Palestin adalah sebuah tanah yang kaya dengan sejarah dan budaya yang berusia berabad-abad, tetapi juga menjadi pusat konflik yang berterusan selama puluhan tahun. Rakyat Palestin telah menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam usaha mereka untuk mempertahankan martabat mereka, hak ke atas tanah air mereka, serta untuk mencapai kemerdekaan dan negara mereka sendiri.
Sejarah perjuangan Palestin berakar pada akhir abad ke-19 ketika kawasan ini berada di bawah pemerintahan Kesultanan Uthmaniyyah. Walau bagaimanapun, setelah berakhirnya Perang Dunia Pertama, Palestin jatuh ke tangan British sebagai sebahagian daripada mandat Liga Bangsa-Bangsa. Perkara ini mencetuskan ketegangan antara penduduk Arab Palestin dan pendatang-pendatang Yahudi yang tiba di kawasan tersebut, yang akhirnya membawa dampak besar pada perjuangan rakyat Palestin.
Salah satu peristiwa yang paling bersejarah dalam perjuangan Palestin adalah penubuhan Negara Israel pada tahun 1948. Deklarasi kemerdekaan Israel ini menyebabkan pecahnya Perang Arab-Israel pertama, yang membawa kepada ratusan ribu orang Palestin yang terpaksa melarikan diri dari rumah mereka. Ini dianggap sebagai salah satu tragedi terbesar dalam sejarah Palestin yang dikenali sebagai “Nakba” atau “Bencana.”
Sejak itu, penduduk Palestin terpaksa menghadapi berbagai cabaran yang berlarutan, termasuk pendudukan oleh Israel, pengambilan tanah, pembinaan pemukiman secara salah, dan pengepungan Gaza yang menyekat kebebasan dan kebajikan mereka. Walaupun begitu, semangat perjuangan dan keinginan untuk mencapai kemerdekaan tetap berkobar di hati rakyat Palestin.
Intifada, atau pemberontakan, telah menjadi salah satu cara ekspresi perjuangan Palestin. Intifada pertama berlaku pada tahun 1987 hingga 1993, manakala Intifada kedua berlaku pada tahun 2000. Dalam kedua-dua Intifada ini, penduduk Palestin mengecam pendudukan oleh Israel dan menuntut hak mereka untuk memiliki negara mereka sendiri.
Selain itu, rakyat Palestin telah mencari sokongan daripada komuniti antarabangsa dalam perjuangan mereka. Organisasi seperti Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) telah berusaha untuk menyokong hak-hak penduduk Palestin dan mempromosikan penyelesaian damai untuk konflik ini. Walau bagaimanapun, usaha ini sering kali terbentur oleh politik dan campur tangan geopolitik.
Perjuangan penduduk Palestin juga melibatkan pelbagai kumpulan seperti Hamas di Gaza dan Fatah di Tebing Barat. Walaupun mempunyai pendekatan yang berbeza dalam melawan pendudukan Israel, matlamat mereka tetap sama, iaitu mencapai kemerdekaan dan tanah air mereka.
Seiring berlalunya masa, penduduk Palestin terus menghadapi tekanan yang kuat, termasuk sekatan pergerakan, pengasingan, dan penindasan tentera Israel. Walaupun begitu, semangat perjuangan mereka tidak padam. Penduduk Palestin terus berjuang untuk hak mereka dengan keberanian yang memberi inspirasi kepada ramai di seluruh dunia.
Dalam usaha mereka, penduduk Palestin mendapat sokongan daripada pelbagai pihak, termasuk kumpulan solidariti antarabangsa dan individu yang menyokong hak asasi manusia dan keadilan. Aktivis, seniman, dan tokoh terkenal dari pelbagai negara di seluruh dunia telah berjuang untuk hak penduduk Palestin.
Dalam visi mereka, penduduk Palestin berharap untuk memiliki negara mereka sendiri yang merdeka dan berdaulat di tanah air mereka. Mereka ingin hidup dalam keamanan dan damai, sambil mempertahankan budaya dan identiti mereka yang kaya. Mereka berjuang untuk memelihara maruah mereka serta hak mereka terhadap tanah yang telah mereka diami selama berabad-abad.
