A Pledge of Life: My First Blood Donation Journey

There comes a moment when a simple action can mean the world, not just to you, but to someone else’s life. Today, I found myself seated in a donor chair, arm outstretched, ready to give a part of myself for others. After years of taking blood thinners, I finally received the green light from my doctor to donate blood. It was a first for me, a milestone that I approached with a mix of nerves and excitement. As the blood flowed from me, I thought about the chain of life it represents, the unknown faces it might save. This experience, more profound than I ever anticipated, has changed my perspective. It’s not just about giving blood; it’s about embracing the fragility of life and standing in solidarity with those in need. Today, I did more than just donate blood; I joined a community of quiet heroes who believe in the power of giving.

The image serves as a personal testament to the act of giving, capturing the momentous first-time experience of contributing to a life-saving resource through blood donation.

Tautan Hati: Pertemuan Tak Terduga dengan Ustaz Kamili

Dalam liku-liku kehidupan, pertemuan yang tak terduga sering membawa makna mendalam. Begitu pula saat saya bertemu kembali dengan Ustaz Kamili, pembimbing bacaan Al-Quran saya dahulu. Waktu terasa berhenti saat kami bertukar pandang, mengimbau memori kelas mengaji yang pernah mengukir banyak kenangan. Pertemuan kami bukan sekadar kebetulan, tetapi pengingat akan ikatan yang terjalin melalui pembelajaran suci ini. Meski pertemuan itu singkat, ia meninggalkan kesan yang akan selalu terpahat dalam sanubari.

The image captures a joyous and spontaneous moment of reconnection with my respected Ustaz Kamili, symbolizing the cherished and enduring bonds forged through spiritual education

Goodbye Norazmein

My dear friend since our tutor days is transferring to UTM JB. Goodbye Azmein.


500 pages in google search

Another milestone for this page. It has reached 500 pages in google search.

Abang Ady in memory

Abang Ady Sallehin telah meninggalkan kami warga UTM Razak School pada hari jumaat lepas. Kehilangan yang sungguh terasa. Abang Adylah yang membawa kami untuk tugas UTM dan juga aktiviti-aktiviti pelajar. Beliau tidak pernah merungut bila membawa kami walaupun pukul 5 pagi ataupun tengah malam. Walaupun semua penumpang tidur beliau tetap berjaga demi menghantar kami ke destinasi.

Al-fatihah untuk Abang Ady.