Bunga Kantan… tanpanya tidak sedaplah Asam Laksa dan Asam Pedas

Bunga kantan, juga dikenal sebagai bunga roselle atau hibiscus sabdariffa, adalah tanaman yang memiliki bunga yang indah dan daun yang sering digunakan dalam berbagai aspek kulinari dan perubatan tradisional. Tanaman ini berasal dari wilayah tropika seperti Afrika, Asia, dan Kepulauan Pasifik, dan telah menjadi bahan penting dari budaya dan kulinari di berbagai negara.

Bunga kantan memiliki ciri khas yang mudah dikenali, iaitu bunga berwarna merah cerah dengan kelopak yang menonjol. Selain keindahannya, bunga ini juga memiliki cita rasa asam yang menyegarkan. Di kebanyakan budaya, bunga kantan digunakan dalam makanan, minuman, dan ramuan tradisional. Berikut adalah beberapa penggunaan utama bunga kantan:

  1. Masakan: Bunga kantan sering digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan dalam masakan, terutama di Asia Tenggara seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Thailand. Bunga ini dapat digunakan dalam berbagai hidangan seperti sup, lauk-pauk, dan hidangan laut. Bunga kantan memberikan rasa asam yang khas dan aroma yang unik pada masakan.
  2. Minuman: Bunga kantan juga digunakan untuk membuat minuman segar. Salah satu minuman yang populer adalah “asam kranji” atau “roselle tea,” yang dibuat dengan merebus bunga kantan kering dan mengonsumsinya dalam bentuk teh dingin atau panas. Minuman ini dikenali karena kandungan vitamin C-nya yang tinggi serta rasa segar yang enak.
  3. Ramuan Tradisional: Di beberapa kebudayaan, bunga kantan juga digunakan dalam ramuan tradisional untuk manfaat kesihatan. Bunga ini diyakini memiliki sifat antiradang dan dapat membantu mengurangi tekanan darah. Ekstrak bunga kantan juga dapat digunakan dalam berbagai produk herbal dan suplemen.
  4. Pewarna Alami: Bunga kantan juga memiliki sifat pewarna alami yang digunakan dalam industri makanan dan minuman. Pigmen merah yang terkandung dalam bunga ini dapat digunakan untuk memberikan warna alami pada makanan seperti jus, minuman ringan, dan makanan penutup.
  5. Kosmetik: Di beberapa produk kosmetik alami, ekstrak bunga kantan juga digunakan karena kandungan antioksidannya yang tinggi dan manfaatnya bagi kulit.

Meskipun memiliki banyak manfaat, penting untuk diingat bahwa konsumsi bunga kantan atau produk yang mengandung ekstraknya sebaiknya tetap dalam batas wajar. Jika Anda memiliki kondisi medikal tertentu atau sedang mengambil ubat-ubatan, konsultasikan penggunaan bunga kantan dengan profesional kesihatan terlebih dahulu.

Kota Mekah

Kota Mekah

    This aerial image of Mecca offers a profound reflection of the city’s historical and geographical significance within Islam. Situated in the arid mountainous region of the Hejaz in western Saudi Arabia, Mecca has been the spiritual center for Muslims for over 1,400 years. Its central location on ancient trade routes allowed it to become a thriving commercial hub long before the advent of Islam. Geographically, the city is nestled within a valley surrounded by rocky hills and mountains, making it both a challenging and a sacred site of pilgrimage. These geographical features are evident in the image, with rugged terrain and winding roads snaking through the city.

At the heart of the image is Masjid al-Haram, which houses the Kaaba, believed to have been built by the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael). The Kaaba is the holiest structure in Islam, and Mecca is the destination of the Hajj pilgrimage, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, making it a historical focal point for the global Muslim community. The city has grown significantly over the centuries, transforming from a small desert settlement into a sprawling metropolis that accommodates millions of pilgrims annually.

The large Abraj Al-Bait Clock Tower visible in the image stands as a symbol of the modern urbanization that Mecca has undergone in recent decades. The city’s development, especially around the mosque, reflects the Saudi government’s efforts to enhance the infrastructure to handle the influx of pilgrims, which sometimes exceeds three million during the Hajj. Historically, the city has witnessed waves of expansion and modernization while retaining its profound religious importance.

This combination of ancient religious heritage with modern urbanization, nestled within its unique geography, makes Mecca a unique city, blending the sacred and the contemporary in one of the most spiritually significant places in the world.

DHL tracking

Recently I bought an external hard drive brand OWC for a Mac Pro from macsales.com based in United States. The delivery process can be tracked through DHL website. It took almost a week to safely arrived in here, Johor Bahru. Thanks to DHL for a great service.

OWC DHL tracking

Malaysia MIF Format Coordinate Conversion Tool

MIF Coordinate Conversion Tool

By Shahabuddin Amerudin

A Valuable Tool for Geospatial Data Conversion

The MIF Coordinate Conversion 2001 tool has proven to be invaluable for geospatial professionals working with MapInfo data in MIF format. This application enables seamless conversion between various coordinate systems, including WGS84, RSO and  State Cassini. The conversions are executed with exceptional precision, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

A History of Development and Use

Originally developed in Microsoft Visual Basic Version 6 in the late 1990s, this tool has undergone continuous improvements over the years to enhance its functionality and performance. Its significance was particularly evident during my academic pursuits at UTM, where it played a crucial role in my Final Year Project (PSM).

Application in Geospatial Research

My PSM project focused on the impact of using multi-data sources in GIS databases from different coordinate systems. Given the limitations of GPS technology at the time, including Selective Availability (SA), the collected GPS data required correction using Differential GPS (DGPS) techniques. The MIF Coordinate Conversion tool was instrumental in this process.

One of the key aspects of the project was evaluating the effectiveness of DGPS in a scenario where the GPS base station was located in Kuala Lumpur and the rover was in Johor Bahru. This study highlighted the challenges of real-time coordinate transformations in GIS software at that time. Many GIS packages struggled to perform accurate conversions due to incorrect parameter usage and unfamiliar transformation formulas.


The MIF Coordinate Conversion 2001 tool has been a valuable asset for geospatial professionals, especially during a time when real-time coordinate transformations were limited. Its ability to accurately convert between various coordinate systems has contributed significantly to the advancement of geospatial analysis and research.