
Q: How can I create a DEM from contour lines?

Answer Depending on what you want to use the resulting raster for, there are a few alternatives. It is possible to generate a DEM from a contour line shapefile, though some methods will tend to have “stair-step” artifacts and lower spatial resolution than the original data. Adding data from other sources and pre-processing your contours can reduce these problems. You can use the contour lines as input to build a TIN, and then export the […]

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Agent-Based Modeling (ABM)

Conceptually, in ABM you give instructions to virtual agents that allow the agents to interact. Agents can be animals, tanks, parcels, delivery trucks, or any discrete object. From the resulting decisions and actions of the agents, patterns are created in space and time. Unlike many other modeling techniques that quantify and then re-create the patterns, agent-based models explore the causes of the patterns; the patterns are emergent properties from the individual decisions of the agents. Agent-based

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How do Editors look at your paper

When you are doing research you are primarily focused on your hypothesis, methods, test results and research outcome. You are an expert in your research field and are very aware of what others are researching and publishing too. But the actual art of getting your own paper ready for publication requires quite some expertise and a great deal of serious attention and preparation. Please join us for the online lecture: Presentation: Valuable points to take

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Garis Panduan Mengenai Penukaran Koordinate, Transformasi Datum dan Unjuran Peta untuk Tujuan Ukur dan Pemetaan

Pekeliling Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan Bil. 3 Tahun 2009 Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM) Pekeliling ini bertujuan untuk memberikan garis panduan mengenai kaedah-kaedah penukaran koordinat, transformasi datum dan unjuran peta bagi kegunaan kerja-kerja ukur dan pemetaan. Download

Garis Panduan Mengenai Penukaran Koordinate, Transformasi Datum dan Unjuran Peta untuk Tujuan Ukur dan Pemetaan Read More »

Mengatasi “Kecenderungan Tidur” di dalam Kuliah Universiti

Pengenalan Kita semua pernah mendengar satu jenaka mengenai bagaimana seorang ibu mampu menidurkan seorang anak dengan mudah, tetapi seorang pensyarah boleh menidurkan sebahagian pelajar kelas dalam satu kuliah universiti. Namun, bagaimanakah kita boleh mengatasi masalah ini? Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi “Kecenderungan Tidur” dalam Kuliah: Cara Mengatasi “Kecenderungan Tidur” dalam Kuliah: Kesimpulan Dengan sedikit panduan ini, kita boleh mengatasi masalah “kecenderungan tidur” dalam kuliah di universiti. Ingat, pensyarah dan pelajar juga manusia, dan sedikit sentuhan jenaka ini

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Mapping of Social Media

Software companies are integrating geographic information systems (GIS) technology and social media to map people’s tweets and other social media platforms with geospatial data. This pairing has been helpful in disaster response and crisis management. In the wake of the January 12th, 2010 earthquake in Haiti, a free phone number was established to allow people to text their requests for medical care, food, water, security, and shelter. According to the Mission 4636 report, “Tireless workers

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Program Luar (Pesisir – Separuh Masa) Geoinformatik

Program Luar (Pesisir – Separuh Masa) Semester II, Sesi 2014/2015 (Ambilan Februari 2015) APAKAH PROGRAM LUAR? – Kelas Separuh Masa hujung minggu (Sabtu dan Ahad). – Dijalankan di seluruh lokasi di Malaysia termasuk dan sebahagian program di UTM – Kampus Johor Bahru dan UTM Kampus Kuala Lumpur. – Terbuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia dan calon antarabangsa yang memiliki Pas Pekerjaan Malaysia yang sah. – Struktur yuran yang berbeza berbanding Program Perdana (yuran berbeza mengikut lokasi).

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