Hitungan Penentuan Awal Bulan Hijriah dan 1 Syawal 1443H

Salam, bermula awal bulan Muharram 1443H/2021M, negara-negara MABIMS telah menggunakan kriteria yg baru bagi kebolehnampakan hilal (imkanurrukyah) berkaitan dengan penetapan awal bulan Hijriah, iaitu tinggi bulan tidak kurang 3° dan jarak lengkung tidak kurang 6.4°, dan tidak lagi menggunakan nilai-nilai 2° dan 3° atau umur bulan 8jam.

Bagi kebolehnampakan anak bulan Syawal tahun ini, ianya agak menarik (sehinggakan telah menimbulkan pelbagai polemik dikalangan masyarakat) disebabkan data falak menunjukkan nilai jarak lengkungnya sangat hampir dengan kriteria minimum. Berdasarkan kiraan falak untuk 1 Mei 2022, iaitu hari ke-29 Ramadan (hari melihat anak bulan Syawal), tinggi bulan di Tg Cincin, Langkawi (stesen rujukan paling barat) ialah 5° 15′ dan jarak lengkung ialah 6° 2′. Ini bermakna bahawa sifat bulan mengikut hisab pada 1 Mei 2022 tidak memenuhi kriteria baru dan mustahil untuk dilihat.

Oleh itu, insya Allah Hari Raya Aidil Fitri dijangka jatuh pada hari Selasa 3 Mei 2022. Walaubagaimanapun, oleh kerana Malaysia menggunakan kaedah rukyah dan hisab didalam penetapan awal bulan Ramadan, Syawal dan Zulhijjah, tarikh sebenar Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1443H/2022M bagi Malaysia akan diumumkan setelah menerima hasil pelaporan resmi kenampakan anak bulan dari 29 tapak cerapan anak bulan seluruh Malaysia. Pengumuman tarikh sambutan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1443H/2022M bagi Malaysia akan dibuat melalui pengisytiharan oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja.


Dato’ Dr Azhari Mohamed
Mantan Ketua Pengarah Ukur Dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM)

GDM2000, GDM2000 (Rev2006), GDM2000 (Rev2009), GDM2000 (Rev2016) and GDM2020

In addressing the effects of plate tectonic motion due to natural disasters such as earthquakes on the coordinates reference system and vertical datum systems for the whole country, JUPEM has successfully established a more accurate, precise and contemporary GDM2020. This newly derived geodetic datum system is fully aligned to ITRF2014, where velocities and PSD are modelled as an intrinsic component of the kinematic/ semi-kinematic concept of the CORS coordinates.

In order to facilitate the conversion of various coordinates system in Malaysia, JUPEM has produced numerous sets of datum transformation and map projection parameters to relate the different types of coordinate system.

The parameter values relating to different coordinate reference systems are derived from standard coordinate conversion formulae, Bursa-Wolf transformation formulae and multiple regression model.

The determination of a position requires the choice of a coordinate reference system. A situation now exists whereby it is common for a user acquiring data in a coordinate system that is completely different to which the data will be ultimately required.

Internet of Bodies (IoB)

The term Internet of Bodies conjures up images of humans with cyborg-like features, controlling computers with your mind and syncing up iron man hearts. But you may be surprised to hear that IoB is now not just a science fiction plot. 

Almost one billion people worldwide and nearly 70% of the US population are already using IoB. This is the wearable market- smartwatches and fitness trackers. These are all part of the IoB ecosystem, although futuristic inventions that run through your mind may not be that far away either.

IoB is revolutionizing healthcare and on its way to improving our day-to-day conveniences, but it also brings with it some unique risks. So let’s look into what exactly IoB is, its applications, risks, and future.

What is the Internet of Bodies?

The concept of Internet of Bodies uses human bodies as a source of data, making it a part of an Internet of Things ecosystem. 

Internet of Bodies or IoB refers to a network of devices that can collect data about and alter the functions of the human body. IoB devices are physically connected or inside your body, enabling them to monitor and possibly interact with your body.

The hierarchy of devices that form IoB ecosystems are divided into three tiers-

  • First Generation/ Body External: These devices are worn or physically connected to a human body. They collect and transmit data based on physical contact through sensors, computer vision, and so on.
  • Second Generation/ Body Internal: These devices are placed internally in a human body. They may be ingested or surgically implanted.
  • Third Generation/ Body Embedded: This is a stage when electronic devices may be completely merged with the human body and functioning together while maintaining a real-time remote connection.

