Perolehan Kewangan bagi Geran UTM

En Mun’im ialah speaker petang ini. Beliau merupakan pegawai kewangan W41 di RMC, UTM.Beberapa isu cabaran bayaran yang sering berlaku bagi bayaran Geran Universiti ialah:

  1. Aktiviti geran mesti mendapat kelulusan daripada pihak RMC. Nyatakan berapa banyak dan pastikan ikut prosedur terbaru.
  2. Tuntutan pastikan tidak melebihi 3 bulan.
  3. Elakkan membuat pembelian secara pecah kecil
  4. Penyelidik tidak up-to-date terhadap peraturan & garis panduan dari masa ke semasa.
  5. Pastikan maklumat bank penerima lengkap dan aktif – bagi pelajar luar negara, sekiranya tidak renew visa dan tidak dimaklumkan di bank, maka bank akan tutup akaunan
  6. Penyelidik kurang mahir menggunakan sistem kewangan.
  7. Isu terimaan – pemaklumna kemasukan data ke UTM tidak diterima. Follow up ASAP dengan RMC.
    Isu teknikal – sistem TMFin masih belum stabil menyebabkan masalah teknikal untuk agihan dan pelaporan.

Aset, Inventori dan Penyelenggaraan

  1. Harta – B35000
    1. Kos harta bernilai lebih RM3000
    2. Perlu isi Borang Key.PA-2 (warna pink).
    3. Jika alat ditempatkan diluar UTM – ketua projek perlu mengisi KEW.PA-9A) dan borang Pergerakan Harga (KEW.PA-6).
    4. Pembelian melebihan RM5,000 perlu melalui unit perolehan.
  2. Inventori – B36000
    1. Harga bernilai lebih RM500
    2. Perlu isi Borang KEW.PA-
  3. Selenggara – B2800
    1. Daftar Penyelenggaran harta tetap KEW-PA-14

Pelupusan Aset Penyelidikan

  1. Pertukaran hak milik – bagi aset di bawah geran yang masih aktif
  2. Pelupusan – dd
    1. Lupus beli
    2. lupus musnah
    3. lupus hadiah
    4. lupus pindah – serahkan kembali ast penyelidikan kepada penaja diletakkan dikawasan yang dinyatakan dalam proposal geran penyelidikan.
  3. Pemindahan Aset – bagi geran tamat (terutamanya bagi yang nak pencen memang sangat perlu update).

Double Tax Deduction bagi Projek Penyelidikan UTM

Double Tax Deduction adalah satu inisiatif bagi mempertingkatkan kolaborasi diantara research UTM dan Industri. Penyelidikan UTM dapat geran dan real-industry problem dan produk industri pula akan lebih mantap. Bonus paling besar ialah industri (syarikat) dapat DTD.

En Amirul Shahrin memang pandai promo DTD – semenjak diperkenalkan tahun 2018 hingga sekarang – KPI UTM 10 juta untuk tahun 2019 bulan Jun lagi sudah lepas. fuh, hebat!. Antara industri besar yang sudah percaya dengan DTD ialah UMW Corporation dengan lebih 150 anak syarikat di bawahnya. Royal Widad juga antara syarikat terkini yang berminat dengan DTD. Tambahan pula, industri sudah semakin bijak – mereka telah mula percaya dengan universiti berbanding projek konsultansi bagi menambahbaik produk dan perkhidmatan masing-masing.

Bagi pendaftaran di RADIS, jenis geran Contract Research DTD ialah nama yang boleh didaftarkan dalam RADIS UTM bagi projek DTD. Pastikan dalam tajuk projek mesti namakan “Projek Penyelidikan tot tot tot” or else projek akan jadi projek konsultansi. Katanya lagi jangan lupa masukkan honorarium (upah) penyelidik/pensyarah untuk projek DTD kerana bayaran itu juga boleh dapat DTD. Untuk memudahkan urusan kewangan, boleh guna spin-off company untuk memudahkan urusan kewangan yang rumit di RADIS. Selain itu, kriteria DTD pun simple – hanya perlu LOA daripada syarikat sahaja yang diperlukan untuk daftar dalam sistem RADIS. Konsultansi lanjut untuk DTD terutama sekali yang berkaitan dengan urusan LHDNM dan dokumentasi juga disediakan oleh pihak RMC. Pastikan ada komponen research iaitu tempoh yang bersesuaian.

