
Exam Guides

Attention all students! The moment you’ve been preparing for has finally arrived—it’s time for the big exam! As someone who’s highly prepared, you’re well equipped to tackle any question that comes your way. When it comes to exams, it’s important to stay focused on the task at hand. As a student, your job is to provide accurate and technical answers to the questions posed to you. So resist the temptation to get creative and stick […]

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For we are warriors, fighters

We rise from the ashes, like the phoenix, Reborn and ready to take on the world once more. We heal our wounds, mend our hearts, And come out stronger than before. With each step we take, we gain more ground, With each breath, we find new strength to be found. We rise from the ashes, we heal our wounds, And we walk towards the future with heads held high, unbound. Through every fall, every break,

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Using GIS in the Process of Creating a Green Building Index (GBI) Score for the Elements of the Roof

Inroduction Green Building Index (GBI) is a certification system developed in Malaysia, it is used to assess the environmental performance of buildings in the country. The GBI was created by the Malaysia Green Building Confederation (MGBC) in 2009 as a national green building rating tool to promote sustainable building design and construction practices in Malaysia. The GBI rating system assesses the environmental performance of a building based on six categories: Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Indoor

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Artikel diterbitkan di Sinar Harian

  Sejauh mana jarak sosial boleh mengelakkan risiko jangkitan Covid-19? Berikut hasil kajian penuntut UTM Pautan: KITA sedia maklum, penjarakan sosial pada had jarak yang ditetapkan menjadi salah satu prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang wajib dipatuhi. Bukan sahaja di tempat awam, malah di sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi juga menekankan SOP sama. Sama ada dengan pendekatan penyusunan meja pada jarak yang ditetapkan atau mengehadkan jumlah pelajar dalam satu-satu kelas. Pun begitu, sejauh mana jarak sosial

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Space Demand Analysis for Muslim Cemeteries: Methods, Techniques, and Expectations

Introduction Space demand analysis is a critical process that helps organizations, developers, and architects to determine the amount of space needed for a particular function or activity. The process involves identifying the space requirements of an organization, project, or event, and then determining the amount of space necessary to meet those requirements. This analysis is important for ensuring that the space is efficient, functional, and cost-effective. Space demand analysis for cemeteries is a process used

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Exploring the Replacement of Malay Reserve Land in Malaysia: Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Cases and the Role of GIS

Replacement of Malay Reserve Land refers to the process of replacing land that has been designated as reserve land for the Malay community with alternative land that can be used for other purposes. This process can occur for a variety of reasons, including the development of infrastructure projects, urbanization, and changes in land use patterns. One of the main reasons for the replacement of Malay Reserve Land is the development of infrastructure projects. These projects,

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Using GIS to Analyze The Factors That Contribute to The Underdevelopment of Malay Reserve Land

Introduction Malay Reserve Land refers to land that is designated for the exclusive use and benefit of ethnic Malays and other indigenous communities in Malaysia. This land is typically managed by the government and is protected under the Malay Reservation Enactment of 1933. The development of Malay Reserve Land is a complex issue that has been the subject of much debate in Malaysia. On one hand, there is a need to protect the rights and

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The Role and Responsibilities of a Systems Analyst in Improving Organizational Efficiency

Working as a systems analyst involves analyzing an organization’s current systems and processes, identifying areas of improvement, and designing and implementing new systems to increase efficiency and effectiveness. This may include developing new software systems, upgrading existing systems, or integrating different systems to work together. Some key responsibilities of a systems analyst include: Gathering and analyzing data on current systems and processes Identifying areas of improvement and potential solutions Communicating with stakeholders to gather requirements

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Hard Skills and Soft Skills in Systems Analysis and Design

In Systems Analysis and Design, some of the key hard skills needed include: Technical knowledge in areas such as programming languages, database management systems, and software development methodologies. Understanding of system development life cycle (SDLC) models and methodologies, such as Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, etc. Knowledge of system design and modeling techniques, such as use case diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, data flow diagrams, and class diagrams. Familiarity with project management methodologies, such as the critical path method

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Exploring the Subfields of Geoinformation

Some other thought: “Geoinformation” is the overarching term that encompasses all the fields related to the collection, management, analysis, and dissemination of geographic information. Under “Geoinformation”, we have several subfields: Geographic Information Systems (GIS): A system for capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information. GIScience (also known as geospatial science or geoinformatics): The scientific study of the principles and methods used in GIS, including geographic concepts, data structures, algorithms, and software used in GIS,

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Saving GIS Data to Another File Format using Python

In this example, the data is read from a shapefile and written to a geojson file. The properties, crs, and schema of the new file are defined from the source file using the src.schema and attributes. It’s important to note that when saving the data to a new file, the file format and the driver must be specified correctly, and the schema and properties must match the data being written. You can also use

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How to Read Several Common GIS Data Types using Python

This example shows how easy it is to read a shapefile using Fiona, you can open a file, iterate over the features and access the data, and close the file using the “with” statement. Fiona also supports other formats such as geojson, KML, and others, you can use the same approach to read these other formats, by simply changing the file path and extension when opening the file with the method. For example, to

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