As of now, the first generation of external devices is widely in practice and internal devices in their various forms are slowly gaining traction. 

Recent advancements in technology and improvements in connectivity are enabling implantable devices to become more and more practical. Body embedded devices are still being researched and explored, and it is only a matter of time before they too become a part of our worlds.

Applications of IoB in Healthcare

Due to the ability to monitor and possibly interact with human bodies, IoB finds the most applications in healthcare. These range from the now omnipresent fitness trackers to automated medicine delivery, internal tracking, and even devices that are integrated into human organs to enhance or restore their capacity. 

The collection of large scale health data through IoB devices also helps identify health trends across the population as a whole.

Let’s look at some of the current applications of IoB in healthcare.

Applications of IoB in healthcare include wearables, cardiac devices, digital pills, precision medicine, contactless monitoring, and embedded devices.

Applications of IoB in Healthcare


1. Wearables

Wearables including fitness bands and smartwatches are the most popular type of IoB devices. It enables personal health tracking and lets people keep track of various metrics in their own bodies. 

This includes data on heart rate, blood pressure, calories burned, etc. These can monitor and give alerts about health conditions like seizures. Beyond personal tracking data from wearables can also be used to provide health metrics to doctors during checkups.

Other than watches and bands, wearables also take the form of rings, clothes, and even others as technology continues to expand. 

Recently, smart contact lenses have been developed that could provide information based on data collected from the eye and tear fluid. Glucose sensors can be integrated into these to aid diabetic patients.

2. Cardiac Devices

Implantable cardiac defibrillators and cardiac pacemakers have proved revolutionary in the medical world in the years it has been put into practice. 

It can transmit data about your cardiac fluctuations to doctors and other necessary people. They can also regulate your cardiac activity to some extent if necessary, depending on the type of device.

3. Digital Pills

Smart pills have electronic sensors and trackers within them that can be ingested and remain inside your body to collect and transmit data. These pills could record and transmit visuals, detect chemical and hormonal changes, release medicines, or simply alert your physician that you have taken them.

The first approved digital pill, the Abilify Mycite from Proteus Digital Health and Otsuka Pharmaceutical had an ingestible sensor used to monitor a patient’s adherence to the regime. 

This was used to treat psychiatric patients for whom this was especially useful. There have been further developments, although smart pills have not made it into the mainstream just yet.

A passage from the Medical Futurist describes the future powered by IoB and these pills in detail- “The pill broadcasts a real-time video stream as it goes down your oesophagus and into your stomach. Your GP is simultaneously monitoring the visuals, assessing the progression of your ulcer… the digital pill contains your personalised medicine 3D-printed onto it and it will slowly get activated with your stomach’s activity… she [Your doctor] will be monitoring your adherence via the pill’s tracking sensor.”

4. Precision Medicine

The data collected using advanced wearables and smart pills enables the creation of personalized medicine and treatment plans best suited for the needs of each patient. IoB devices collect data that is more detailed and thorough than anything else, which makes this easier.

5. Contactless Monitoring

The COVID-19 pandemic had spurned a flurry of innovation, and IoB had played a part in helping monitor patients. In Shanghai, smart thermometers from Vivalink are used to constantly monitor the temperatures of COVID-19 patients without contact. These days, when face-to-face consultations are becoming difficult, doctors can use IoB devices to monitor patients remotely.

Disease progression through the population can also be tracked- with large amounts of the population wearing wearables, it becomes easier to track the disease through that data.

6. Embedded Devices

The future of IoB enabled devices in healthcare are embedded devices, like the Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that hope to give users the ability to communicate with or control electronic devices using brain signals. This could be extremely beneficial to disabled individuals.

(Recommended Blog: Top 9 Healthcare Technologies )

Other Applications of IoB

Most of the other applications of IoB are still linked to health- in that they are using devices to monitor the body and its reactions. But in other fields, they are also used for purposes other than to monitor health and wellbeing.

  • Sports

Wearables have long been involved with sports and athletics, to monitor and improve the performance and health of athletes. These could be incorporated into the fabric of the clothes of athletes, in their helmets, waistbands, wristbands, and so on. 

Injuries can be easily detected before they worsen. Using the data the performance of each athlete can be improved by devising the best form, posture, and strategy for them.

