
Development of A Web Map-Based Muslim Cemetery Application in Kangkar Pulai

Alhamdulillah… Praise be to God, and with His blessings, I am delighted to share the successful completion of another undergraduate dissertation under my supervision. Muhammad Syafiq bin Mat Tahir, a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics during the session 2022/2023, has accomplished a remarkable project titled “Development of A Web Map-Based Muslim Cemetery Application in Kangkar Pulai.” Throughout his project, Muhammad Syafiq skillfully designed a website accessible through the URL: This website […]

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Dunia Geospatial II

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Di setiap koordinat yang tertulis dengan indah, Terbentang kisah tanah, laut, dan langit yang luas, Peta ini menjadi jendela ke dunia yang nyata, Melalui geospatial, semua rahasia terungkap dengan jelas. Dari hutan tebal hingga padang pasir tandus, Jejak manusia dan alam saling berpaut erat, Titik-titik data menjadi benang merah cerita, Yang menjalin sejarah, masa kini, dan masa yang akan datang. Tak hanya sekedar angka, koordinat, atau nama tempat, Geospatial membuka jendela ke

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Wujudku BayanganMu

Usah lari mengejar bayanganmuHenti langkah jika kau sedarTunduk bersimpuh hadap dirimuDirimu adalah bayanganNya Jangan tempuh sempadan LaisaPasti langkahmu akan tersasarPandanglah alam jua dirimuSemua ternyata wajahNya Wujud ku bayanganMuWujud ku wajahMuWujud ku bayanganMuWujud ku wajahMu Bukan aku DiriMuKu sekadar ceritaMuBukan aku DiriMuKu sekadar ceritaMu Kau tiada pada si butaEngkau Nyata pada yang tahuKau tiada pada si butaEngkau Nyata pada yang tahu Dibalik mata Kau yang memandangMuHilanglah aku nyata wujudMuDibalik mata kau yang memandangMuHilanglah aku nyata wujudMu

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Technical Analysis of Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) – Unraveling the Blueprint of Success

Introduction Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) has established itself as a dominant force in Malaysian football, showcasing a potent blend of technical prowess and tactical acumen. In this technical analysis, we will delve into the intricacies of JDT’s playing style, examining their key strengths, tactical approach, and individual contributions that have propelled them to their remarkable success. Possession-based Play JDT is known for their emphasis on possession-based football. They display exceptional technical skills, maintaining a high

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Strategies to Challenge Johor Darul Ta’zim: A Blueprint for Success

Introduction Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) has emerged as a dominant force in Malaysian football in recent years, boasting an impressive track record and a formidable squad. However, every strong team has its vulnerabilities, and with a well-prepared game plan and strategic execution, it is possible to overcome the challenge posed by JDT. In this article, we will explore a range of strategies that teams can employ to stand a fighting chance against this football powerhouse.

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Keris Malela Bilah Saras Luk 5: Seni Budaya Melayu yang Mengagumkan

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Keris Malela Bilah Saras Luk 5, sebuah keajaiban seni tradisional Melayu, membawa warisan budaya yang kaya akan sejarah dan nilai-nilai mendalam. Dalam era yang modern ini, keris bukan hanya sebuah senjata tradisional, tetapi juga sebuah karya seni yang mencerminkan identitas dan keunggulan seni budaya Melayu. Artikel ini akan mengupas Keris Malela Bilah Saras Luk 5 dengan lebih mendalam, menyoroti ciri-ciri yang membuatnya begitu mengagumkan. Pamor Bulu Ayam: Simbol Kebijaksanaan dan Keberanian Salah

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How Kuih Jongkong, Bongkok, and Bongkor Became the Pride of Hulu Langat: Uncovering the Origins and Unique Flavors of Traditional Malay Delights

Kuih Jongkong, Bongkok, or Bongkor – three names that are synonymous with the traditional Malay delicacy, known for its unique taste, texture, and aroma. These delectable treats are a favorite among the Malays, especially those from Hulu Langat, Selangor, and are now becoming increasingly popular across the country. This delicacy has been the subject of extensive research by Tuan Khairuddin Ismail from Hulu Langat, Selangor, who has delved deep into the history and origins of

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The Impact of Time Zone Differences on Sleep Patterns and Human Life: A Case Study of Malaysia

Suggestion for Citation: Amerudin, S. (2023). The Impact of Time Zone Differences on Sleep Patterns and Human Life: A Case Study of Malaysia. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2023).

