US Airstrikes Killed at Least 22,000 Civilians Since 9/11

20 years after the terrorist attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center of Sept 11, 2001, at least 22,000 civilians have been killed in U.S. airstrikes during the war on terror, mainly in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The minimum estimate counts around 11,500 civilian airstrike deaths in Iraq, 5,700 in Syria and 4,800 in Afghanistan. Additional deaths occurred in Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya. The maximum estimate by UK NGO Airwars, which analyzed declared U.S. airstrikes since 2001, is more than twice as high at around 48,000. Meanwhile, more than 7,000 U.S. service members and more than 8,000 contractors had died in post 9/11 […]

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Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor

Inisiatif Penubuhan Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pengenalan Dalam era digitalisasi dan globalisasi yang pesat, teknologi geospatial telah menjadi satu keperluan asas dalam perancangan dan pembangunan negeri. Negeri Johor, yang terkenal dengan pembangunan pesat dalam sektor ekonomi, infrastruktur, dan sosial, perlu memperkenalkan sebuah Pelan Induk Geospatial yang komprehensif bagi menguruskan data geospatial dengan lebih berkesan. Pelan ini bertujuan untuk memastikan Johor mampu memanfaatkan sepenuhnya teknologi geospatial dalam menyokong pembangunan mampan, mempertingkatkan pengurusan sumber, serta meningkatkan kualiti hidup rakyatnya. Di samping itu, pelan ini juga akan memastikan data geospatial Johor diselaraskan dengan keperluan dan piawaian nasional, khususnya melalui pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI yang ditetapkan oleh

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Thesis, Dissertation and Project

Terminologies like thesis, dissertation and project are common in academic and research practice. Although, these terms are used synonymously by students and some faculty they have different implications.  The word ‘dissertation’ is derived from the Latin word “dissertare” which means ‘to discuss’. Oxford Dictionary defines dissertation as ‘a long essay on a particular subject or topic especially written for a university degree or diploma’. In Merriam Webster dictionary, it is defined as “an extended usually written treatment of a subject; specifically: one submitted for a doctorate”. The Cambridge dictionary defines dissertation as “a long piece of writing on a particular

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10 Python Libraries for GIS and Mapping

Python Libraries for GIS and Mapping Python libraries are the ultimate extension in GIS because it allows you to boost its core functionality. By using Python libraries, you can break out of the mould that is GIS and dive into some serious data science. There are 200+ standard libraries in Python. But there are thousands of third-party libraries too. So, it’s endless how far you can take it. Today, it’s all about Python libraries in GIS. Specifically, what are the most popular Python packages that GIS professionals use today? Let’s get started. First, why even use Python libraries for GIS?

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Alternative measures of terrain distance

This figure provides a simple cross-sectional illustration of the kind of issues that arise. We wish to determine the distance separating points A and B. If A and B are not too far apart (e.g. less than 10 km) we could use a high precision laser rangefinder to establish the slope distance between A and B, assuming there is no atmospheric distortion. In practice, there will be some distortion and the laser wave path will need to be adjusted in order to provide an estimated slope path distance. This, in turn, will require further adjustment if it is to be referenced

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Kunjungan dari bekas pelajar – Sdri. Azne Hazira bt. Sukor

Hari ini seorang bekas pelajar PSM saya, Sdri. Azne Hazira bt Sukor telah datang ke UTM Johor Bahru di atas urusan pengesahan dokumen dan mengambil kesempatan untuk menziarahi saya. Beliau sekarang bekerja di Perunding Ukur DC di Subang dan sebelum itu berkhidmat di Geoinfo Services, Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur selepas sahaja tamat pengajian di dalam program Sarjana Muda Sains (Geoinformatik). Pada sesi pengajian 2018/2019 beliau telah berjaya menyiapkan sebuah thesis Projek Sarjana Muda bertajuk “Determination of Potential Water Pipeline Bursting using Stochastic Approach in Geographical Information System”. Di dalam projek PSM tersebut beliau telah mendapat kerjasama daripada Pejabat Harta Bina

Kunjungan dari bekas pelajar – Sdri. Azne Hazira bt. Sukor Read More »


Merujuk kepada perkembangan semasa dan maklumat daripada pihak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) turut mengambil langkah-langkah pengawasan wabak COVID-19 sejak ianya dikesan bagi memastikan UTM bebas daripada wabak tersebut. Sehubungan itu, pihak Pengurusan Universiti telah mengeluarkan Pekeliling Pentadbiran Bil 10/2020 bertarikh 29 Februari 2020 menasihatkan staf dan pelajar (termasuk UTM Mobility (outbound)) untuk menangguhkan perjalanan ke China dan negara-negara yang tersenarai oleh pihak KKM iaitu Korea Selatan, Jepun, Iran dan Itali. Bagi pelajar kanan, permohonan penangguhan pengajian yang disebabkan oleh COVID-19 diputuskan juga sebagai tidak termasuk dalam kiraan semester pengajian.  Keputusan ini terpakai sehingga keadaan kembali normal


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