One Fathom Bank picture

One Fathom Bank Lighthouse

Visit to One Fathom Bank

Today is my first visit to One Fathom Bank in Straits of Malacca. We are researching on ways to replace the generators at One Fathom Bank to renewable energy power generators. First we need to calculate the actual energy consumption at One Fathom Bank.


Project OCT – Meeting with JLM 1/2018

Yesterday we had our first meeting with Jabatan Laut Malaysia on our project of installing an ocean current turbine (OCT) at One Fathom Bank (OFB).This meeting is the result of our first visit and also after the approval from the Lembaga Dius Api. JLM has shared some information on how to conduct our data gathering process. As a result, we are planning to have a site visit to OFB in the near future.


Research meeting at NAHRIM

On Thursday 28th September we had a meeting with National Hydraulic Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM). We presented some preliminary results on ocean turbine research project.

Meeting with Malaysian Marine Department

Today we had a meeting with Tuan Roslee Bin Mat Yusof the Director at Malaysian Marine Department. We discussed about our proposal of installing an Ocean Current Turbine near One Fathom Bank. Tuan Roslee has agreed to give full coorperation in the research project.

