Sesi Perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024



Di parlimen, lima orang pembahas utama dalam perbahasan pindaan Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024 telah membangkitkan isu-isu penting yang berkaitan dengan pindaan tersebut. Yang Berhormat Seputeh bertanya mengenai maksud “survey-accurate techniques” dan mengenai data geomatik yang perlu disimpan oleh JUPEM, serta langkah-langkah pencegahan untuk kesalahan profesional dalam pengukuran. Yang Berhormat Pasir Salak mempersoalkan rasional kenaikan kadar denda dan mencadangkan agar hukuman lebih berat dikenakan terhadap mereka yang melaksanakan kerja ukur tanpa kuasa. Sementara itu, Yang Berhormat Ampang menyoal tentang pendigitalan data geomatik dan perbezaan kadar denda antara juruukur tanah berlesen (JTB) dan individu yang tidak berlesen. Yang Berhormat Kuantan menyokong pindaan akta dan mengajukan soalan mengenai implikasi kewangan, kesediaan sistem untuk perubahan ini, dan pendaftaran ahli. Akhir sekali, Yang Berhormat Tumpat mempersoalkan isu penggunaan istilah “berlesen”, perbezaan antara ukuran hak milik dan geomatik, kursus-kursus geomatik yang ditawarkan, sempadan maritim, dan penyelarasan e-Tanah. Seterusnya, Menteri Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam, Tuan Nik Nazmi bin Nik Ahmad memberikan jawapan balas terhadap beberapa persoalan yang dibangkitkan ini.

Isu Utama Yang Dinyatakan oleh Ahli Parlimen

Berikut adalah isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) dalam perbahasan mengenai Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024:

  1. Pengiktirafan Skop Kerja Juruukur Tanah Berlesen: Puan Teresa Kok mencadangkan agar skop kerja Juruukur Tanah Berlesen diiktiraf secara rasmi untuk merangkumi bukan sahaja pengukuran hak milik tetapi juga semua bidang ukur tanah dan pemetaan yang berkaitan dengan geomatik. Ini termasuk kejuruteraan, hidrografi, pemetaan utiliti bawah tanah, fotogrametri, dan lain-lain.
  2. Definisi “Survey Accurate Techniques”: Beliau meminta penjelasan mengenai maksud istilah “survey accurate techniques” dalam seksyen 3. Terutama, adakah peralatan seperti pita ukur, distometer, alat penentuan laser, dan alat aras yang digunakan, adakah termasuk dalam definisi ini.
  3. Pengurusan Data Geomatik oleh JUPEM: Puan Teresa mengemukakan kebimbangan mengenai keperluan untuk semua rekod atau data geomatik disimpan oleh JUPEM (Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia). Beliau bertanya sama ada adalah wajar dan sesuai untuk JUPEM menjadi custodian semua data geomatik, terutama memandangkan tidak semua data tersebut mungkin mempunyai kepentingan kerajaan.
  4. Kepentingan dan Keperluan Sumber untuk JUPEM: Beliau juga membangkitkan isu mengenai keperluan penambahan kakitangan juruukur, pakar IT, serta kemudahan perkakasan dan perisian untuk menampung data geomatik yang besar. Puan Teresa mencadangkan bahawa mungkin perlu ada pusat data baharu di setiap negeri untuk menampung data tersebut.
  5. Kadar Denda dalam Seksyen 17C(2): Puan Teresa menyatakan bahawa kadar denda yang ditetapkan kurang daripada RM100,000 adalah terlalu berat. Beliau mencadangkan agar kadar denda dikurangkan kepada kurang daripada RM50,000, berdasarkan maklum balas dari pihak juruukur.
  6. Definisi Penggunaan Pelan Ukur dalam Seksyen 19C: Puan Teresa meminta definisi yang tepat dan jelas mengenai penggunaan pelan ukur tanpa kebenaran. Ini penting kerana dokumen tersebut sering digunakan oleh orang awam, termasuk perunding projek dan pegawai kerajaan.
  7. Proses Mendapat Kebenaran: Beliau mengkritik proses mendapatkan kebenaran pihak ketiga dan agensi kerajaan yang memakan masa yang panjang dan rumit. Beliau mencadangkan agar proses ini dipermudahkan untuk memudahkan penggunaan pelan ukur oleh pihak berkepentingan.
  8. Bilangan Juruukur Tanah Berlesen: Puan Teresa mengungkapkan kebimbangan mengenai jumlah juruukur tanah berlesen yang kini kurang dari 500 orang dan sebahagian besar daripada mereka adalah warga emas. Beliau mencadangkan agar usaha lebih dilakukan untuk menggalakkan pemuda mempelajari bidang geomatik dan menambah bilangan profesional dalam bidang ini, terutama daripada pihak swasta.

Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim mengemukakan isu-isu ini dengan tujuan untuk memastikan bahawa pindaan undang-undang akan dapat menangani cabaran-cabaran semasa dan memajukan profesion juruukur tanah berlesen serta geomatik di Malaysia.