Yang paling best, DTD akan dapat matching grant (sekarang dikenali sebagai IIID) dengan nilai minimum 10k dan maksimum 20k untuk bidang Sains dan Teknologi. Diantara konsep yang boleh dijadikan geran industri (Contract Research) ialah:
1. Latihan Industri.
2. Maintenance Project.
3. Design something – e.g. 21st century learning classroom, Data Center layout.

Writing Lesson Part 1

A paragraph should have

  • 1 topic sentence
  • a few supporting sentences
  • 1 conclusion for topic sentence

Tips to expand a topic sentence. Supporting sentences must expand the topic sentence. Plese refer to this cartoon and easy to understand graphic

  • Adjectives (summary – key points – gist keep here).
    • Who – main character/entity suppose to be here.
    • Characters
    • Current situation
  • Give settings –
    • When
    • Where
  • How
  • Why
  • Conclude

Tips to use transitions. Please refer to this nice handwriting summary that I found from pinterest.

  • To contrast – despite, however, yet, rather, instead, otherwise, even though. nevertheless, at the same time, yet, in contrast, instead
  • To compare – likewise, as well as, either, similarly, in the same way, comparatively, too, also, along with,
  • To show time – recently, now, after, then, finally, before, first, following, subsequently, next, meanwhile, presently, later, simultaneously
  • to show example – for example, to illustrate, such as, in fact, for instance, in addiction, specifically, for instance, specifically,
  • to show a cause-effect – as a result, consequently, therefore, accordingly
  • Add to – in addition, furthermore, moreover, additionally, next, lastly, also.
  • Result – hence, therefore, in conclusion, as a result, accordingly, thus,
  • to summarize – all in all, as a result, finally.

To hook your reader, use:

  • Description word picture – ‘I peeked out the window at the hot morning sunshine…’
  • For business writing – they like these power words. E.g. easy, effective, facilitate, focus, ignite, impact, boost, active, affect.

Tools to help your writing

  • hemmingway app –


Tafsir Surah Al Hadid (Besi) bersama Ustazah Norhafizah Musa

Surah Al Hadid (besi) – surah ke 57 dalam al Quran dengan 27 ayat.  Ia adalah kesinambungan daripada surah yang sebelumnya iaitu surah al-waqiah

Intisari surah ialah tentang pembangunan spiritual.  Secara tersuratnya, surah ini menceritakan pembangunan dengan berasaskan besi tetapi secara tersirat, pembangunan spiritual adalah dengan mengingati Allah (bertasbih).

Kaedah mengingat Allah (bertasbih).

  1. Cari keserasian dan keseimbangan dengan alam
    Ayat pertama surah al hadid ialah tentang alam yang sentiasa bertasbih.

    سَبَّحَ لِلَّهِ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۖ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ – 57:1
    “Whatever is in the heavens and earth exalts Allah, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise”Baca ayat alquran yang perkataan pertama bermula dengan tasbih (subhana) ada tujuh ayat yang bermula dengannya terutama ayat ke-3 surah al Hadid.

    Tips, baca ayat ini sebaik sahaja bangun tidur untuk tahajud kerana Allah telah menggerakkan kita untuk bangun malam

    هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ ۖ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ – 57:3
    He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.

    Tips, baca ayat ke-2 sekiranya rasa bongkak

    لَهُ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۖ يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ ۖ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ – 57:2
    His is the dominion of the heavens and earth. He gives life and causes death, and He is over all things competent.