  • Military
  • Monitoring and Security

IoB finds several applications in the military. This ranges from monitoring soldiers’ physical and emotional state, tracking their location and vitals, to potentially give them enhancements in the future. They could help in simulating real-life combat situations, by inducing reactions in the body.

IoB devices can be used by employers to monitor employee activity and productivity. It can be convenient for the employees too. In 2018, Three Square Market embedded RFID chips in its employees that let them log into their computers, open doors and make vending machine purchases hassle-free.

Risks Posed by IoB

IoB devices, although revolutionary, also bring with them several risks pertaining to security, privacy, legality and ethics.

  • Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity in the IoT world has been the topic of debate and controversy, and as a subset of IoT, IoB faces the same threats, but perhaps with even more severity. Former US vice-president Dick Cheney had his Wi-Fi enabled defibrillator removed for fear that hackers could assassinate him by giving him an electrical shock through it.

Any internet-enabled device poses a threat of being vulnerable to cybersecurity risks. So this presents a real threat when having IoB devices in your body- especially those that are implanted or embedded.

  • Privacy

IoB devices are data platforms. Data about a person’s health and wellbeing could be incredibly dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. The legal background on this is murky, and it is unclear at times even on the question of who owns the data and what happens to it.

Companies producing and managing IoB devices could sell user data. Insurance providers could track unhealthy habits and deny coverage to users. If data regarding a person’s health got released it could affect their employment and even their social standing.

Cochlear implants and smart contacts could have the capabilities to record audio and video from the environment, which could be a breach of privacy to everyone around those devices.

Future of the Internet of Bodies

The future of IoB could be bright- with our entire bodies being a technology ecosystem. We could perhaps expect levels of convenience like those seen in shows like Black Mirror- implants within eyes that record all moments from your life, smartphones embedded within your palm, smart prosthetics that feel close to the real thing.

But even these shows often show that the risks behind IoB devices regarding ethics and cybersecurity are very real. Invisible implants that record audio and visual data are a serious privacy threat, advanced embedded electronics misused by hackers could mean that your entire body could be hacked. 

Some have even hypothesized that IoB devices could give governments and corporations too much power and eventually make the formation of authoritarian and Orwellian power structures easier.

The danger lies when IoB devices advance and spread without a simultaneous advancement of security measures to protect them from threats. As will most new and emerging technologies, there is a need to tread carefully, to extract the most promise out of them.

Source: AnalyticsSteps

Terms – Geographic(al) Information System, GIScience, Geomatics, Geoinformatics, Geoinformation Technology and Geospatial Technology

Common people, often, get confused with the terms Geographic(al) Information SystemGIScienceGeomaticsGeoinformaticsGeoinformation Technology and Geospatial Technology. To understand the differences or similarities among them we need to fine-tune our understanding about these frequently used and interchangeable terms.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-based information system used to digitally represent and analyze the geospatial data or geographic data. The GIS has been called an ‘enabling technology’, because it offers interrelation with the wide variety of disciplines which must deal with geospatial data. Each related field provides some of the techniques which make up a GIS. Many of these related fields emphasize data collection; GIS brings them together by emphasizing integration, modelling, and analysis. GIS has many alternative names used over the years with respect to the range of applications and emphasis; e.g., land information system, AM/FM–automated mapping and facilities managementenvironmental information systemresources information systemplanning information systemspatial data-handling systemsoil information system, and so on.

However, GIS may be considered as a type of software in a computer system that allows us to handle information about the location of features or phenomena on the earth’s surface, which has all the functionalities of a conventional DBMS plus much of the functionality of a computer mapping system. But software or an information system cannot be used in a vacuum. We need proper knowledge to develop it, to use it, and to make decisions from it. From this point of view, GIS is not just an advanced type of information systems, but a combination of science and technology, which has several interrelated distinct disciplines. Some of the interrelated important disciplines are geographycartographyremote sensingphotogrammetrysurveyinggeodesyglobal navigation satellite system (GNSS), statisticsoperations researchcomputer sciencemathematics, and civil engineering.

As the integrating field, GIS often claims to be a science–Geospatial Information Science or Geographic Information Science. In the strictest sense, GIS is a computer system capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, sharing, and displaying geographically referenced information. In a more generic sense, GIS is a tool that allows users to create interactive queries (user defined searches), analyze the geospatial information, and edit geospatial data. Geographical Information Science (often written as GIScience) is the science underlying the applications and systems. It is closely related to GIS but is not application-specific like GIS. For instance, analysis techniques, visualisation techniques, and algorithms/scientific logics for geographical data analysis are all part of GIScience.