Berikut adalah isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Tuan Jamaludin bin Yahya (Pasir Salak) dalam perbahasan mengenai Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024:

  1. Kurangnya Pengiktirafan terhadap Kerjaya Juruukur: Tuan Jamaludin menegaskan bahawa kerjaya juruukur kurang dikenali oleh generasi hari ini, walaupun sumbangan mereka terhadap pembangunan negara sangat besar. Beliau menyatakan perlunya usaha untuk membuka ruang minda generasi muda dan menggalakkan mereka menceburi bidang ini.
  2. Sokongan Terhadap Pindaan Undang-Undang: Tuan Jamaludin menyokong rasional pemindaan rang undang-undang ini, terutamanya dengan memasukkan seksyen baharu 19A yang membolehkan rekod dan data ukur dikemukakan melalui perantara elektronik. Ini dianggap sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi semasa.
  3. Kenaikan Hukuman dan Denda: Beliau menyatakan sokongan terhadap kenaikan hukuman bagi kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (JTB), seperti yang dinyatakan dalam seksyen 17 dan 18. Namun, beliau meminta pencerahan mengenai rasional di sebalik penurunan denda tatatertib dalam seksyen 17(C) dari RM500 kepada RM1,000, kerana ini merupakan penurunan sebanyak RM400.
  4. Pengawalan Bidang Juruukur yang Tidak Dimaktubkan dalam Akta: Tuan Jamaludin mencadangkan agar hukuman yang lebih berat dikenakan kepada pihak yang melakukan kerja juruukur tanpa lesen serta juruukur yang melanggar etika profesional. Beliau berpendapat bahawa bidang yang dijalankan oleh juruukur tanah berlesen tetapi tidak dimasukkan dalam akta perlu dikawal dengan lebih ketat.
  5. Penjelasan Tujuan Pindaan: Beliau meminta penjelasan mengenai tujuan utama pindaan undang-undang ini, terutama yang dinyatakan dalam preamble atau sinopsis ringkas dalam kertas cadangan. Tuan Jamaludin menyatakan bahawa pindaan ini tidak melibatkan implikasi kewangan kepada kerajaan atau rakyat dan berharap tujuan utama yang berkaitan dengan interpretasi dan skop kerja geomatik serta pemetaan yang lebih spesifik dapat dijelaskan dengan lebih lanjut.

Tuan Jamaludin menyatakan sokongan penuh terhadap pindaan Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024, sambil mengharapkan penjelasan dan pengubahan yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki dan mengemaskini akta tersebut.

Berikut adalah isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Puan Hajah Rodziah binti Ismail (Ampang) dalam perbahasan mengenai Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024:

  1. Pengiktirafan Skop Kerja Juruukur: Puan Hajah Rodziah mengalu-alukan pindaan dalam Akta 458 yang memperluaskan skop kerja Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (JTB) untuk meliputi bidang ukur geomatik dan teknik pengukuran tepat (survey accurate techniques). Beliau meminta kepastian mengenai penguatkuasaan terhadap perkakasan dan alat-alat yang digunakan dalam teknologi terkini.
  2. Pendigitalan Rekod dan Data Ukur: Dengan penambahan subseksyen 14(2) yang memperuntukkan penyimpanan pelan ukur geomatik di JUPEM, beliau menanyakan sama ada proses pendigitalan akan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya dan bagaimana tumpuan ini akan dilaksanakan.
  3. Pengiktirafan “Land Surveyor” (LSr): Puan Hajah Rodziah menyambut baik pengiktirafan abreviasi “LSr” untuk juruukur, berharap ia akan meningkatkan martabat profesion dan menarik lebih ramai untuk memasuki bidang ini.
  4. Isu Ukur Halus dan Masa Menunggu: Beliau menyarankan agar RUU JTB Pindaan 2024 turut menghuraikan isu-isu terkait ukur halus, terutama berkaitan dengan masa menunggu yang lama untuk mendapatkan hak milik kekal selepas hak milik sementara.
  5. Kepatuhan Terhadap Sempadan Tanah: Puan Hajah Rodziah mencadangkan agar rancangan pembangunan di atas tanah memastikan struktur dan bangunan didirikan dalam sempadan lot yang tepat untuk mengelakkan masalah seperti tanah yang mencerobohi tanah orang lain.
  6. Kadar Denda Maksimum: Beliau mengkritik kadar denda maksimum yang dikenakan untuk salah laku profesional (naik dari RM500 kepada RM100,000) dan individu tanpa lesen (naik dari RM500 kepada RM250,000). Puan Hajah Rodziah mencadangkan agar kadar denda untuk profesion profesional perlu disemak semula dan mungkin dikurangkan berbanding individu tanpa lesen.
  7. Pertimbangan Rasional Pindaan: Beliau meminta penjelasan mengenai rasional di sebalik kadar denda yang berbeza untuk profesion profesional dan individu tanpa lesen dalam pindaan ini.
  8. Peningkatan Skop dan Dokumentasi: Puan Hajah Rodziah menyokong usaha untuk memperkukuhkan Akta 458, memperluaskan skop kerja, memperkenalkan proses yang lebih baik, dokumentasi yang lebih sempurna, serta memansuhkan istilah-istilah lama. Beliau berharap RUU ini dapat diluluskan dan dilaksanakan dengan segera.

Puan Hajah Rodziah mengakhiri dengan mengucapkan terima kasih dan berharap pelaksanaan pindaan ini dapat memperbaiki undang-undang dan proses kerja dalam bidang juruukur.