Student Supervision – Meeting 7 2018

Meeting No 7 for Semester 2 2017/2018
Date : Thursday 22th March 2018
Venue : Dr Suraya Ya’acob Room, 7.30.01, Level 7, MJIIT, UTM-AIS KL

Attendance & Milestones

Hawani Update 1: Write Problem Statement
4ir in SME
Still focus on IV&V + 4IR
Current problem: product or production not ready
localize/customization on the shelf product to the industry
Update 2: LR
Develop your LR on concept basis
Update 3: Abstract
Refine the thesis abstract
Jennifer Update1: confirm the  visualization techniques
1. Bump chart, 2. bar chart, 3. Line up, 4. Webchart, 5. Heatmap
Update2: add ranking factors
1. academic, 2. co-cu (2.1. PBD, 2.2. Aktiviti Jasmani), 3. Family Income, 4. Psikometrik
Milestone1: develop using Tableau
All the visualization techniques using mockup data (10 records)
Milestone2: evaluation criteria by 29th March
Semi-structured interview expert basis
Asraf Milestone1: pilot study 1 week before 14th April
Confirm next week; the date for pilot study (2-3 participants) – Siti Isnaine, Pn Yazriwati & Rohaizan.
Need1: Metrix – update the concept for the rest & update the LR – send to me.
Need2: questionnaires done – test with pilot participants.
Izora restructure the writing.

Hadith Penawar Hati #28 Kelebihan azan dan solat saf pertama


…seandainya mereka tahu akan kelebihan azan dan saf pertama, pasti mereka berebut  sehingga hanya boleh dapat melalui undi”

Tawaran yang diberikan kepada orang islam – azan dan mendapat saf yang pertama.

Kelebihan azan (menjadi muazin)

  1. Azan adalah syiar islam – menandakan di tempat itu ada orang islam. Semasa zaman nabi menghalang peperangan di kawasan yang terdapat laungan azan.
  2. Hak orang islam untuk melaungkan azan – sekarang ada kes orang kafir mempertikaikan laungan yang kuat daripada masjid. Jadi bacaan Al Quran boleh dikurangkan tetapi azan tiada kompromi.
  3. Azan menjadikan syaitan lari daripada tempat itu. Kes zaman nabi, azan dilaungkan sehingga syaitan lari daripada bandar Madinah (approx 30 batu) dan kemudian kembali semula. Tips untuk azan bagi kes bayi yang nangis kerana gangguan (yakin dengan azan tersebut). In case datang lagi, azan lagi berulang-ulang.
  4. Muazin adalah satu profesion yang berprestij tinggi. Contoh; di Turki ada pertandingan azan. Pahala muazin adalah lebih besar daripada imam.

Kelebihan mendapat saf pertama

  1. Kosong saf pertama adalah haq/tanggungjawab yang perlu diambil.
  2. Tidak boleh juga ambil saf pertama sebagai hak orang lain. Means, orang dah sampai dulu.
  3. Boleh booking? – di dalam islam tiada kaedah booking tempat. First come first serve. Toleransi, dalam tempoh sekejap takpe – tapi kalau lama dan menyusahkan orang lain adalah tidak dibenarkan.
  4. Lurus dan jangan putuskan saf – nanti Allah akan sambung rahmat. Menunjukkan disiplin solat yang teguh dalam umat islam. Sebagai contoh di Mekah, once iqomah – terus semua jemaah boleh susun dalam saf yang cantik.  Kalau  boleh bawa perkara ini ke dalam kerja – untuk pastikan keseragaman dan precision. Eventhough nampak macam tak muat – insya Allah muat.
    • Bagaimana untuk rapatkan saf? – bahu dengan bahu dan kaki dengan kaki tetapi dalam mazhab shafie tidak sesuai aturan sedemikian
    • Dalam mazhab shafie yang relevan ialah asalkan bersentuhan bahagian bahu/tangan. Kaki pula jarak bukaan antara tumit lebih kurang 1 jengkal.

