GDM2000, GDM2000 (Rev2006), GDM2000 (Rev2009), GDM2000 (Rev2016) and GDM2020

In addressing the effects of plate tectonic motion due to natural disasters such as earthquakes on the coordinates reference system and vertical datum systems for the whole country, JUPEM has successfully established a more accurate, precise and contemporary GDM2020. This newly derived geodetic datum system is fully aligned to ITRF2014, where velocities and PSD are modelled as an intrinsic component of the kinematic/ semi-kinematic concept of the CORS coordinates.

In order to facilitate the conversion of various coordinates system in Malaysia, JUPEM has produced numerous sets of datum transformation and map projection parameters to relate the different types of coordinate system.

The parameter values relating to different coordinate reference systems are derived from standard coordinate conversion formulae, Bursa-Wolf transformation formulae and multiple regression model.

The determination of a position requires the choice of a coordinate reference system. A situation now exists whereby it is common for a user acquiring data in a coordinate system that is completely different to which the data will be ultimately required.