Day 205 Task – UMS Chemical Engineering PDP Viva Session

As shared yesterday, today I will be the evaluator / assessor for Team 1 and Team 8 for the Final Year Chemical Engineering students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).  The first session started at 9am, which is the session with Team 1 while 10.45am was the session with Team 8. The session which took place in Google Meet was smooth and fruitful. I did asked many questions and also in some areas helped clarify few things to the students.

At 2.30pm, a special session involving invited assessors, supervisors and students were held, also in Google Meet. I was given the opportunity to comment and give suggestions on the session held in the morning. Other assessors also commented as well.

Overall it was a very good session. I learned a lot from the program, even though I was the assessor. I learned how they handled / conducted the program. It is good for me since I am the Coordinator for PDP in the Chemical Engineering program in UTM.

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Day 204 Task – Reviewing UMS Chemical Engineering Plant Design Project Pre-Recorded Presentation

I was invited to evaluate Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Chemical Engineering Plant Design Project (PDP) for their Final Year Student. It was my first time to be invited for this program and I have earlier agreed. Since the program will take place tomorrow and the pre-recorded presentation have been given to me 2 days ago, I spent basically almost the whole day watching tentatively to this presentation. It is not like the PDP that we have for our chemical engineering PDP in UTM.

For this, I was assigned to be the evaluator for 2 teams, which were Team 1 and Team 8. Each team have a general pre-recorded presentation and each members will also have their own pre-recorded presentation. The allowed time for each individual presentation in 15 minutes maximum. Each team have 5 students. Just imagine the time spent to view the presentation, and also to understand it, plus jotting down questions to be asked.

Luckily I managed to complete all videos by the end of the day and have all my questions ready for tomorrow. Wish me luck for tomorrow.

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Day 166a Task – Mock Presentation for Cyan – My PDP group

Tomorrow will the the Final Presentation day for my PDP Student – Cyan Team. As their SV, I need to check their presentation via an online mock presentation conducted through Webex. They successfully managed to present but off course there were still plenty of room for improvements. I gave my sincere comments based on my knowledge and experiences as an engineer. I hope they can make improvement and present gratefully and smoothly tomorrow. InsyaAllah.

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Day 165 Task – Miscellaneous AJEE, PDP, GSA, iCOST2020 Paper & Keyed in Marks Tasks

Today is a beautiful Saturday. Fortunately I am still OK to do some work. As the above titled mentioned, I did quite some express work. There was quite a number of follow up and formatting work for AJEE that need to be settled. On top of that, for Plant Design Project (PDP), i need to keep track of SV who have submitted the entrepreneurship marks and key-in the marks for students. I then need to send a follow up telegram message to all SV to remind them to submit the  entrepreneurship marks (for those who haven’t done so, off course).

I also received reminder from ICost2020 secretariat to submit full paper. I have earlier submitted an abstract via easychair and the abstract was accepted. The paper has already been prepared by my PSM student but I need to changed it to the required format and later to do the Turnitin plagiarism check. To my surprise, the plagiarism score is quite high and need to be lowered down. Well that’s a task for tomorrow and Monday.

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Day 158 Task – Cyan Plant Design Group Meeting

We were quite busy during weekdays, hence the PDP Cyan group meeting was pushed to a Saturday afternoon. The agenda consist of entrepreneurship discussion such as ROI, TCI, Rate of return, DCF, as well as mechanical engineering drawing, process control checking of selected equipment. A brief reminder is that the evaluation of entrepreneurship will be conducted on this coming Monday.

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Day 155 Task – Plant Design Project Coordinator Info Briefing

IMPORTANT PDP (SKKC 4834): Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Skills & Final PDP Presentation DETAILS

Salam and Dear Supervisors,
1) It is already time for the Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Skills and according to the project schedule it will be time for Profitability Analysis calculations.

2) For this part, each Supervisor need to evaluate Entrepreneurship Skills (5%) based on the rubrics provided earlier. This is a Psychomotor assessment, which means that we need to assess the process, not the end product or the solution only.

3) This is an individual assessment, therefore Supervisors need to evaluate each member of your Design Team.

4) In order to evaluate, SV needs to formulate a problem statement which require students to solve and calculate the desired payback period and return of investment (ROI). Then observe the process of how they solve the problem. Provide marks according to the rubrics.

5) We expect SV to conduct the evaluation anytime starting from tomorrow till 10 June 2020.

6)  After the Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Skills have been done, please submit the marks to me via email using the similar excel file that you have used to submit previous marks, by 11 June 2020, 5.00 pm.
1) The Final Presentation session will be conducted on the 15/16 May 2020 (Monday/Tuesday) via Webex or other suitable platform. The panels and students can discuss which is the best  day and time that fit everyone for the session.
2) All Supervisors are required to be the Panellists of this Final Presentation session.
3) The schedule and detailed list of panellists is the same as the previous Interim Presentation.
4) After the Final Plant Design presentation, please submit the marks to me via email using the similar excel file that you have used to submit previous marks , by 17 June 2020, 5.00 pm.
If there are any enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.
Plant Design Project Coordinator
Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Azizul Azri Mustaffa, Zarina Ab. Muis

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Day 154 Task – PD Project Final Presentation Briefing

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Day 154b Task – Complete Reviewing 2 Papers and Managing AJEE

There’re lots to do but limited time. Yes, although we work from home, seems like we are not working, but in actual, there are too many works to do. For instance, today, I woke up very early in the morning with the mission to work and slash the following activities from my Today To Do List:

  1. Preparation of Toyota Foundation Research Proposal Grant.
  2. Grading Master Safety assignments, quiz and tests.
  3. Reviewing manuscript from Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry (MJC).
  4. Reviewing manuscript from Education for Chemical Engineers (ECE).
  5. Managing Asean Journal for Chemical Engineers (AJEE) as we are publishing the 4th Volume (Issue 1) this month, online.
  6. Preparation for the Talk I am going to give today.
  7. Checking my post graduate students review paper to be published soon in ECM.

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Day 136 Task – PDP Team Meeting

It’s public holiday today but that doesn’t stop us to having this weekly meeting. At 11am, we had this meeting to discuss on the progress of my students. The meeting was fruitful, numerous issues were resolved and the students will continue to work on the projects. They have selected to have Shell and Tube heat Exchanger for the Mechanical Engineering Drawing part.

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Day 135 Task – PDP Seminar – Mechanical Engineering Drawing


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