Day 206 Task – Completing the review of Education for Chemical Engineer (ECE) Manuscript


The paper that I reviewed today was the revised version of the manuscript that I have reviewed earlier. It was a very interesting manuscript about safety course that is being introduce to the bachelor of chemical engineering curriculum in one of the European country. The manuscript which was earlier quite OK has now became a very lengthy and valuable interesting great article. I am glad to be part of the reviewer who provided some of the inputs and comments to make the manuscript at its present state. Well, that’s part of our job, as a critical reviewer in the engineering education sector, particularly in the chemical engineering niche.

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Day 199 Task – AJEE Management

This is one task which I have to monitor and handle from time to time and it’s proven quite challenging. But it is OK. I’m up to the challenge which I have taken since the beginning of MCO Covid 19. If I am not mistaken it has been about 3 or 4 months since I took over handling this AJEE journal from Prof Fatin. Alhamdulillah we have managed to published Volume 4 Issue 1. Now I am working on to publish Volume 4 Issue 2. InsyaAllah, please pray for us to make AJEE a scopus indexed journal soon.

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Early in the morning, this is the one important live webminar that I joined and participated with. Amazing!!!

📚CEE UTM Webinar Series📚 🔎


🔎 Extensive research has shown that people learn best by doing things and reflecting on what they have done, not by watching and listening to someone else telling them what they are supposed to know. While a good lecture can motivate and instruct students, if lecturing is the only thing that happens in a class, much less learning takes place than would occur if more active teaching methods were mixed in.

Methods for getting students actively engaged in traditional face-to-face classes have been developed and shown to be effective in hundreds of studies. Getting students actively engaged in online classes poses unique challenges, however, and methods for doing it are in a much lower state of development. This webinar outlines several of them and offers suggestions for making them effective.

Learning Outcomes:

After participating in the webinar, you will be able to answer the following questions:

-What is online active student engagement?

-What forms might it take?

-Which of those forms are most likely to effectively promote students’ learning?

-What specific online engagement strategies have been found effective in synchronous and asynchronous online courses?

-What conditions should be in place in online instruction regardless of which specific engagement strategies are adopted?

Dr. Felder has authored or co-authored over 300 papers on chemical process engineering and engineering education. He has won numerous awards for his teaching, research, and publications.

Dr. Brent is President of Education Designs, Inc., with more than 35 years of experience in education and specializes in staff development in engineering and the sciences, teacher preparation, and evaluation of educational programs at both precollege and college levels.

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Day 163 Task – Preparing Trailer Video of Prof Felder and Dr Brent CEE Webminar


I spent quite sometime in the morning till the afternoon to prepare this trailer video for the webminar talk Prof Richard Felder and Dr Rebecca Brent will conduct this coming 17th June 2020.

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Day 151 Task – Preparation of RCEE Manuscript

It was quite late that I started to compile and work on this RCEE manuscript which is supposed to be submitted tomorrow (31/5/2020). It’s a great team work of authors from the Introduction to Engineering (ITE) lecturers of School of Chemical & Energy Engineering (SKT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

However, the manuscript is not yet completed but almost done. InsyaAllah it will be completed and checked by other authors within the next 1 or 2 days.

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Day 98 Task – RCEE Meeting Again :)

Previously before WFH, we had almost like weekly RCEE 2020 meetings to really get discuss and decide what ever needed to be done for the international conference. However, this morning we had our first Webex RCEE2020 meeting. Numerous updates and decisions were made during this important meeting. Once of it is the decision to switch the conference from a normal one to a virtual conference version. This decision have to be made in view of the social distancing instruction by the government in view of the spread of corona virus.

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Day 63 Task – Reviewing Extended Abstract Submitted to RCEE

Today, in the early hours, I reviewed 5 extended abstracts submitted for RCEE2020. Alhamdulillah I managed to review all of the abstracts and provided critical comments for improvements. I am hoping to soon read the improved version of the extended abstract from the authors. InsyaAllah!

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Day 48 Task – Facilitator for Active Learning Workshop in School of Chemical & Energy Engineering 17Feb

The School of Chemical and Energy Engineering (SKT) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia organized a 2-day Active Learning Workshop from 17-18 February 2020. Almost 40 academic staffs from SKT joined the workshop. The trainer of the workshop were Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof and Dr. Syed Helmi while I was the facilitator alongside PM Dr. Mimi Haryani Hasim.

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Day 43 Task – Completing My Registration in Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM)

Alhamdulillah today I completed the registration as an ordinary member with Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM). I have registered online somewhere 2-3 weeks ago, but I haven’t paid the fee yet. Well, today I have officially paid the registration and annual fee, RM150.

If you are an engineering educator, I highly suggest you to join this society. There are plenty of activities that can uplift and strengthen our knowledge and skill as an engineering educator “Writing and Publishing Scholarly Experience Sharing Papers in Engineering and STEM Education Workshop and “Flipped Classroom Workshop”. Just check out the SEEM official Website to see the trainings and workshops offered:

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Day 33 Task – RCEE Committee Meeting

Today, after checking and improving slide for TRGS presentation tomorrow, and also after checking chapter 3, 6 and 1 of Nazlina’s PhD thesis, I joined the RCEE conference meeting at CEE, T02. Today we discussed progress of the conference preparation as well as finally discusing about Summer School program which I need to head. 

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