Expertise Summary – Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria (for Erasmus Grant)

Expertise Summary – Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria

 Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria is from the School of Chemical & Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). His main research interests are in catalytic reaction engineering, engineering education, green related technology, and safety and health. He is presently a fellow researcher in the Center of Engineering Education (CEE), UTM. Previously, he practiced as a Project Engineer (2003-2005) and Process Engineer (2005-2008). Dr. Zaki has published his research works in various reputable journals, international conferences and book chapters. In 2018 he published his own book, “Ramblings of a Chemical Engineer”, which has been well received by fellow chemical engineers from Malaysia and around the globe. Dr. Zaki actively shares chemical engineering related information in his Chemical Engineering Facebook Page ( which up till now has 40k followers. His first ever blog, Chemical Engineering World (, was selected as the Top 10 Chemical Engineering Blogs in the internet in 2019. He and his team recently won Gold Medal in 2019 International Conference and Exposition on Invention by Institution of Higher Learning (Pecipta 2019) in UTHM, Gold Medal in New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI 2019) and Best NALI 2019 Award in UTM for various innovations in student-centred-learning approach.


Day 22 Task – Meeting for Budget Planning RMK12 Center for Engineering Education (CEE)


Among other tasks that I performed today:

  • Mathwork Project Meeting @ CEE in the morning.
  • RMK12 Planning and Budget Meeting for CEE Building @ CEE after the above mentioned meeting.
  • Correction for CRG Grant.
  • Arrangement and coordination for Plant Design Project for next semester.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>

Day 2 Task: PSM Mock Presentation

Today after lunch I met 2 of my PSM students, namely Adny and Nasyitah. The mission today was to view their  slide presentation content and also get them to practice.  I spent 1.5 hour with them from 2.30pm to 4pm. We had a great session together and I hope they can present well on this Sunday PSM Presentation 2.

Sorry No photo here – I forgot to snap one!


What 1 Official Task Per Day Record is —>

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>

Mesyuarat Memorandum Persefahaman di Bangunan Cancelori UTM

Selesai satu tugas petang ni. Mesyuarat Memorandum Persefahaman di Bangunan Cancelori UTM. Berdua kami cuba bentang projek yang dipohon di hadapan para panel budiman. Semoga dipermudahkan projek kita ni. Amin.

This MOU is for our team and Entrade.

FB Link:

Simple Act to Help, Do your Part…

Zuhair, a final year chemical engineering student from my faculty shared a simple yet informative information about 8 hazardous chemicals detected a Sim Sim river, Pasir Gudang, Johor.

He prepared the notes in Bahasa Malaysia to help dwellers in affected areas (and others) know, learn and aware about the tremendous danger from the chemicals.

What Zuhair has done yesterday was spot on when there was no proper explanation or elaboration on the 8 hazardous chemicals explained publicly in a simple version, which could be clearly understood by normal people.

His notes was shared and viraled, and detected by a local newspaper. The newspaper published his notes. It can be seen in the link below:…/bekas-pelajar-smk-sungai-tiram…

Well done Zuhair Ozil 🙂

For the rest of us, lets contribute whatever we can… such as…

– Solat hajat & prayers
– Donations (money, time, energy, food etc)
– Knowledge & expertise
– Volunteer work of any kind
– Advice, suggestions etc formally to authority
– or anything to help…

In short, lets hope and pray all the best for Pasir Gudang speedy recovery.

In a different note, we condemned the massive terrorist attact in New Zealand earlier today. May Allah protect us all. Amin.


What is Proximate Analysis and Ultimate Analysis

What is Proximate Analysis?

Proximate analysis is a way to determine the distribution of products when the samples are heated under specified conditions.

From: Fuel Flexible Energy Generation, 2016


What is Ultimate Analysis?

Ultimate Analysis Tests. Ultimate analysis tests produce more comprehensive results than the proximate analyses. SGS uses the results from ultimate analysis tests to determine the elemental composition of the coal including moisture, ash, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen (by difference).

Mini Update: 4 conferences & 2 Journal Manuscript to be Reviewed

It’s Friday today, our off day. However, due to my hectic daily work, I can only to some of my usual dekstop work today, the off-day. Just completed 1 conference manuscript, few more to be reviewed.

Will post update status soon today.


Congratulations William for your Masters Defence

William is a master student from Kenya. I first met him when I was lecturing Plant and Chemical Safety for Masters. He is also an academic staff from a university in Kenya.

Fast forward to yesterday (28th july 2016), I was his examiner for his Chemical Engineering Master Dissertation. It should be a fast Master defense examination since he is in the Chemical Engineering Mixed-Mode program. However, the examination was stretched to 3 hours. That’s quite long for a Mixed-Mode program. It was not because the quality of work that is not good. It is in fact due to the fact that he has done SO MUCH WORK, and presented such a huge amount of result in his dissertation. All of us thought that he has done a work almost similar to a full time master student or even more than a full time master student. If he add few more elements into his work, it can be a Ph.D quality.

From left: Dr. Arif, Dr. Tahir, William, Dr. Ramli & me

I can just say WELL DONE! You should continue to do your Ph.D. Keep up the good work.

Journal Review Complete – YES!

For those who are not aware of the endless job scope of a lecturer / academician / researcher / consultant etc, we have one interesting yet challenging task. It is journal review. Since we are an expert in certain specific field of research, there will be time where we will be invited to review manuscripts that are submitted to certain journals. I have been doing this activity of journal review since I was a Ph.D student. But after Ph.D, I received more and more invitation to review journal manuscript. But wait… The number of journal that I review are not as much as our professors have to review. Roughly, I am reviewing around 5 to 10 journals a year (since 2013). I am expecting to receive more and more invitation. However, that’s nothing compared to professors who review more than 100 journal manuscript per year.



Is it tough?


Sometimes, when we are hectic, we hardly have time to read and comprehend the content of the manuscript to be reviewed. However, when we have some piece of extra time to spend reading this manuscript, we can complete the review faster. There were moments where I managed to complete a review in 1 day. There are also moments where I took 3-4 weeks to complete a review. There was 1 review that I remembered not completing it at all.


This is not a paid job. It is just for us to help and contribute to review and help to decide if a manuscript is worth publishing or not. However, it is required and counted in our KPI (Key Performance Index) or KAI (Key Amal Index)… as UTM called it now. The more we reviews we make, the more points get counted for our performance evaluation every each end of the year. Another way of looking at it, is the journal editors recognizes our expertise and credibility, and due to that, they invited us to review the manuscript. So, although it is not a paid task or project, academicians like me still do the review for the reasons above.

180 degree opposite opinion 

I know some colleagues who does not like the idea. Why you are doing this and not getting paid? Why you are letting them manipulating your intellectuality?  Why are you giving them a service for free? “Them” here refers to the publisher of the journals. I am not against my colleague’s idea NOR I am backing up this big journal publisher. At the moment, I am just doing what I am suppose to do as an academician and researcher. I am trying to do the best that I can for the best of the scientific advancement of knowledge. Somehow, I feel that experts like us should be rewarded and not let to do a free service.

What do you think?

I would like to see your opinions and the comment section below 🙂


My PSM Students for 2014

Since I could not secure any postgraduate students yet for 2014, I have decided to take more PSM students.

In total, I am in charge of 9 PSM students. This looks quite a lot, but I am trying my best to manage them.

7 of them are working on research related to biodiesel whereas another 2 are working on thermodynamic modelling.



Read related post such as The students that I supervised.