to the instructions provided in the video, you can ensure that your website and its associated database are accessible to a global audience. Be assured that individuals with a stable internet connection can easily access your website from various devices such as smartphones and PCs. For

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