Ram Pump Test

We conducted our ram pump test last Wednesday.

First, we built the tank. This is the water source for the pump.

Preparation for the test. The water was pumped from ground level to level 4 at Block P which is about 20m height.

We managed to pump the water. However, the flow rate was unsatisfactory. We managed to fill a 1.5L bottle for about 64 seconds. We found that there are leaks around the connection at the air tank. So rather then using glue we need to weld the connection.

Site visit to Sg. Congkak

Arus Infiniti Sdn. Bhd., a spin-off company of UTM and NAHRIM is planning to install a ram pump and a hydro turbine at a resort in Sg. Congkak. Today is our first site visit there.

Ram Pump Installation at Manhaj, Batang Kali – Visit #2

Today we brought the man who is going to build the water tank tower to MANHAJ, Batang Kali. Paktok and his team will build the tower with two of his workers at an estimated time of two weeks. We also went to several hardware shops in Batang Kali to buy building materials. This water tank is one of the important parts of the ram pump system where it will store the pumped water. The tanks need to be at least at a similar height to the building where the water is going to be supplied. In this case, the water tank will be at least  9 m of height.

Visit #1

Using ram pump to solve water shortage in remote area

A ram pump is an old technology that is now getting more interest from renewable energy and sustainable technology researchers. To show the effectiveness of this device we at UTM Razak School is planning to install a ram pump at a maahad Tahfiz in Batang Kali. Today is our first visit to the site.