Jika mereka mengetahui fadhilat bersegera ke masjid setelah azan dilaungkan, mereka akan bersegera untuk mendapatkannya…

  1. Manusia perlu lebih peka dengan masa. Apps; waktu solat Malaysia (by Murad) ialah apps yang bagus kerana memberi waktu solat yang tepat dan koordinat berubah mengikut lokasi kita pergi. Widget pula boleh diletak dihadapan handphone.
  2. Bersedia fizikal dan mental untuk solat awal waktu. E.g. 1.30 tengahari untuk solat – then 1.30 itulah waktu yang sesuai untuk memulihkan roh dan fizikal kita. Peluang exercise berjalan ke masjid bersegera ke masjid.
  3. Isyak dan Subuh adalah 2 waktu yang paling berat.
  4. Masa ialah Allah yang bagi pada kita. Sekiranya kita menggunakan masa untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab kita kepada Allah, maka Allah akan mencukupkan masa untuk kita.
  5. Untuk muslimah – tiada tegahan untuk wanita pergi ke masjid tetapi di rumah adalah lebih afdhal. Walaubagaimanapun, sekiranya di masjid lebih khusyuk, ada majlis pengajian, boleh solat sunat maka lebih afdhal pergi ke Masjid. Setiap pahala yang diperolehi oleh suami yang ke masjid, maka pahala yang sama akan diperolehi oleh isteri yang ada dirumah.
  6. Solat jemaah 27 kali ganda berbanding solat sendirian. E.g. Sahabat nabi sedeqah kebun kurma kerana ralit berkebun sehingga terlepas solat awal.

Adab azan

  1. Diam semasa azan dilaungkan
  2. Membalas setiap bacaan azan
    • La hau lawala kuwata ilah billah – tiada daya dan upaya (kecerdikan, kepandaian, skills, kaedah)
    • hil aliyul azim – melainkan dengan kekuatan Allah yang maha tinggi dan maha agung.
  3. Doa selepas azan – khas untuk rasulullah untuk dapat shafaat dan bantuan rasulullah semasa hari kiamat kelak –  dapat minum di telaga kauthar

Semoga dengan perkongsian ini dapat menjadikan kita solat awal waktu dan dekat dengan amal soleh.

Tazkirah pagi UTM KL Dr Fathi,
21 Februari 2018, 8.30 – 9.20 pagi
Aras 17, UTM KL

‘Nine-Step Methodology’ includes following steps:
„ Choosing the process
„ Choosing the grain
„ Identifying and conforming the dimensions
„ Choosing the facts
„ Storing pre-calculations in the fact table
„ Rounding out the dimension tables
„ Choosing the duration of the database
„ Tracking slowly changing dimensions
„ Deciding the query priorities and the query modes

9 step to design data warehouse

Computers in Human Behavior – Artifact construction in Learning (submission: 30 April 2018)

Emerging Technologies for Artifact Construction in Learning

Call for Papers for a special issue for the Computers in Human Behavior titled “Emerging Technologies for Artifact Construction in Learning”

Guest Editors:

1) Dr. Antigoni Parmaxi []
2) Prof. Panayiotis Zaphiris []

Cyprus Interaction Lab (
Cyprus University of Technology

Focus of the Special Issue

The Innovating Pedagogy 2016 report claims that we are at the beginning of a learning revolution (i.e., a new era that builds and extends the impact of technology in learning in new and unanticipated ways). The goal of this special issue is to bring together different facets of emerging technologies and ground their use under the theoretical framework of constructionism. This special issue aims to include not only innovation on the use of different features of emerging technologies, but also on practices and strategies employed by practitioners and instructional designers as well as their impact on human behavior. This special issue is not constrained in the discipline of Technology-Enhanced Learning. Research on interface design, security concerns arising from the use of emerging technologies are also welcome.