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Latest Google Site Check Result

Upon conducting a search on the Google website, the results displayed have shown a staggering number of 436,000 results within a lightning-fast time of 0.32 seconds. This is an indication of the vast amount of information available on the Internet and the efficiency of search engines in generating results within a short time span. It is noteworthy that at the time of reporting in this blog, this number of results is the highest that has

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Peranan Silat dalam Dunia Moden: Warisan Budaya yang Terus Relevan

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pendahuluan Seni bela diri tradisional Melayu, yang dikenali dengan nama “Silat,” merupakan warisan budaya yang kaya dan berpengaruh di kalangan masyarakat Asia Tenggara. Silat telah menjalani perjalanan sejarah yang panjang, terus berkembang dan mempengaruhi kebudayaan dan identiti masyarakat di wilayah ini. Dalam dunia moden yang serba canggih ini, peranan Silat masih memainkan peranan yang penting dan relevan dalam konteks sosial, budaya, dan bahkan dalam aspek kesejahteraan individu. Perkembangan Silat dalam Dunia Moden

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Nurturing the Roots of a Tree

In the midst of the arduous task of tending to the verdant stem and foliage, Let us not disregard the labyrinthine roots that lie in the earth’s ravine. They sustain the mass of the entire arboreal realm, Neglect them and they shall wither, perishing from within. Endow the roots with fresh, unblemished streams,And enrich them with the choicest manure, So they may sprout vigorous and towering, In concert with the comely leaves that lure. Though

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Akar Pohon

Dalam ketersibukan menjaga teras pohon dan dedaunan Janganlah kau lupa pada akar yang tersembunyi Ia yang menopang seluruh tubuh pohon Tanpa perawatan, ia akan terkubur dalam kelam Siramlah akar dengan air yang segar Bajalah dengan pupuk yang terbaik Biarlah ia tumbuh kuat dan gagah Seiring dengan dedaunan yang merimbun Karena meski tak terlihat oleh mata Akarlah yang menjaga kestabilan pohon Jika terlupakan, maka seluruh tubuh akan rapuh Dan tak bisa tertahan terhadap badai yang menderu

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Methodology to Analyse the Factors that Contribute to the Underdevelopment of Malay Reserve Land

To analyze the factors that contribute to the underdevelopment of Malay Reserve Land in Malaysia using GIS, the following methodology can be employed: Overall, the use of GIS can provide a powerful tool for analyzing the factors that contribute to the underdevelopment of Malay Reserve Land in Malaysia. By integrating spatial and non-spatial data, GIS can help to identify areas where development efforts are most needed and inform decision-making related to the development of Malay

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The Student’s Path to Triumph

With every step, you rise above, Conquering challenges, and reaching new heights, For the road to success is full of love, And with Allah by your side, you can’t be beat. For the journey to success is long, With twists and turns, and hills to climb, But with every question, you grow strong, And every test, a chance to shine. So take your place among the stars, And reach for the sky with all your

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A Student’s Journey to Success

A student, proud and true, With knowledge vast and a heart so bright, Ready to face each challenge anew, And showcase skills with all their might. The exam draws near, with questions tough, But fear not, for you have what it takes, With every class and lecture enough, Your mind is sharp and heart won’t shake. For Allah is with you, every step, Guiding and blessing, never apart, So when you’re in the exam room,

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