Exploring the Relationship Between Programming Skills and Career Goals in GIS: A Survey Analysis

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

Are you interested in working with GIS, or Geographic Information Systems? If so, you may be wondering if there is a relationship between being comfortable with programming languages and your career goals. Well, let’s take a look at some data to see if we can find any patterns.

The data we have comes from a survey of students who are interested in GIS. The survey asked questions about the participants’ understanding of GIS, their comfort with programming languages commonly used in GIS software development, which programming languages they have used before, and whether they have developed any GIS applications before. The survey also asked about the participants’ career goals after graduation.

First, let’s look at the participants’ comfort with programming languages. The survey asked participants to rate their comfort level on a scale from “not comfortable” to “somewhat comfortable” to “very comfortable”. The most commonly used programming language among the participants was Python, and most students rated themselves as “somewhat comfortable” with it.

Next, let’s look at the participants’ career goals. The survey asked participants what their career goals were after graduation. The most common responses were “GIS analyst”, “GIS developer”, “GIS specialist”, and “undecided at the moment”.

Now, let’s see if there is a relationship between being comfortable with programming languages and career goals. Looking at the data, it appears that students who rated themselves as “somewhat comfortable” with programming languages like Python were more likely to have career goals as a GIS analyst or developer. In fact, many of the participants who rated themselves as “somewhat comfortable” with Python had already developed GIS applications before. 

On the other hand, students who rated themselves as “not comfortable” with programming languages were more likely to be undecided about their career goals or to have career goals as a GIS specialist. 

So what does this mean? Well, it seems that being comfortable with programming languages, especially Python, can be a helpful skill to have if you’re interested in a career as a GIS analyst or developer. Developing GIS applications can also be a valuable experience that can lead to job opportunities in these fields. 

Of course, there are other factors that can influence career goals and success in GIS, such as education, experience, and networking. But if you’re interested in GIS and want to improve your career prospects, learning programming languages like Python may be a good place to start. In conclusion, the data suggests that there is a relationship between being comfortable with programming languages and career goals in GIS. If you’re interested in this field, consider learning Python and developing GIS applications to increase your chances of success. 

Citation: Amerudin, S. (2023) Exploring the Relationship Between Programming Skills and Career Goals in GIS: A Survey Analysis. Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=6095 (Accessed: 22 March 2023).
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