Berikut adalah isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Tuan Wan Razali bin Wan Nor (Kuantan) dalam perbahasan mengenai Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024:

  1. Pindaan Seksyen 4 dan 9:
    • Kompetensi Ahli Lembaga Pengarah: Tuan Wan Razali menyokong pindaan yang mewajibkan ahli lembaga pengarah berdaftar termasuk Ketua Pengarah untuk memastikan mereka kompeten. Beliau bertanya mengenai kesan pindaan ini terhadap kadar yuran pendaftaran ahli atau peperiksaan yang berkaitan.
  2. Penggunaan Singkatan “LSr” dan Kesan Kadar Yuran: Beliau mengalu-alukan penggunaan singkatan “LSr” untuk juruukur tetapi ingin mengetahui apakah pindaan ini akan mempengaruhi kadar yuran pendaftaran atau peperiksaan yang berkaitan.
  3. Seksyen 19A – Penghantaran Data Elektronik:
    • Kepatuhan kepada Geomatic Survey: Tuan Wan Razali mempersoalkan sama ada penghantaran data melalui medium elektronik diwajibkan sepenuhnya atau bersifat pilihan, dan bertanya mengenai tahap kesediaan sistem kerajaan seperti Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia dan JUPEM untuk menerima data secara elektronik.
    • Kesiapsiagaan Sistem: Beliau meminta penjelasan tentang tahap kesediaan sistem kerajaan dan kos tambahan yang mungkin terlibat jika sistem pelayan dan pangkalan data kerajaan perlu dinaik taraf.
    • Jumlah Rekod dan Pelan Backup: Tuan Wan Razali ingin tahu jumlah rekod yang ada dalam pangkalan data LJBM dan langkah-langkah backup jika sistem elektronik mengalami masalah.
  4. Perbezaan Kadar Denda: Beliau mempersoalkan rasional di sebalik perbezaan kadar denda dan hukuman penjara antara seksyen 17 (juruukur bertauliah) dan seksyen 19 (individu tanpa lesen), serta mengapa tiada hukuman penjara bagi seksyen 17.
  5. Penarikan Balik Lesen dan Tindakan Terhadap Kesalahan Serius: Tuan Wan Razali bertanya sama ada lesen juruukur bertauliah boleh ditarik balik jika mereka melakukan kesalahan serius atau berulang.
  6. Tempoh Peralihan dan Permohonan Lesen:
    • Tempoh Enam Bulan: Beliau mempersoalkan sama ada tempoh enam bulan yang ditetapkan untuk memohon lesen adalah mencukupi untuk meluluskan permohonan yang melibatkan beberapa syarat.
    • Permohonan oleh Bukan Warganegara: Tuan Wan Razali juga bertanya sama ada bukan warganegara boleh memohon lesen juruukur bahan dan justifikasi untuk kebenaran tersebut, serta sama ada mereka terikat dengan undang-undang kerahsiaan negara.

Tuan Wan Razali mengakhiri dengan meminta penjelasan lanjut mengenai isu-isu tersebut untuk memahami implikasi pindaan ini dengan lebih mendalam.

Berikut adalah isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Dato’ Mumtaz binti Md Nawi (Tumpat) dalam perbahasan mengenai Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024:

  1. Penggunaan Istilah “Juruukur Tanah Berlesen” dan “Berlesen”: Dato’ Mumtaz mempersoalkan penggunaan istilah “berlesen” dalam sebutan “juruukur tanah berlesen”, dan bertanya mengapa tidak hanya menggunakan “juruukur tanah” sahaja. Beliau juga meminta penjelasan mengenai bilangan juruukur yang berlesen dan yang tidak berlesen.
  2. Pengiktirafan dan Skop Geomatic Survey:
    • Skop Kerja Geomatic Survey: Beliau ingin tahu jika semua kerja-kerja dalam geomatic survey termasuk hydrographic survey, utility survey, dan aerial mapping perlu disahkan oleh juruukur tanah berlesen sahaja.
    • Terminologi dan Kerja-kerja yang Tidak Termasuk: Dato’ Mumtaz menanyakan apakah kerja-kerja yang sebelum ini tidak dianggap sebagai title survey, seperti utility survey, telah termasuk dalam takrifan geomatic survey dalam pindaan ini.
  3. Kursus dan Pendidikan Geomatic Survey:
    • Kursus dan Silibus: Beliau bertanya mengenai jumlah universiti yang menawarkan kursus berkaitan geomatic survey dan apakah pembelajaran geomatic akan dimasukkan dalam silibus pendidikan.
    • Latihan dan Peralatan: Dato’ Mumtaz juga meminta maklumat mengenai latihan, peralatan, dan kos yang terlibat dalam pendidikan juruukur serta apakah ia mencukupi untuk memenuhi keperluan pindaan ini.
  4. Kos Pengesahan untuk Pembangunan Kecil: Beliau mengusulkan agar kawasan pembangunan kecil tidak perlu membayar kos pengesahan tambahan oleh perancang bandar bertauliah, cukup dengan pengesahan oleh juruukur tanah berlesen sahaja.
  5. Jumlah Tenaga Profesional: Dato’ Mumtaz ingin mengetahui sama ada terdapat cukup tenaga profesional dalam bidang juruukur di negara ini serta keperluan bagi mekanisme dan silibus pendidikan.
  6. Penyelarasan e-Tanah dan Teknologi:
    • Penyelarasan e-Tanah: Beliau menegaskan keperluan penyelarasan sistem e-Tanah di semua negeri dan bertanya tentang kesan pindaan ini terhadap sistem e-Tanah dan aplikasi lain seperti MyLOT, MyGeoMap, dan I-Plan.
    • Kaitan dengan SDG dan Perancang Bandar: Dato’ Mumtaz juga memohon penjelasan tentang bagaimana pindaan ini akan mempengaruhi perancang bandar, SDG, dan isu-isu berkaitan seperti food security.
  7. Isu Sempadan Maritim: Beliau berharap pindaan ini akan membantu dalam menyelesaikan isu sempadan maritim Malaysia, terutama berkaitan tuntutan Indonesia dan pengiktirafan Pulau Natuna.