GIScience is very much related with the term Geoinformatics that is a shorter name for Geographic Information Technology. Geographic information (also called geoinformation) is created by manipulating geographic (or geospatial) data in a computer system. Geoinformatics is a science and technology, which develops and uses information science infrastructure to address the problems of Geosciences (another name for Earth sciences) and related branches of engineering. Prakash (2006) defined Geoinformatics as “the collection, integration, management, analysis, and presentation of geospatial data, models and knowledge that support disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and education”. The four main tasks of Geoinformatics are: (1) collection and processing of geodata (geodata is the contraction of geographic data), (2) development and management of databases of geodata, (3) analysis and modelling of geodata, and (4) development and integration of logic and computer tools and software for the first three tasks. Geoinformatics uses GeoComputation (see note below) and it is the development and use of remote sensing, GIS, and GNSS. 

According to Virrantaus and Haggrén (2000) geoinformatics is a combination of remote sensing and GIS (they used the term Geoinformation Technique (GIT) instead of GIS technology). For example spatial analysis is a field in which image processing and GIS software tools are mixed and used together. It is very good experience to realize how same functionality can be achieved by using either image processing software tool or traditional GIS analysis tool within the embrace of Geoinformatics. 

Geoinformatics is not only for the people from surveying or geography but recently more and more people from other disciplines like Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Geology etc. want to study Geoinformatics as their minor or even as their major subject (Virrantaus and Haggrén 2000). For that reason it has been most important to develop the contents of Geoinformatics curriculum towards more scientific subject and less being related with traditional surveying and mapping. People who wish to apply RS and GIS in their own problems among landscape design, geology or software development do not want to get profound knowledge on field measurements or printing technology. Geoinformatics as a mathematically and computationally oriented subject concentrates on data modeling and management, analysis and visualization processes and algorithms, GeoComputation, spatial statistics and operations research applications, development of GIS, image interpretation and satellite mapping technology (Virrantaus and Haggrén 2000).

Geoinformatics is a subset of Geomatics (also called Geomatics Engineering). In addition to topics within the confines of Geoinformatics, Geomatics emphasizes traditional surveying and mapping. The term ‘Geomatics’ relates both to science and technology, and integrates the following more specific disciplines and technologies: geodesy, traditional surveying, GNSS and their augmentations, cartography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, and GIS. An alternative view is that geomatics is the measurement and survey component of the broader field of GISscience. Geomatics is the discipline of gathering, storing, processing, and delivering of geoinformation or spatially referenced information.

The term Geomatics is fairly young, apparently being coined by B. Dubuisson in 1969. Originally used in Canada, because it is similar in French and English, the term geomatics has been adopted by the International Organization for Standardization, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and many other international authorities, although some (especially in the United States) have shown a preference for the term ‘Geospatial Technology’.

Geomatics (or Geospatial Technology) is all about geospatial data. Although, precise definition of geomatics is still in flux; a good definition can be given from the University of Calgary’s web page: “Geomatics Engineering is a modern discipline, which integrates acquisition, modelling, analysis, and management of spatially referenced data, i.e. data identified according to their locations. Based on the scientific framework of geodesy, it uses terrestrial, marine, airborne, and satellite-based sensors to acquire spatial and other data. It includes the process of transforming spatially referenced data from different sources into common information systems with well-defined accuracy characteristics”. Konecny (2002) said “Geomatics, composed of the disciplines of geopositioning, mapping and the management of spatially oriented data by means of computers, has recently evolved as a new discipline from the integration of surveys and mapping (geodetic engineering) curricula, merged with the subjects of remote sensing and GIS”. Geopositioning refers to identifying the real-world geographic position by means of GNSS or any other surveying technique.

