Understanding and Applying Key Examination Keywords in GIS Programme

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

Here is a detailed explanation of each typical keyword and the expectations of the examiner for students’ answers:

  1. Describe: This keyword requires students to provide a detailed account or explanation of a topic or concept. The examiner expects students to provide a comprehensive and accurate description, focusing on relevant details and characteristics. Example question: “Describe the main components of a geographic information system (GIS) and their functions.”
  2. Explain: This keyword requires students to clarify or provide a clear understanding of a topic or concept. The examiner expects students to go beyond mere description and provide reasons, causes, or mechanisms behind the topic. Example question: “Explain the process of georeferencing in GIS and its importance in spatial data analysis.”
  3. Compare and contrast: This keyword requires students to identify similarities and differences between two or more items or concepts. The examiner expects students to analyze and highlight both shared features and distinguishing factors. Example question: “Compare and contrast raster and vector data models in GIS, discussing their advantages and limitations.”
  4. Discuss: This keyword requires students to present a balanced examination of different viewpoints or perspectives on a topic. The examiner expects students to analyze multiple aspects, present informed opinions, and support their arguments with evidence or examples. Example question: “Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using remote sensing data in GIS applications for environmental monitoring.”
  5. Analyse: This keyword requires students to break down a topic or concept into its constituent parts and examine their relationships or interactions. The examiner expects students to provide insights, interpretations, or conclusions based on their analysis. Example question: “Analyse the impact of spatial analysis techniques in identifying suitable locations for renewable energy infrastructure.”
  6. Evaluate: This keyword requires students to assess the value, significance, or effectiveness of a topic or argument. The examiner expects students to provide a well-reasoned judgment based on criteria and evidence, considering both strengths and weaknesses. Example question: “Evaluate the role of GIS in urban planning, considering its contributions to sustainable development and potential challenges.”
  7. Critically: This keyword requires students to evaluate or assess a topic or argument by considering its strengths, weaknesses, implications, or significance. The examiner expects students to provide a thorough and balanced assessment supported by critical thinking. Example question: “Critically analyse the ethical considerations and privacy implications of using location-based services in GIS applications.”
  8. Design: This keyword requires students to create or propose a solution or plan to address a specific problem or meet specific requirements. The examiner expects students to develop a coherent and well-justified design, considering relevant factors and constraints. Example question: “Design a GIS-based workflow for disaster response and emergency management, considering data acquisition, analysis, and visualization requirements.”

By familiarizing themselves with these keywords and their associated expectations, students can effectively demonstrate their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities in GIS-related examinations. The article also highlights the importance of considering the specific context and complexity of the topics being addressed.

Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Understanding and Applying Key Examination Keywords in GIS Programme. [Online] Available at: https://people.utm.my/shahabuddin/?p=6396 (Accessed: 2 June 2023).
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