Dato’ Mumtaz mengharapkan bahawa pindaan ini akan membawa kepada penyelarasan yang lebih baik dan penyelesaian isu-isu sempadan serta penyampaian perkhidmatan yang lebih efisien dalam sektor ukur tanah.

Jawapan Balas Menteri

Jawapan yang diberikan oleh Menteri Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam, Tuan Nik Nazmi bin Nik Ahmad, terhadap perseolan yang dikemukakan dalam perbahasan Rang Undang-undang Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (Pindaan) 2024:

  1. Definisi “Survey-Accurate Techniques”:
    • Penjelasan mengenai istilah “survey-accurate techniques” yang merujuk kepada kaedah pengukuran tepat menggunakan peralatan seperti GPS dan total station yang mematuhi spesifikasi JUPEM.
  2. Penyimpanan Data Geomatik:
    • Penggunaan data center JUPEM untuk menyimpan data geomatik yang terhad kepada data tertentu yang diperlukan oleh kerajaan, seperti data utiliti bawah tanah dan geospatial untuk projek pembangunan utama negara. Bukan semua data geomatik perlu dihantar ke JUPEM.
  3. Kenaikan Kadar Denda:
    • Pindaan untuk meningkatkan kadar denda ke atas Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (JTB) daripada RM500 kepada melebihi RM100,000, yang dianggap terlalu rendah sejak 1958 dan tidak setara dengan badan profesional lain. Kenaikan ini bertujuan mencegah kesalahan profesional dan memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan.
  4. Rasional Kenaikan Denda:
    • Kenaikan denda bagi individu yang tidak berlesen melibatkan kesalahan jenayah seperti penyamaran atau penipuan dalam kerja-kerja ukur geomatik, yang berbeza dengan denda profesional bagi JTB.
  5. Universiti yang Menawarkan Kursus Geomatic Surveys:
    • Terdapat empat institusi yang menawarkan kursus dalam geomatic surveys: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Kolej Universiti Geomatika di Setiawangsa, dan Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL).
  6. Sempadan Maritim:
    • Pengakuan mengenai isu sempadan maritim, namun dinyatakan bahawa ini bukan isu utama dalam pindaan ini dan merupakan kerja berterusan di bawah Wisma Putra untuk menyelesaikan persempadanan dengan negara jiran.
  7. Penyesuaian Undang-Undang dengan Perkembangan Teknologi:
    • Pindaan ini bertujuan untuk mengemaskini undang-undang sedia ada selari dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan semasa serta memperkasakan peranan Lembaga Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (LJT) dalam mengawal selia aktiviti pengukuran.

Menteri juga menyebut bahawa sebarang butiran yang tertinggal akan dijawab secara bertulis dan berharap pindaan ini mendapat sokongan untuk mempertingkatkan profesionalisme dan pengawalan dalam bidang ukur tanah.

Ringkasan dan Kesimpulan

Secara kesimpulan terhadap isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh ahli parlimen dan jawapan yang diberikan oleh Menteri Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam adalah seperti berikut:

Isu utama yang dibangkitkan oleh ahli parlimen termasuklah definisi dan aplikasi istilah “survey-accurate techniques”, pengurusan dan penyimpanan data geomatik, kadar denda yang dikenakan terhadap Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (JTB) dan individu tidak berlesen, jumlah institusi yang menawarkan kursus dalam geomatic surveys, serta isu sempadan maritim.

Pertama, ahli parlimen mempersoalkan maksud istilah “survey-accurate techniques” yang digunakan dalam pindaan akta. Menteri menjelaskan bahawa istilah ini merujuk kepada kaedah pengukuran tepat menggunakan peralatan seperti GPS dan total station yang mematuhi spesifikasi yang ditetapkan oleh JUPEM, bertujuan memastikan kejituan tinggi dalam kerja ukur.

Kedua, terdapat kebimbangan mengenai penyimpanan data geomatik di JUPEM, di mana ahli parlimen mempersoalkan sejauh mana semua data geomatik perlu dihantar kepada JUPEM. Menteri menjelaskan bahawa data geomatik hanya melibatkan data yang diperlukan oleh pihak berkuasa, seperti data utiliti bawah tanah dan geospatial untuk projek utama negara, dan bukan semua data geomatik perlu dihantar.