A number of University Departments which were once titled SurveyingSurvey Engineering or Topographic Science, have re-titled themselves as Geomatics or Geomatics Engineering. According to Konecny (2002), geomatics has originated from surveying, mapping, and geodesy. Earlier, in higher education, the specialization was possible in one field such as geodesy or photogrammetry, but a comprehensive orientation toward surveying and mapping was lacking. Since about 1960 a technological revolution has taken place in surveying and mapping technology: angular surveys have been augmented by electronic distance measurement, and more recently by GNSS. Digital computers were able to statistically analyze huge measurement sets. Photogrammetry has become an analytical discipline, competing in accuracy with ground surveys. Earth observation by satellites has made remote sensing an indispensable tool. Cartography relying on tedious graphic work has made way to computer graphics. GIS has permitted to organize spatially oriented data in databases for the management of global, regional and local problems. The need for sustainable development has recently made obvious, that spatially referenced data constitute a needed infrastructure (spatial data infrastructure), to which all governments subscribe. Surveying and mapping curricula have traditionally provided the vision for the provision, updating, management and dissemination of spatially referenced data. However, there was a need to upgrade the curriculum orientation to modern tools and to society’s requirements. This is the reason why many programs have changed their name to ‘Geomatics’.

GeoComputation is an emergent paradigm (class of elements with similarities) for multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary research that enables the exploration of previously insolvable, extraordinarily intricate problems in geographic context. Some people see GeoComputation as an incremental development rather than something entirely new. Several doubt that GeoComputation will make any real contribution to the sciences. Others view GeoComputation as a follow-on revolution to GIS. Openshaw (2000) argues GeoComputation is not just using computational techniques to solve spatial problems, but rather a completely new way of doing science in a geographical context.

Konecny, G. (2002). Recent global changes in geomatics education. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV, Part 6, pp. 9-14.
Openshaw, S. (2000). GeoComputation. In: S. Openshaw and R.J. Abrahart (eds.), GeoComputation, Taylor & Francis, New York, pp. 1-31.
Prakash, A. (2006). Introducing Geoinformatics for Earth System Science Education. Journal of Geoscience Education. URL: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_q … _n17190422
University of Calgary’s web page: http://www.geomatics.ucalgary.ca/about/whatis
Virrantaus, K. and Haggrén, H. (2000). Curriculum of Geoinformatics — Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Technology. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXIII, Part B6, pp. 288-294.

Source: http://basudebbhatta.blogspot.com/2010/02/geographical-information-system.html

Spatial vs Geospatial [2]

Mike Goodchild believes that we should make a distinction between spatial and geospatial believing that if spatial is special then geospatial is even more special! The way he sees it is that geospatial is a subset of something much larger that encompases any spatiotemporal frame, any spatial resoultion, non-Cartesian spaces and metrics and so on.  Spatial represents the big picture while geospatial carves out its own area of interest at on on the earth’s surface  He goes on to suggest that any theory of geospatial (geographic information) should be developed quite separetely from a theory of spatial (spatial information) with the proviso of inheriting all the generality of the latter whilst adding specific cahracteristics from the former. Goodchild calls on Tobler’s First Law (TFL) “everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things” to add weight to the distinction. In his view, TFL is an observation about geographic space and not true of all spaces.  In other words, it was more about the geospatial and not so much about the spatial.

So why all this interest in spatial and geospatial. Is it just a minor issue of semantics or just nit picking or are there bigger issues at stake.  After all does it really matter if we use the words interchangeably? I think it matters a great deal to be perfectly honest.  Much is at stake here.  For example, the NFC publication, Learning to Think Spatially talks about promoting spatial literacy and spatial thinking, the big picture.  Whereas, for some people the message might be all about geospatial litetacy and geospatial thinking, the small picture. Another example is the way that some university departments deliberately use Geospatial Sciences to define their geographic domain of interest. They aren’t interested in exploring the world across all spatial scales from the nano to the galactic which unfortunately excludes many interesting areas of research.

Can we afford to separate the spatial from the geospatial? What if the distinction fails to live up to Goodchild’s expectations? That is, to allow ‘geographic information theory to achieve greater depth and utility’. I personall tkink that one can’t do with out the other.  Relational theorists like Doreen Massey, David Harvey and Nigel Thrift have much to add to the discourse on space and place no matter what universe spatial or geospatial you happen to live in.  Unfortuately, they don’t get cited in the geospatial literature as often as the ought to. A bit of cross fertilisation wouldn’t go astray surely.  I happen to think that TFL is valid across at all spatial scales and they we should pay more attention to the big picture.  Consistent with this view is that Geographers don’t have a monopoly when it comes to space and place.

Source: http://teachspatial.org/spatial-or-geospatial-does-it-really-matter/

Spatial vs Geospatial [1]

Often my students ask about the difference(s) between spatial and geospatial. These two words appear very frequently in remote sensing and GIS literature.

