Visit to One Fathom Bank

Today is my first visit to One Fathom Bank in Straits of Malacca. We are researching on ways to replace the generators at One Fathom Bank to renewable energy power generators. First we need to calculate the actual energy consumption at One Fathom Bank.


Site visit to Sg. Congkak

Arus Infiniti Sdn. Bhd., a spin-off company of UTM and NAHRIM is planning to install a ram pump and a hydro turbine at a resort in Sg. Congkak. Today is our first site visit there.

Ram Pump Installation at Manhaj, Batang Kali – Visit #2

Today we brought the man who is going to build the water tank tower to MANHAJ, Batang Kali. Paktok and his team will build the tower with two of his workers at an estimated time of two weeks. We also went to several hardware shops in Batang Kali to buy building materials. This water tank is one of the important parts of the ram pump system where it will store the pumped water. The tanks need to be at least at a similar height to the building where the water is going to be supplied. In this case, the water tank will be at least  9 m of height.

Visit #1

Using ram pump to solve water shortage in remote area

A ram pump is an old technology that is now getting more interest from renewable energy and sustainable technology researchers. To show the effectiveness of this device we at UTM Razak School is planning to install a ram pump at a maahad Tahfiz in Batang Kali. Today is our first visit to the site.



Protection for mangrove seedlings

Several UTM lecturers are working together with NAHRIM to establish a better protection for mangrove seedlings planted at the coastal area of Sg. Haji Dorani, Sabak Bernam, Selangor. The current barrier used has actually submerged the seedlings with sediments. New design need to be used to provide effective protection for these seedlings.

A visit to Kg Rening, Cameron Highlands

On 26th October 2017 we went for a visit to an Orang Asli kampung in Cameron Highlands. Kampung Rening is an Orang Asli kampung located at Pos Telanok, Cameron Highlands about 40 km from Ringlet. Its inhabitants are made up of the Semai people who lived in this village since the time of their ancestors. Kampong Rening consists of 150 people of Semai community. Out of these 150, 6 people have converted to Islam.

A resort at Kampung Rening called PEKA Resort was built by the Orang Asli under the guidance of Persatuan Kembara Amal (PeKA), a registered NGO. This resort is now managed by the Orang Asli guided by PeKA members.

STEM Mentor-mentee minggu 2

Minggu kedua program mentor-mentee STEM anjuran UTM Razak School di SMK Padang Tembak. Pelajar UTM dan murid-murid sudah semakin mesra. Cikgu-cikgu berkata murid-murid ternanti-nanti hari sesi mentor-mentee ini.

Permainan objek dan imej untuk meningkatkan minat murid-murid kepada subjek matematik.

Meeting with Voith Industry

Voith Industry came to UTM Razak School for a visit and to further discuss about our research project on paper industry.

Research meeting at NAHRIM

On Thursday 28th September we had a meeting with National Hydraulic Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM). We presented some preliminary results on ocean turbine research project.

STEM Literacy

The first meeting of students that will involve in STEM Literacy programmes this year. We have 28 students who are going to be mentors for our programme at Sekolah Menengah Padang Tembak.