Ketiga, isu mengenai kenaikan kadar denda bagi JTB dan individu tidak berlesen turut dibangkitkan. Menteri menyatakan bahawa kadar denda untuk JTB dinaikkan daripada RM500 kepada melebihi RM100,000 kerana kadar denda lama dianggap terlalu rendah dan tidak setara dengan badan profesional lain. Ini bertujuan mencegah kesalahan profesional dan memastikan kepatuhan. Untuk individu tidak berlesen yang melakukan kesalahan jenayah, kenaikan denda dan hukuman penjara bertujuan memberi kesan pencegahan yang lebih ketat.

Keempat, mengenai jumlah institusi yang menawarkan kursus dalam geomatic surveys, Menteri menyenaraikan dua universiti awam (UTM dan UiTM) dan dua universiti swasta (Kolej Universiti Geomatika dan IUKL) yang menyediakan kursus tersebut, menunjukkan usaha dalam menyediakan tenaga profesional yang mencukupi dalam bidang ini.

Akhir sekali, isu sempadan maritim dibangkitkan, namun Menteri menyatakan bahawa ini bukan fokus utama pindaan ini dan merupakan isu berterusan yang ditangani oleh Wisma Putra untuk menyelesaikan persempadanan dengan negara jiran. Menteri juga menekankan bahawa pindaan ini bertujuan untuk mengemaskini undang-undang selari dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan semasa, serta memperkasakan peranan Lembaga Juruukur Tanah Berlesen dalam mengawal selia aktiviti pengukuran.

Sumber: Dewan Rakyat. (2024, March 25). Parlimen Kelima Belas, Penggal Ketiga, Mesyuarat Pertama, Bil. 17.

Elevating SBEG3583 2023: Student Perspectives and Recommendations from Semester-End GIS Course Survey

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


The SBEG3583 Course Evaluation Survey, conducted at the end of Semester 2 in the 2022/2023 academic session, yielded valuable insights from students about their experiences in the GIS Software System course. This analysis delves into the findings and provides recommendations for improving the course based on both the quantitative data and qualitative comments from respondents.

Knowledge Gained

Students’ enthusiastic acknowledgment of the specific knowledge and skills acquired during the course underscores the practical value of the curriculum. One respondent mentioned, “I know how to use some Software that I’m not familiar with before this, such as ArcGIS Pro, Mapinfo Pro.” This demonstrates the course’s effectiveness in expanding students’ technical toolkit. To further enhance this aspect, integrating more real-world scenarios in practical applications could deepen students’ practical understanding.

Teaching and Learning

Feedback regarding teaching methods offers valuable insights for improvement. Respondents’ suggestions such as “Do interactive slides and make them simpler for better understanding” and “Implement more graphics like mind maps, pictures, and figures in lecture slides” point to a desire for more engaging and visually impactful instructional materials. By implementing these suggestions, instructors can address various learning preferences and enhance content retention.

Teaching Evaluations – Assessments

Respondents’ perspectives on assessments provide useful direction for refinement. One respondent emphasized the value of solving real problems in assessments, stating “The assessment can be evaluated on solving the real problem, rather than theoretical in-lecture topic.” This underscores the importance of linking assessments to real-world applications. By aligning assessments more closely with practical challenges, the course can better prepare students for future GIS-related tasks.

Teaching Methods in Lecture, Lab, and Excursion

Respondents’ suggestions for teaching methods underscore the potential for enhancing engagement. One respondent suggested incorporating gamification elements, stating, “Incorporate elements of gamification, like GIS-related challenges or scavenger hunts, to make learning more interactive and enjoyable.” Gamification can inject enthusiasm into the learning process and promote active participation. Additionally, comments about field trips highlight the need for stable GPS accuracy and application usability, indicating areas for improvement in future excursions.

Overall Experience

Students’ overall positive experiences provide a strong foundation to build upon. Respondents’ desire for “more lab work that contributes to GIS SOFTWARE” and the suggestion to “improve the student understanding of the course” through increased industry excursions offer concrete areas for enhancement. By incorporating additional practical exercises and industry insights, the course can foster a more comprehensive and well-rounded learning experience.

Recommendations for Improvement

1. Enhanced Interactive Learning Materials: Develop interactive slide presentations and simplify them for improved clarity. Graphics like mind maps, images, and figures can be integrated to enhance visual understanding.

2. Real-World Application in Assessments: Revise assessments to focus on real-world problem-solving scenarios, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges.

3. Gamification for Engagement: Incorporate gamification elements, such as challenges and quizzes, to promote interactivity and enhance student engagement.

4. Strengthen Excursions: Ensure stable GPS accuracy and usability in field trip applications, addressing the practical challenges faced during excursions.

5. Increased Practical Exposure: Integrate more lab work and industry excursions to provide hands-on experience and deeper insights into GIS applications.

6. Practical Application Emphasis: Highlight the practical applications of GIS software systems in lectures, labs, and assignments to align learning with real-world contexts.


The SBEG3583 Course Evaluation Survey provided valuable insights for enhancing the GIS Software System course. Respondents’ suggestions offer clear direction for improvement, including interactive learning materials, real-world assessments, gamification, strengthened excursions, increased practical exposure, and an emphasis on practical applications. By implementing these recommendations, the course can offer an enriched learning experience that equips students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for their future pursuits in GIS.

Please note that this analysis and the set of recommendations are derived from insights presented in the articles available at and

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Elevating SBEG3583 2023: Student Perspectives and Recommendations from Semester-End GIS Course Survey. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 30 August 2023).