The word spatial originated from Latin ‘spatium’, which means space. Spatial means ‘pertaining to space’ or ‘having to do with space, relating to space and the position, size, shape, etc.’ (Oxford Dictionary), which refers to features or phenomena distributed in three-dimensional space (any space, not only the Earth’s surface) and, thus, having physical, measurable dimensions. In GIS, ‘spatial’ is also referred to as ‘based on location on map’.

Geographic(al) means ‘pertaining to geography (the study of the surface of the earth)’ and ‘referring to or characteristic of a certain locality, especially in reference to its location in relation to other places’ (Macquarie Dictionary). Spatial has broader meaning, encompassing the term geographic. Geographic data can be defined as a class of spatial data in which the frame is the surface and/or near-surface of the Earth. ‘Geographic’ is the right word for graphic presentation (e.g., maps) of features and phenomena on or near the Earth’s surface. Geographic data uses different feature types (raster, points, lines, or polygons) to uniquely identify the location and/or the geographical boundaries of spatial (location based) entities that exist on the earth surface. Geographic data are a significant subset of spatial data, although the terms geographic, spatial, and geospatial are often used interchangeably.

Geospatial is another word, and might have originated in the industry to make the things differentiate from geography. Though this word is becoming popular, it has not been defined in any of the standard dictionary yet. Since ‘geo’ is from Greek ‘gaya’ meaning Earth, geospatial thus means earth-space. NASA says ‘geospatial means the distribution of something in a geographic sense; it refers to entities that can be located by some co-ordinate system’. Geospatial data is to develop information about features, objects, and classes on Earth’s surface and/or near Earth’s surface. Geospatial is that type of spatial data which is related to the Earth, but the terms spatial and geospatial are often used interchangeably. United States Geological Survey (USGS) says “the terms spatial and geospatial are equivalent”.

Source: http://basudebbhatta.blogspot.com/2010/02/spatial-and-geospatial.html

Integrasi Data Geospatial Johor dengan Infrastruktur MyGDI


Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin


Pembangunan geospatial di Malaysia kini semakin pesat, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan untuk pengurusan maklumat yang lebih cekap di pelbagai peringkat. Negeri Johor, sebagai salah satu negeri utama di Malaysia, perlu mengambil langkah proaktif dalam mengintegrasikan data geospatial yang dikumpulkan dengan sistem yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pusat Geospatial Negara (PGN). Ini bukan sahaja memastikan data yang dikumpulkan adalah seragam dan boleh diakses oleh pelbagai agensi, tetapi juga membolehkan Johor untuk memanfaatkan infrastruktur yang telah sedia ada, seperti MyGDI (Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara), yang dibangunkan oleh PGN. Artikel ini membincangkan bagaimana pelan induk geospatial negeri Johor boleh diselaraskan dengan standard dan infrastruktur MyGDI, serta kepentingan pematuhan kepada garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan.

Pematuhan kepada Standard MyGDI

Pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI merupakan elemen asas dalam memastikan data geospatial yang dikumpulkan adalah berkualiti tinggi dan sesuai untuk digunakan dalam pelbagai aplikasi. MyGDI menetapkan pelbagai standard dan garis panduan teknikal yang perlu diikuti oleh agensi-agensi yang terlibat dalam pengumpulan, penyimpanan, dan perkongsian data geospatial. Salah satu aspek penting dalam pematuhan ini adalah pengurusan metadata. Metadata berfungsi sebagai deskripsi data geospatial, yang merangkumi maklumat seperti tarikh pengumpulan, sumber data, skala, dan ketepatan. Dalam konteks Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor, setiap set data yang dikumpulkan mesti disertakan dengan metadata yang lengkap dan mengikut format yang ditetapkan, seperti ISO 19115. Ini akan memudahkan pengguna lain untuk memahami konteks data dan menggunakannya dengan betul.

Selain daripada metadata, format data juga memainkan peranan penting dalam pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI. Data geospatial perlu disimpan dalam format yang serasi dengan sistem yang digunakan oleh MyGDI, seperti Shapefile, GeoJSON, atau GML. Format-format ini dipilih kerana mereka menawarkan fleksibiliti tinggi dan keserasian yang luas dengan pelbagai perisian GIS yang digunakan di peringkat global. Dengan menggunakan format yang standard, negeri Johor dapat memastikan data yang dikumpulkan dapat diintegrasikan dengan mudah ke dalam pangkalan data MyGDI tanpa mengorbankan kualiti atau struktur data asal.