Motivation for the SI

Many recent well-known successful educational activities around the world rely on emerging technologies such as social media, virtual and augmented reality, embodied technologies and mobile applications and their impact on human behavior. This special issue echoes the growing research trend towards innovations in the use of emerging technologies and makes an effort to delineate how constructionism and social constructionism ground their use. Constructionism was chosen as a theory of learning, teaching, and design that aligns well with the demands and expectations of computational culture, and emphasizes building, creating and making of shared and meaningful artifacts as a means for gaining knowledge (Papert, 1980; 1993).

Possible topics of interest

This special issue will welcome contributions on the following, though not exhaustive, list of topics:

  • How can emerging technologies embody constructionist/social constructionist elements and transform educational activities?
  • How can different features of emerging technologies support the construction of an artifact that can be meaningful to its constructors?
  • How do learners engage in meaningful artifact construction within different emerging technologies?
  • What behavioral patterns do learners display in a constructionist/social constructionist environment?

Timeline for submission:

Submission portal will be open from 15th November 2017 to 30th April 2018

Submission deadline: 30th April 2018

Author notification: September 30th, 2018

Final approval by Editor-in-chief: November 31st, 2018

Expected publication date: Early 2019

Computers in Human Behavior Journal

CHB is a Q1 Journal. It bimonthly peer-reviewed academic publish by elsevier. The most important part is CHB related to my field (HCI) and cyberpsychology (I dont know the existence of this field until today). The editor is Matthieu Guitton (Laval University, Quebec City).

In 2016, the impact factor is 3.435.


Data Monitoring from assurance perspectives.

  1. Data monitoring activities
    1. What is data monitoring?
      1. Define monitoring
        Monitoring is the verb of a monitor. Google defines it as observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review. It is also a listen and report on activities that are important to maintain regular surveillance over.

        Synonyms to observe, watch, track, keep an eye, keep under observation, keep watch on, surveil, record, note, oversee.

        From the business dictionary, it is the supervising activities in progress to ensure they are on-course and on-schedule in meeting the objectives and performance targets.

        From, monitoring is something related to the control system that serves to remind or give warning. It is important to arrange for observing, detecting, or recording so that the activities/operation is under control.
      2. Define data monitoring
        Interesting facts from, they define Monitoring as the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and using the information to track the progress of any program toward reaching its objectives and to guide management decisions. It is aligned with my thinking (please refer to my earlier post about monitoring + data temporal) when this article mentioned the relationship between monitoring activity and process (related to performance, formative evaluation?) Thus, the program indicator is relative to the progress of time (start, durations, and end).

        One more thing, they always relate the activity of monitoring with the evaluation. This is because, in evaluation – it is a must to provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful. Thus, through monitoring, we can provide these kinds of evidence that can lead to future findings, recommendations, and the lessons to inform future decision making.Evaluation has been defined as a systematic assessment of any activities’ performance. It focuses on expected and achieved accomplishments, examining the results chain for the whole process, its contextual factors, and causality (wow!, it means everything – from input, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts). They also highlight the determining of the relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability interventions as the result of the evaluation (for the time being, I don’t think I can cover it all since it is too wide).

      3. Define data monitoring activities.
        1. Examples of monitoring activities
  2. Assurance perspectives
    1. What is assurance?
    2. What the users want to be assured when they are doing the monitoring activities?
    3. Thus, from no 2 understanding – it is what we must cater when we are providing/presenting data for monitoring activities.
  3. In this case, let’s try focus and compare the assurance perspective from these five scenarios;
    1. Weather forecast
    2. Telco-data
    3. Trend analysis
    4. Project management monitoring (construction)
    5. Data Myra monitoring


  • Read more:
  • Dictionary.comQuite interesting – I will read more about monitoring and evaluating on these:
  • Frankel, Nina and Anastasia Gage. 2007. “M&E Fundamentals: A Self Guided Minicourse.” U.S. Agency for International Development, MEASURE Evaluation, Interagency Gender Working Group, Washington DC.
  • Gage, Anastasia and Melissa Dunn. 2009. “Monitoring and Evaluating Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Mitigation Programs.” U.S. Agency for International Development, MEASURE Evaluation, Interagency Gender Working Group, Washington DC.