Day 160 Task – CEE Monthly Meeting

Today is an official off day for Johor but that does not stop us for to have this meeting.

Agenda of Meeting:
1. Webinar dan perancangan seterusnya termasuk bengkel-bengkel latihan
3. Penilaian setengah tahun dan perancangan 2020 ahli CEE
4. Renovation CEE
5. Video competition bersama SEEM
6. Penerbitan ahli2 CEE

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Day 144 Task – Preparing CEE Hari Raya Video

Early in the morning all CEE members have this Webex meeting where we are going to produce a Hari Raya video. I was assigned to prepare the video. Even though I am not any kind of expert, I was given the responsibility and I have to fulfill it as soon as possible, before evening. After the Webex meeting, I have to sit down for 2 hours just to select and edit clips. It was a 50 minute webex video and I have to select 2 minutes worth of footage. After that I seek my son’s help to make the video better. In short, I am satisfied with the video despite of the very short notice and also the business of last day for Hari Raya preparation.

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Day 139 Task – CEE New Building Project Renovation Site Visit

Today, after getting permission to enter UTM, I headed directly to C09 block, which will be the new building block for Centre for Engineering Education (CEE), UTM. It is a massive, far bigger than what I have imagined before. The renovation will be monitored by Jabatan Harta Bina (JHB). We had a meeting just now with the JHB team to finalized the details requirement for the massive renovation, covering 2 floors of C09. May Allah make this easy and smooth. InsyaAllah.

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Day 138 Task – Managing CEE’s AJEE Journal

ajee utmI admit that it is not easy task to be a journal editor. I have to keep on managing, keeping track of the manuscript coming, reviewed, revised, camera ready and many more. But I appreciate this new experience and I am going to be there to grasp the challenge to make AJEE a Scopus Indexed journal. It is no easy task but so far, I can assure that we are on track to make that happen soon. InsyaAllah.

Today, I revisited the manuscripts and followed up several reviewers and authors. Hopefully everything will be a smooth journey.

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Day 135 Task – The Big Engineering Education Research Meet Up

This is the first time I participated in a huge global Engineering Education meeting and more than 110 researchers associated to Engineering Education Research (EER) were here. There were several Keynote Talk that were staggered in 3 sessions on the 14th May 2020.  The first session which was as early as 7am (Malaysia time) was presented by CEE Research Fellow, Dr. Nor Farawahidah Abdul Rahman. Her presentation was very interesting and can be viewed in this youtube link. The second Keynote Talk was from Dr. Kerrie Douglas from Purdue University, USA. The second session was at 6pm (Malaysia time)while the 3rd session was at 11pm (Malaysia time).

Overall, it was such an amazing session where the EER community gathered, exchange ideas and supported each others contribution. Bravo.

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Day 128 Task – CEE Meeting

Today is a Wesak day and a public holiday. But, we still have this CEE meeting because for other times, it is difficult to gather the center members. There were several agendas. Among the agendas are update on RCEE, CEE activities, AJEE, CEE new building office and so on.

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Day 98 Task – RCEE Meeting Again :)

Previously before WFH, we had almost like weekly RCEE 2020 meetings to really get discuss and decide what ever needed to be done for the international conference. However, this morning we had our first Webex RCEE2020 meeting. Numerous updates and decisions were made during this important meeting. Once of it is the decision to switch the conference from a normal one to a virtual conference version. This decision have to be made in view of the social distancing instruction by the government in view of the spread of corona virus.

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Day 94 Task – Managing ASEAN Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) Journal

Under the Center for Engineering Education (CEE), I was asked to manage the submission and reviewing of AJEE manuscript. It’s a new task I am assigned to but I kind of like to perform this task. Before this I was just a reviewer for multiple journals and conferences, but now I am taking the role of an editorial board.

I hope I can perform this task good enough and can manage to help in the publication of the 4th Volume of AJEE.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 46 Task – Prepared and Submitted RCEE2020 Extended Abstract


Today is the deadline for RCEE 2020 Abstract submission. I have been working for this abstract since few days ago and I finally prepared the 2 pages extended abstract with flying colours… haha

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Day 33 Task – RCEE Committee Meeting

Today, after checking and improving slide for TRGS presentation tomorrow, and also after checking chapter 3, 6 and 1 of Nazlina’s PhD thesis, I joined the RCEE conference meeting at CEE, T02. Today we discussed progress of the conference preparation as well as finally discusing about Summer School program which I need to head. 

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>