SBEG3583 2023 Course Evaluation Survey Detailed Report

By Shahabuddin Amerudin


The SBEG3583 Course Evaluation Survey was conducted to gather comprehensive feedback from students regarding their experiences in the GIS Software System course. This report provides a detailed analysis of the survey results, highlighting students’ perspectives on course content, teaching methods, knowledge gained, and overall learning experience.

Survey Overview

The survey was administered during the end of Semester 2 of the 2022/2023 academic session and received participation from 33 students enrolled in the SBEG3583 GIS Software System course.

Course Content

  • Students universally acknowledged the course’s success in covering essential topics and concepts related to GIS software systems.
  • A common sentiment was that the course content was relevant and aligned with students’ expectations, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  • Respondents appreciated the course’s depth of coverage, with many expressing satisfaction about the range of topics explored.
  • The explanations provided by the instructors were widely praised for their clarity, facilitating students’ comprehension of intricate technical concepts.

Knowledge Learned

  • All respondents reported that the course significantly contributed to their comprehensive understanding of GIS software systems, enabling them to confidently engage with the subject matter.
  • Many students highlighted the practical application of skills gained from the course. These included using GIS software during internships, creating geotagging applications, and managing GIS projects effectively.
  • Some respondents specifically mentioned newfound expertise in using software tools such as ArcGIS Pro and MapInfo Pro, which expanded their skillset beyond their initial familiarity.

Teaching and Learning

  • The majority of students (81.8%) rated the overall teaching effectiveness of the instructor as “4,” indicating a high level of satisfaction.
  • All respondents (100%) indicated that the instructor’s communication of course material was clear and effective, enhancing their understanding of complex concepts.
  • Teaching materials, including lecture slides and handouts, were highly regarded for their role in assisting students’ comprehension of challenging subjects.

Teaching Evaluations – Individual Assignments, Lab Tasks, Projects, and Tests

  • Students unanimously confirmed that individual assignments, lab tasks, projects, and tests played a crucial role in reinforcing their understanding of the course material.
  • The effectiveness of these assessments was frequently praised for its practicality and ability to simulate real-world scenarios, enabling students to apply GIS knowledge.
  • Constructive suggestions included providing clearer assessment criteria and incorporating more real-world problem-solving tasks.

Teaching Methods in Lecture, Lab, and Excursion

  • Lectures were seen as effective by most students (63.6% rated “4”), although some respondents desired more interactive elements to further engage learners.
  • Lab sessions were widely commended for their practicality, as they allowed students to apply theoretical knowledge in hands-on settings.
  • Field trips and excursions were unanimously considered beneficial in enhancing students’ comprehension by providing real-world context and practical experience.

Overall Experience

  • Students reported an overall positive experience with the GIS Software System course, with 63.6% rating it as “4” and 27.3% as “5.”
  • All respondents (100%) expressed their willingness to recommend the course to other students, indicating a high level of satisfaction with the learning experience.
  • Valuable suggestions for improvement included incorporating more lab work, refining the simplicity and graphical elements of teaching materials, and enhancing the frequency and quality of industry excursions.


The SBEG3583 Course Evaluation Survey yielded insightful feedback from students, reflecting their positive experiences with the GIS Software System course. The course content, teaching methods, and knowledge acquired were widely appreciated. The survey also provided valuable suggestions for improvement, particularly in terms of enhancing interactivity and refining teaching materials. Overall, the course appears to have successfully equipped students with comprehensive GIS software system knowledge and practical skills, creating a solid foundation for their future endeavours in the field.

Please note that a more comprehensive analysis is available in the article accessible via this link:

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). SBEG3583 2023 Course Evaluation Survey Detailed Report. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 30 August 2023).

Assessing Prior Knowledge and Expectations of GIS Software Systems Among Undergraduate Students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of GIS software systems among 3rd year undergraduate students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The study aimed to assess their experience with geospatial software, including identifying and evaluating software options, their comfort level with programming languages used in GIS software development, their prior knowledge related to GIS software systems, and their career goals after graduation.

The data was collected through a survey of 30 respondents enrolled in the GIS Software System course for Semester 2 Session 2022/2023 at the Geoinformation Programme, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, as part of the Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours program. The survey data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Overall, the survey provided valuable insights into the prior knowledge of GIS software systems among 3rd year undergraduate students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The findings revealed that the majority of respondents have experience in identifying and evaluating software options, but face challenges related to a lack of knowledge on software options. Python is the most commonly used programming language, and most respondents are somewhat comfortable with programming languages commonly used in GIS software development. Additionally, over half of the respondents have developed GIS applications before, with QGIS Plugin Development being the most commonly used GIS application development tool.

The survey also highlighted the diversity of career goals among respondents, with many undecided about their goals after graduation. Some respondents have specific goals related to GIS, such as GIS Analyst or GIS Developer, while others have broader goals related to web app development, database integration, and data analysis and management. Finally, the survey revealed that respondents have different expectations for the course, ranging from learning how to develop GIS software systems to exploring new things in the GIS field.

Based on these findings, it is clear that there is a need for continued education and training in GIS software systems to prepare students for careers in this field. Additionally, educators should focus on providing students with more information on software options to help them better identify and evaluate options that meet their needs. Finally, there is a need for greater exposure to a wider range of GIS application development tools to provide students with more options for their future careers.

