Archives for June 2018

Just keep moving

New Energy Outlook 2018

Fossil fuels are dead.

“Wind and solar are set to surge to almost “50 by 50” – 50% of world generation by 2050 – on the back of precipitous reductions in cost, and the advent of cheaper and cheaper batteries that will enable electricity to be stored and discharged to meet shifts in demand and supply.  Coal shrinks to just 11% of global electricity generation by 2050.”

Cultivate discipline

Cultivate discipline by doing the same thing at the same time, no matter if you are motivated or not.

VW has absolutely destroyed the Pikes Peak record with the all-electric I.D. R

Another record broken by an electric car.

We’ve seen clips of it hurtling around the hillclimb course in practice with the intent being to make history, but the I.D. R all-electric time attack car purpose built by Volkswagen has obliterated the Pikes Peak record by a full 15 seconds. The car has ascended the 14,000-feet hillclimb route in 7:57.148, eclipsing the previous record of 8:13.878 set by Sebastien Loeb in the Peugeot 208 T16 back in 2013.

Be patient

Because it will be worth it.

Mycelium Composite

A new type of composite that combine agricultural and industrial waste to create lightweight but strong bricks.

Scientists create new building material out of fungus, rice and glass

This type of material, known as a mycelium composite, uses the Trametes versicolor fungus to combine agricultural and industrial waste to create lightweight but strong bricks. It’s cheaper than synthetic plastics or engineered wood, and reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfill.

Tripling the Energy Storage of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Not exactly a breakthrough since it is still using lithium-ion technologies.

A collaboration led by scientists at the University of Maryland (UMD), the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the U.S. Army Research Lab have developed and studied a new cathode material that could triple the energy density of lithium-ion battery electrodes. Their research was published on June 13 in Nature Communications.

You will make it through

Just keep going.

Selamat Hari Raya

America is not top dog anymore

Norway’s PM Says the U.S. Is Losing Global Sway

Searching for a bright spot in the escalating trade dispute emanating from the U.S., Norway’s prime minister said the world’s biggest economy just isn’t as important anymore.

 “It’s important to remember that the U.S. isn’t the same driving force as it used to be,” Erna Solberg said in an interview in Oslo on Monday. “The world economy has more legs to stand on and there are far more economies that are growing.”