TEDxUTM 2023 – Masquerade – Done and Dusted

It was an amazing TEDxUTM 2023 event, I must say. It was the first time we organized it in the Face to Face platform after suffering from the fear of the pandemic. 

I am not only a lecturer, a researcher, and an administrator, but I am also the Advisor of the new TEDxUTM student society which was just successfully registered under the Student’s Affair Deputy Vice Chancellor office.

I have shared my feelings and pictures on my Facebook and feel free to click the LINK HERE to read and flipped through our colorful event.

MYRA Internal Audit for RMC Project Monitoring Division

Before Ramadhan, I was involved with the Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) UTM MYRA internal audit. But today, I was wearing a different hat. I am now attending another MYRA internal audit but wearing a hat as the Deputy Director of Research Management Centre (RMC) UTM, as a team that handles all project and monitoring.

That day our team consisted of Hani, Sapiah, Mazlan, Tariq and Illani. The auditor was PM Dr. Juhana from AMTEC, appointed by KPT.

New Challenge, New Responsibility

I hope to give the best I can for UTM and the Ummah. I seek everyone’s cooperation and assistance in my new role. May Allah ease the work and process.

Effective on the 23rd of April 2023, I was appointed as the new Deputy Director of the Research Management Centre (RMC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). I will be handling the Management and Monitoring of Projects portfolio.

It was very unfortunate that I can’t lead the Center for Engineering Education (CEE) anymore. However, I am still a CEE research fellow and will do my best as well to support and uplift Engineering Education to its peak.

Thanks to all CEE members and staff for all the support and help given during my tenure as UTM CEE Director for the past 2 years.


Majlis Kesyukuran CEE dan Majlis Persaraan Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof

Pendidikan Kejuruteraan (CEE), UTM telah mengadakan Majlis Kesyukuran CEE pada 21 Mac 2023 bertempat di ruang pejabat Centre for Engineering Education, Aras 2, Blok C09, UTM Johor Bahru.
Majlis Kesyukuran CEE ini diadakan bersamaan dengan Majlis Persaraan YBhg. Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof, felo penyelidik CEE juga yang merupakan Pengasas dan Mantan Pengarah CEE di peringkat CEE. Sambutan ini juga diadakan bagi meraikan pelbagai kejayaan CEE sehingga ke hari ini dan perpindahan masuk CEE ke ruang baharu di Blok C09 UTM Johor Bahru.
Dalam ucapan oleh Prof. Dr. Khairiyah, beliau mengimbau kembali penubuhan dan usaha-usaha dalam pembangunan pendidikan kejuruteraan serta cabaran yang dihadapi bersama rakan-rakan. Beliau juga mengajak hadirin supaya bekerja bersama-sama dalam mencapai matlamat. Tegas beliau, “Big problems will never be solved alone, great things will only be achieved when u work together“.
CEE merakamkan penghargaan melalui Pengarah CEE, YBrs. Prof. Madya Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria dan mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Prof. Dr. Khairiyah atas sumbangan jasa bakti yang ditaburkan ke atas CEE khususnya, bermula dari penubuhan CEE dan membawa nama CEE sehingga dikenali di serata dunia termasuk di negara-negara Eropah, Afrika, Amerika Syarikat, Timur Tengah, dan di rantau Asia khususnya sebagai perunding dan pakar rujuk dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan.
Turut hadir adalah felo-felo dan staf CEE, rakan-rakan pensyarah yang telah banyak bekerjasama dengan CEE, pelajar PhD dan post-doctoral bagi memeriahkan majlis dan meraikan YBhg. Prof. Dr. Khairiyah.
Pautan untuk kisah dan gambar boleh di dapati di sini – KLIK SINI.

Plant Design Project SKKC4834 for Supervisors

I conducted a briefing together with Dr. Azizul and Dr. Zarina for all supervisors at 2.15pm. We briefed on how the PDP will be conducted this coming semester. The event went well. Alhamdulillah



Expertise Summary – Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria (for Erasmus Grant)

Expertise Summary – Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria

 Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria is from the School of Chemical & Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). His main research interests are in catalytic reaction engineering, engineering education, green related technology, and safety and health. He is presently a fellow researcher in the Center of Engineering Education (CEE), UTM. Previously, he practiced as a Project Engineer (2003-2005) and Process Engineer (2005-2008). Dr. Zaki has published his research works in various reputable journals, international conferences and book chapters. In 2018 he published his own book, “Ramblings of a Chemical Engineer”, which has been well received by fellow chemical engineers from Malaysia and around the globe. Dr. Zaki actively shares chemical engineering related information in his Chemical Engineering Facebook Page (facebook.com/ChemicalEngineeringWorld/) which up till now has 40k followers. His first ever blog, Chemical Engineering World (chem-eng.blogspot.com/), was selected as the Top 10 Chemical Engineering Blogs in the internet in 2019. He and his team recently won Gold Medal in 2019 International Conference and Exposition on Invention by Institution of Higher Learning (Pecipta 2019) in UTHM, Gold Medal in New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI 2019) and Best NALI 2019 Award in UTM for various innovations in student-centred-learning approach.


My Official Work Blog Stats @ 4 January 2020

As per the screenshot is showing, my page indexed by google are 705 and 6,170 respectively. Will see how it goes later this year in the 2nd quarter of 2020.

Engineering 2 Volleyball Team @ UTM Interdepartment Sports

Today is the day – the volleyball inter department game and Engineering 2 team that comprises School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, School of Civil engineering and School of Biomedical Engineering will compete against other departments.

All the best to our women team yeahhh…


My Typical Day As A Chemical Engineering Lecturer

My typical day in office when not in class, meeting or others. Shot was taken last Sunday.


Hari Akademia @ Academia Day

Academia Day or Hari Akademia kini di sambut pada 5 Oktober setiap tahun bermula tahun ini. Hari Akademia 5 Oktober  disambut bagi menghargai jasa pensyarah.

TAWAU – Menteri Pendidikan, Dr Maszlee Malik mengumumkan 5 Oktober setiap tahun sebagai Hari Akademia Malaysia bagi menghargai sumbangan dan pengorbanan para pensyarah negara ini.

Beliau berkata, sambutan yang merupakan ‘detik bersejarah’ itu akan bermula tahun ini.

“Kita ada Hari Guru sebagai tanda memperingati sumbangan para guru. Jadi, saya cadangan kita adakan satu hari sambutan untuk pensyarah-pensyarah universiti.

Artikel Penuh : https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/16774/BERITA/Nasional/Hari-Akademia-5-Oktober-hargai-jasa-pensyarah
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