In conclusion, this survey provides important insights into the prior knowledge, experience, and career goals of 3rd year undergraduate students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in relation to GIS software systems. These findings can inform future education and training initiatives in this field and help prepare students for successful careers in GIS.

Amerudin, S. (2023) Assessing Prior Knowledge and Expectations of GIS Software Systems Among Undergraduate Students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2023).

Analysis of Respondent’s Learning Goals and Expectations for GIS Software Systems Course

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

The survey collected data from 30 students who are going to take GIS Software System course in Semester 2 Session 2022/2023 from Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours at Geoinformation Programme, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. In this dataset, respondents were asked what new things they want to learn and what their expectations are for the GIS course they will be taking. The following is a detailed analysis of their responses:

New Things to Learn

  1. Development of web apps: Several respondents expressed interest in learning how to develop GIS-based web applications. They want to gain knowledge of programming languages and tools required to create dynamic web pages with GIS components and functionalities.
  2. Software system knowledge: A few respondents want to expand their understanding of GIS software systems, including their architecture, design, and development process. They want to learn about different types of software, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to evaluate them based on project requirements.
  3. Spatial analysis: Some respondents expressed interest in learning spatial analysis techniques and tools, including spatial data modeling, spatial statistics, and geostatistics. They want to gain knowledge of methods and tools to visualize and interpret spatial data.
  4. Database integration: A few respondents want to learn how to integrate GIS software with databases, including how to import/export data, manage databases, and conduct queries.
  5. New software and tools: Some respondents expressed an interest in learning about new GIS software and tools and their capabilities. They want to know about the latest trends and innovations in GIS technology.
  6. Advanced GIS development: A few respondents want to expand their knowledge of GIS development, including how to develop plugins, customize existing tools, and create new functionalities.
  7. Programming: Several respondents expressed an interest in learning programming languages used in GIS development, including Python, C++, C#, and Java. They want to learn how to write code, modify existing code, and create new software tools.

Expectations for the Course

  1. Practical skills: Most respondents expect the course to provide them with practical skills in GIS development, including coding, software design, and development. They want to gain hands-on experience in using GIS software tools to develop applications, plugins, and other software components.
  2. Industry-relevant knowledge: Respondents expect the course to provide them with knowledge that is relevant to the GIS industry, including current trends, best practices, and emerging technologies. They want to gain knowledge of industry standards, regulations, and certifications, and how to apply them to GIS projects.
  3. Collaborative learning: Respondents expect the course to provide opportunities for collaborative learning, including group projects, team-based assignments, and peer-to-peer interactions. They want to learn from other students and instructors and gain insight into how GIS projects are managed and executed in real-world settings.
  4. Flexibility: Some respondents expect the course to be flexible in terms of scheduling and delivery mode. They want to have the option to attend classes online or in-person, and they want to be able to access course materials and assignments at their convenience.
  5. Comprehensive curriculum: Respondents expect the course to cover a broad range of GIS topics, including software development, spatial analysis, database integration, and project management. They want to gain a comprehensive understanding of GIS and its applications in various industries and domains.
  6. Quality instruction: Respondents expect the course to be taught by experienced and knowledgeable instructors who have a strong understanding of GIS technology and its applications. They want instructors who can provide practical advice, guidance, and feedback on their projects and assignments.
  7. Career advancement: Respondents expect the course to help them advance their careers in GIS, including gaining new skills and knowledge that can enhance their job performance and competitiveness. They want to gain practical skills that can be applied to real-world GIS projects and that can help them achieve their career goals.

In conclusion, the analysis of the survey responses on what new things respondents want to learn and their expectations for the GIS course revealed various interests and expectations. Respondents expressed an interest in developing web apps, expanding their software system knowledge, learning spatial analysis techniques, integrating GIS with databases, and gaining knowledge of new software and tools, among others. Additionally, respondents expected the course to provide them with practical skills in GIS development and industry-relevant knowledge.

This analysis highlights the importance of understanding the needs and expectations of students in GIS education. It can guide educators and institutions in developing curriculums and programs that meet the needs of students and prepare them for the industry. Additionally, it can help students identify their interests and expectations and choose courses and programs that align with their goals.

Amerudin, S. (2023) Analysis of Respondent’s Learning Goals and Expectations for GIS Software Systems Course. Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2023).

Assessing Students’ GIS Knowledge and Software Experience: A Survey Study

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

The survey collected data from 30 students who are going to take GIS Software System course in Semester 2 Session 2022/2023 from Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics with Honours at Geoinformation Programme, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The survey aimed to identify the students’ understanding of GIS and their prior experience with different types of geospatial software, non-spatial software, and primary sources of geospatial software.

Overall Understanding of GIS

The first question in the survey asked the students to rate their overall understanding of GIS. The response options ranged from beginner to intermediate to advanced. Based on the survey data, it appears that the majority of the students (60%) rated their overall understanding of GIS as intermediate, while the remaining students rated their understanding as beginner.