Selain itu, aspek privasi dan keselamatan data juga tidak boleh diabaikan. Data geospatial mungkin mengandungi maklumat yang sensitif atau peribadi, dan oleh itu, ia perlu dilindungi mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh MyGDI dan undang-undang seperti Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (PDPA). Ini termasuk penyulitan data, kawalan akses yang ketat, dan langkah-langkah keselamatan lain yang dapat memastikan data tersebut tidak terdedah kepada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Penggunaan Infrastruktur MyGDI

Selain pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI, satu lagi komponen penting dalam pelaksanaan Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor adalah penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI. Infrastruktur ini, yang dibangunkan oleh Pusat Geospatial Negara, menyediakan platform untuk integrasi dan perkongsian data geospatial di seluruh negara. Penggunaan infrastruktur ini akan membolehkan Johor untuk menggabungkan data geospatial yang dikumpulkan dengan pangkalan data nasional, sekali gus memudahkan perkongsian data antara agensi negeri dan nasional.

Langkah pertama dalam penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI adalah penghantaran dan penyelarasan data. Data geospatial yang dikumpulkan di peringkat negeri Johor perlu dihantar ke MyGDI untuk diselaraskan dengan pangkalan data nasional. Ini termasuk pelbagai jenis data seperti peta topografi, data tanah, data kemudahan awam, dan lain-lain yang relevan dengan perancangan dan pembangunan negeri. Proses ini memerlukan penyelarasan yang rapi antara agensi negeri dan PGN untuk memastikan bahawa data yang dihantar adalah tepat, terkini, dan memenuhi standard yang ditetapkan.

Setelah data dihantar dan diselaraskan, agensi-agensi di negeri Johor akan mendapat akses kepada data geospatial nasional melalui portal MyGeoportal. Akses ini adalah kritikal untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih informatif, terutamanya dalam perancangan pembangunan yang melibatkan analisis merentas sempadan atau memerlukan maklumat dari negeri lain. Sebagai contoh, dalam merancang jaringan pengangkutan yang menghubungkan Johor dengan negeri-negeri bersebelahan, akses kepada data geospatial dari negeri-negeri lain akan membolehkan perancangan yang lebih berkesan dan menyeluruh.

Selain itu, kemas kini dan penyelenggaraan data adalah aspek penting dalam penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI. Data yang disimpan dalam pangkalan data MyGDI perlu dikemas kini secara berkala untuk memastikan bahawa ia sentiasa relevan dan boleh digunakan untuk analisis semasa. Ini memerlukan kerjasama berterusan antara agensi di negeri Johor dan PGN dalam memastikan bahawa data yang dikumpulkan dan disimpan adalah sentiasa terkini, tepat, dan mematuhi piawaian yang ditetapkan. Penyelenggaraan data ini adalah kritikal untuk mengelakkan penggunaan data usang yang boleh mengakibatkan kesilapan dalam perancangan dan keputusan.


Dalam usaha membangunkan Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor, pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI dan penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI adalah elemen-elemen penting yang perlu diberi perhatian serius. Dengan mematuhi garis panduan yang ditetapkan oleh Pusat Geospatial Negara, negeri Johor dapat memastikan bahawa data geospatial yang dikumpulkan adalah berkualiti tinggi, seragam, dan boleh diintegrasikan dengan mudah ke dalam pangkalan data nasional. Penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI pula akan membolehkan Johor untuk memanfaatkan data geospatial yang sedia ada di peringkat kebangsaan, serta memudahkan perkongsian data antara agensi negeri dan nasional. Kerjasama erat antara agensi-agensi di negeri Johor dan PGN juga adalah kunci kepada kejayaan pelaksanaan Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor. Dengan langkah-langkah yang betul, pelan ini bukan sahaja akan menyokong pembangunan negeri Johor, tetapi juga akan menyumbang kepada pembangunan geospatial yang lebih luas di peringkat kebangsaan.


  • Pusat Geospatial Negara. (n.d.). MyGDI: Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara. Diakses dari https://www.mygeoportal.gov.my
  • Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia. (2019). Manual Penyediaan Data Geospatial Bersepadu.