Malaysia has the highest rate of diabetes in Asia and one of the highest in the world, probably next to Saudi Arabia said the National Diabetes Institute (NADI) executive chairman, Datuk Dr Mustaffa Embong

Use real milk for your teh tarik. Not condense milk (susu pekat manis)

“According to NADI records, statistics suggest that almost half of Malaysians do not know that they have diabetes.

“Most of the time Type 2 diabetes do not have any symptom at all until you develop a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, going blind and amputations,” he said.

Trump says he’s ‘ready’ to put tariffs on all $505 billion of Chinese goods imported to the US

Trump is going to destroy the American economy.

President Donald Trump has indicated that he is willing to slap tariffs on every Chinese good imported to the U.S. should the need arise.

The reference is to the dollar amount of Chinese imports the U.S. accepted in 2017 – $505.5 billion to be exact, compared to the $129.9 billion the U.S. exported to China, according to Census Bureau data.

Trump’s comments point to a willingness to push the envelope as far as the U.S. needs to get Chinese tariff concessions, along with a pledge to stop stealing American technology.

America is not top dog anymore

Norway’s PM Says the U.S. Is Losing Global Sway

Searching for a bright spot in the escalating trade dispute emanating from the U.S., Norway’s prime minister said the world’s biggest economy just isn’t as important anymore.

 “It’s important to remember that the U.S. isn’t the same driving force as it used to be,” Erna Solberg said in an interview in Oslo on Monday. “The world economy has more legs to stand on and there are far more economies that are growing.”

There are plastics in our food

We need a garbage collecting system that limits the plastic in rivers.

Microplastics in our mussels: the sea is feeding human garbage back to us

Shellfish are the natural filter systems of our seas, mechanisms of purity. So, to discover in a report released on World Oceans Day that mussels bought from UK supermarkets were infested with microplastic seems like a final irony in the terrible story of the plasticisation of the sea. According to the study by the University of Hull and Brunel University London, 70 particles of microplastic were found in every 100 grams of mussels.

Do not be afraid to seek help.

Mental depression leading to suicide can happen to anyone even someone with the coolest job as Tony. RIP Anthony Bourdain.

Hindus and Sikhs help build a mosque in India

We need more news like this to show that we human can work together.

As mason Nazim “Raja” Khan toiled over the construction of a Shiva temple in a Punjab village, a thought nagged at him.

There he was, a Muslim, building a Hindu temple. Yet there was no mosque nearby where he could worship.

“We had no place where we could offer namaz (prayers),” says the 40-year-old. “It wasn’t nice for our relatives when they visited.”

It rankled, so he raised it with the 400-strong Muslim community in his village of Moom, in rural north India. But they were too poor to afford the land.

‘Would you give us some land?’

Most Muslims in the area do unskilled jobs, such as casual construction work, while the community’s 400 or so Hindus and some 4,000 Sikhs are relatively well-off.

Fast forward 18 months – with the temple nearing completion – and Raja took an unprecedented step.

Earlier this year, he approached the temple administrators and told them: “You Hindus will soon have your new temple. And you already have an older one. But we Muslims have no place to worship, nor money to buy land. Would you give us a small area of your land?”

A week later, he had an answer. The temple management had decided to hand over nearly 900 sq ft (83 sq m) of vacant land next to their temple.


We need to stop using facebook

and spend less time in social media.

Growth At Any Cost: Top Facebook Executive Defended Data Collection In 2016 Memo — And Warned That Facebook Could Get People Killed

More than 200 Quebec doctors oppose proposed pay raise for themselves

These doctors have my respect.

MONTREAL—More than 250 doctors and residents in Quebec have asked the provincial government to backtrack on plans to give them and other physicians substantial pay hikes, saying the money should instead be spent on the front lines of the health system.

In an open letter, they say the increases are particularly shocking given that other health-care workers such as nurses and orderlies face difficult working conditions.

The U.S. Drops Out of the Top 10 in Innovation Ranking

Now innovations do not only occur in western countries. Many developing nations are all innovating.


Supermarket chain to sell food up to a month past its best-before date in attempt to slash waste

You can eat food that is past the ‘best before’ date.

From today, shoppers at the Co-op’s 125 East of England stores will be able to buy a range of out of date products for just 10p.

It will include a large range of items including tinned goods, such as fruit and beans, dried food such as pasta and rice and packet goods including crisps, confectionery and cereal.

The scheme does not include any products with a ‘Use By’ date, including meat, fish and dairy.