Types of Geospatial Software Used Before

The survey asked the students about their prior experience with different types of geospatial software, including desktop GIS, server GIS, internet GIS, web GIS, cloud GIS, and mobile GIS. The response options were either “Selected” or “Not Selected.” Based on the survey data, it appears that all students have used desktop GIS software before. In contrast, fewer students have experience with other types of geospatial software, such as server GIS (56.7%), internet GIS (50%), and mobile GIS (36.7%). It is worth noting that the number of students who have experience with cloud GIS (26.7%) and web GIS (30%) is lower than the other types of geospatial software.

Types of Non-Spatial Software Used Before

The survey also asked the students about their prior experience with non-spatial software that can be used in geospatial applications, including databases, web services, programming environments, and none. Based on the survey data, it appears that the majority of the students have used databases (90%) and web services (70%) before, while a smaller percentage of students have experience with programming environments (56.7%). Notably, no students reported having no experience with non-spatial software.

Familiarity with Primary Sources of Geospatial Software

The survey asked the students about their familiarity with the primary sources of geospatial software, including commercial and Free and Open-Source Software for GIS (FOSS4G) options. The response options ranged from “I am familiar with both commercial and FOSS4G options” to “I am not familiar with either option.” Based on the survey data, it appears that the majority of the students (70%) are familiar with both commercial and FOSS4G options, while a smaller percentage of students are only familiar with commercial options (20%) or FOSS4G options (6.7%). Only one student reported not being familiar with either option.

Major Functionalities Needed from Off-the-Shelf Software Based on Requirements

Finally, the survey asked the students about the major functionalities needed from off-the-shelf software based on requirements, including data management, analysis tools, visualization tools, web publishing, mobile support, customization capabilities, and others. The response options were either “Selected” or “Not Selected.” Based on the survey data, it appears that all students identified data management as a major functionality needed from off-the-shelf software. Other functionalities that were commonly selected by the students include visualization tools (86.7%), analysis tools (76.7%), and customization capabilities (76.7%). In contrast, fewer students identified mobile support (53.3%) and web publishing (60%) as major functionalities needed from off-the-shelf software.


Overall, the results of this survey indicate that the respondents have a varied level of experience and knowledge with geospatial software and tools.

It is worth noting that the majority of the respondents have used desktop GIS software before, but have little to no experience with cloud GIS or custom applications. Additionally, the majority of respondents have used databases and web services, while few have experience with programming environments.

In terms of knowledge about the primary sources of geospatial software, most respondents are familiar with both commercial and FOSS4G options, while a smaller number are familiar with only commercial options or only FOSS4G options.

When asked about the major functionalities needed from off-the-shelf software based on requirements, the most commonly selected options were data management, analysis tools, visualization tools, and web publishing. Mobile support and customization capabilities were also deemed important, but less frequently than the other options.


In conclusion, the results of this survey suggest that the students who are going to take the GIS Software System course have a varied level of experience and knowledge with geospatial software and tools, and may benefit from further education and training in areas such as cloud GIS and custom applications. Additionally, the results suggest that the students have a good understanding of the primary sources of geospatial software, and have a clear idea of the major functionalities needed from off-the-shelf software based on requirements.

Amerudin, S. (2023) Assessing Students’ GIS Knowledge and Software Experience: A Survey Study. Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2023).

Exploring the Relationship Between Programming Skills and Career Goals in GIS: A Survey Analysis

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

Are you interested in working with GIS, or Geographic Information Systems? If so, you may be wondering if there is a relationship between being comfortable with programming languages and your career goals. Well, let’s take a look at some data to see if we can find any patterns.

The data we have comes from a survey of students who are interested in GIS. The survey asked questions about the participants’ understanding of GIS, their comfort with programming languages commonly used in GIS software development, which programming languages they have used before, and whether they have developed any GIS applications before. The survey also asked about the participants’ career goals after graduation.

First, let’s look at the participants’ comfort with programming languages. The survey asked participants to rate their comfort level on a scale from “not comfortable” to “somewhat comfortable” to “very comfortable”. The most commonly used programming language among the participants was Python, and most students rated themselves as “somewhat comfortable” with it.

Next, let’s look at the participants’ career goals. The survey asked participants what their career goals were after graduation. The most common responses were “GIS analyst”, “GIS developer”, “GIS specialist”, and “undecided at the moment”.

Now, let’s see if there is a relationship between being comfortable with programming languages and career goals. Looking at the data, it appears that students who rated themselves as “somewhat comfortable” with programming languages like Python were more likely to have career goals as a GIS analyst or developer. In fact, many of the participants who rated themselves as “somewhat comfortable” with Python had already developed GIS applications before. 

On the other hand, students who rated themselves as “not comfortable” with programming languages were more likely to be undecided about their career goals or to have career goals as a GIS specialist. 

So what does this mean? Well, it seems that being comfortable with programming languages, especially Python, can be a helpful skill to have if you’re interested in a career as a GIS analyst or developer. Developing GIS applications can also be a valuable experience that can lead to job opportunities in these fields. 

Of course, there are other factors that can influence career goals and success in GIS, such as education, experience, and networking. But if you’re interested in GIS and want to improve your career prospects, learning programming languages like Python may be a good place to start. In conclusion, the data suggests that there is a relationship between being comfortable with programming languages and career goals in GIS. If you’re interested in this field, consider learning Python and developing GIS applications to increase your chances of success. 

Citation: Amerudin, S. (2023) Exploring the Relationship Between Programming Skills and Career Goals in GIS: A Survey Analysis. Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2023).