InsyaAllah we are going to have the second AROSHE conference following the success of the 1st AROSHE conference in 2021. We had our initial meeting in a hotel here in KL with the similar team member as of the previous conference.

Senior Lecturer, Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics
InsyaAllah we are going to have the second AROSHE conference following the success of the 1st AROSHE conference in 2021. We had our initial meeting in a hotel here in KL with the similar team member as of the previous conference.
I have been chosen to be the internal auditor for Generic MPhil NEC 140 (education). I hope this audit session can help them in the actual audit from QRIM, InsyaAllah.
Meraikan persaraan Tuan Haji Derani, Timbalan Pendaftar HEP JB di dalam majlis anjuran HEP Kuala Lumpur. Tuan Haji Derani banyak membantu Unit Pelajar Luar Kampus terutamanya dalam proses mendapatkan rumah penginapan pengetua dan felo di Residensi UTMKL. Selamat bersara Haji.
Akhirnya saya dapt berjumpa bersemuka dengan JKM PLK 20/21 yang diketua oleh Rama sebagai presiden. Saya sangan berbangga dengan mereka kerana banyak membantu saya walaupun secara online. All the best untuk mereka selepas ini.
Acara tahunan saya sebagai Pengetua pelajar luar kampus iaitu Program Ramah Mesra. Kali kedua program ini diadakan secara online. Walaupun online saya tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mengingatkan pelajar yang menyewa di sekitar kampus untuk mengikuti peraturan UTM dan mematuhi norma-norma masyarakat setempat.
Alhamdulillah. Fakulti telah memberikan sijil penghargaan kepada saya bagi kategori penerbitan Q1/Q2 untuk tahun 2021. Terimakasih diucapkan kepada pihak fakulti FTIR.
This is my first time meeting face to face with some of JKM members. In the picture is JKM PLK’s president Aqmar, secretary Amanina and exco Ashdaque.
Dua tahun sudah tidak beraktiviti luar akhirnya dapat juga. Saya menerima jemputan menjadi fasilitator Kem Pemantapan JKM KSJ di Langkawi. Terimakasih kepada Pengetua KSJ yang menjemput.
It has been two years already we have been doing online learning. It is amazing that some of these year 2 students have never set foot in campus. Couldn’t wait for this pandemic to end.
Dr. Mohamed Azlan Suhot
B. Eng. (Materials Eng.) (USM), M. Sc. (Materials Eng.) (USM), Ph.D (Uni. of Southampton)
Research in:
Composite Manufacturing, testing and defect analysis.
Materials Characterisation, Scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, image analysis and 3D X-ray microtomography.
Experimental Mechanics, Fatigue crack initiation and growth, SN testing and acoustic emission.
Programme Coordinator:
Executive Diploma in Engineering Business Management
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