Apabila kita mengamati dengan teliti perjuangan berapi-api penduduk Palestin, kita harus mengingati bahawa setiap individu yang terlibat dalam perjuangan ini mempunyai kisah dan pengorbanan mereka sendiri. Perjuangan ini adalah perjuangan untuk keadilan, martabat, dan hak asasi manusia yang asas. Semoga suatu hari nanti, penduduk Palestin akan mencapai impian mereka untuk memiliki negara yang merdeka dan damai di tanah air mereka yang dicintai.
Keris, senjata tradisional yang sangat istimewa dalam kebudayaan Melayu, telah menjadi bahagian tak terpisahkan dari sejarah dan budaya Melayu selama berabad-abad. Salah satu jenis keris yang amat dihargai dan penuh dengan keunikan adalah Keris Malela Tulang Belud. Keris ini mempunyai ciri-ciri yang memukau dan kecantikan yang menjadikannya sebagai salah satu karya seni yang amat dihargai dalam warisan budaya Melayu. Artikel ini akan mengulas dengan terperinci tentang Keris Malela Tulang Belud, dengan memberi tumpuan kepada beberapa elemen penting yang menjadikannya begitu istimewa.
1. Bilah Malela Tulang Belud Luk 5
Bilah keris Malela Tulang Belud ini mempunyai kepanjangan sekitar 10 inci, menjadikannya sebagai ukuran yang sesuai untuk pelbagai kegunaan. Panjang yang sederhana ini membolehkan keris ini berfungsi dengan baik sebagai senjata tajam dan juga sebagai objek seni yang cantik. Keris luk 5 adalah istilah yang merujuk pada jumlah lengkung atau goresan pada bagian bilah keris. Luk-luk ini mengacu pada bentuk dan jumlah alur-alur yang terukir pada bilah keris. Dalam hal ini, setiap luk pada keris mewakili salah satu dari lima rukun Islam.
2. Ukiran Sampir Kusriwa yang Anggun
Salah satu ciri yang membezakan Keris Malela Tulang Belud adalah sampir kusriwa yang diukir dengan indah. Sampir adalah hiasan pelindung yang terletak di bahagian atas sarung keris. Ukiran yang rumit dan halus pada sampir ini mencerminkan tahap kepandaian yang tinggi dari pembuat keris. Motif-motif ukiran pada sampir seringkali menggambarkan unsur-unsur alam, mitologi, atau bentuk seni yang berbeza, menambah nilai estetika pada senjata ini.
3. Hulu Pekaka yang Menarik
Hulu pekaka adalah bahagian pegangan keris yang terdapat pada hujung sarung. Keris Malela Tulang Belud mempunyai hulu pekaka yang direka dengan penuh perhatian terhadap butiran. Hulu ini sering kali diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan berharga dan dihiasi dengan hiasan atau ukiran yang menawan. Selain berfungsi sebagai pegangan, hulu pekaka juga merupakan elemen dekoratif yang memperkukuh keindahan keris ini.
4. Pemanis Tanduk Kerbau
Tanduk kerbau adalah bahan yang sering digunakan untuk membuat bahagian pegangan keris. Keunikan Keris Malela Tulang Belud terletak pada pemilihan tanduk kerbau berkualiti tinggi. Tanduk ini diolah dengan teliti sehingga memberikan penampilan yang indah dan tahan lama. Pemanis tanduk kerbau ini boleh berbentuk hiasan atau ukiran, menambah unsur estetika pada keris ini.
Keris Malela Tulang Belud adalah bukti nyata akan seni dan kemahiran tinggi para pandai keris Melayu. Setiap unsur dalam pembuatan keris ini menunjukkan perhatian terhadap butiran dan usaha untuk mencipta karya seni yang luar biasa. Selain sebagai senjata tradisional, keris ini juga menjadi simbol budaya dan identiti Melayu.
Keris Malela Tulang Belud adalah satu contoh gemilang dari warisan budaya Melayu yang patut dijaga dan diwarisi. Kemahiran para pandai keris yang mewarisi tradisi ini perlu dihargai, dan peranan keris dalam budaya Melayu perlu diteruskan agar kekal hidup dan berkembang. Keris bukan sekadar senjata, tetapi juga merupakan warisan budaya yang berharga yang mencerminkan keindahan dan kekayaan sejarah Melayu.
Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Keris Malela Tulang Belud: Karya Seni Pusaka Warisan Melayu. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2023).
In 1876, a Malay map of Perak, based on W.E. Maxwell’s notes and sourced from MS 46943 at the Royal Asiatic Society in London, was published in Barbara Andaya’s work, “Perak: The Abode of Grace: A Study of an Eighteenth Century Malay State” (1979). In this map, some words, including place names and court noble titles, have been transliterated by Andaya. The Arabic numerals enclosed in circles serve as the author’s annotations, aiding in the transliteration and translation of Jawi text into Romanized Malay and English.
This map may strike readers as unusual, as it lacks common features found in contemporary geographical maps, such as border lines, legends, a metrical scale, and a compass. In the Malay text “Misa Melayu,” the term “peta” (map) doesn’t appear in its base form but rather as a passive verb twice: once to describe the vivid imagery of a noble (Orangkaya Temenggung) conjured in one’s thoughts and another time to depict the creation of a blueprint for a ship.
It becomes apparent that the 1876 map wasn’t primarily a navigational tool for the Malays of eighteenth-century Perak. Instead, it served as a representation of human imagination, depicting the riverine state on paper.
As part of the collection of historical documents concerning Perak’s statecraft in the eighteenth century, the 1876 map holds immense historical value. It tells an alternative story of how the state may have been envisioned in the past, intertwining the flow of the Perak River and its tributaries with the titles of court royals.
When examining this map alongside “Misa Melayu,” a text that not only celebrates the present but also the signs of that era—such as a new city, a fort, or a mosque—it’s possible to see the map itself as a representation of the present or modernity. However, it remains as enigmatic as the text. It’s plausible that this map, much like “Misa Melayu,” was created at the request of a modernized sultan who aimed to present the state in a way understandable to Europeans and other foreign elites or merchants engaging with the state government at that time.
One can easily imagine the map being kept by Perak’s elites, possibly within the sultan’s regalia, similar to depictions of European monarchs with globes or maps in the background in old paintings. Like many maps from the 1800s and earlier, the 1876 map was likely a repository of knowledge considered secret, sacred, and accessible only to a select few—the royal elites and British officers.
In the past, Jawi script was widely used, even by British colonial authorities. It raises the question of why, in contemporary times, many Malaysians seem to be moving away from its use and not actively preserving it. This comment highlights an intriguing aspect of cultural and linguistic shifts that merit further exploration in the context of Jawi script and its cultural significance in Malaysia.
Sources: FB: The Interesting Historical Facts of Malaysia
In a shocking turn of events, the most unsuspecting threat to humanity has emerged right under our noses, or should we say, under our books. It all starts innocently enough with a sign that reads, “Please Do Not Eat in the Library. The ants will get in.” But what if those ants aren’t just looking for crumbs? What if they’re after something much bigger—knowledge, power, and world domination?
Picture this: you stroll into your local library, armed with a thirst for knowledge and a bag of potato chips. You spot the sign and think, “Of course, I won’t eat here, I’m not a savage!” Little do you know, you’ve just saved the world from an impending ant-tastrophe (pun intended).
The first part of the puzzle is simple enough. Ants love food. But what happens next is the stuff of science fiction, or should we say, science friction? These ants, while indulging in their secret snacking sessions, are inadvertently absorbing knowledge from the books they crawl on. They’re like tiny, six-legged sponges soaking up all the wisdom they can find.
Now, you might be thinking, “How on earth can ants read?” Well, we’re not entirely sure, but we suspect they’ve been taking night classes. These little bibliophiles have been silently honing their reading skills, flipping through the pages of everything from Shakespeare to quantum physics. It’s like a scene straight out of an ant-sized Hogwarts library.
But here’s where it gets really concerning. Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. These ants, once innocent library patrons, are now on the brink of world domination. They’ve learned about politics, economics, and the art of manipulation from the self-help section. They’ve delved into history to study the rise and fall of empires, and they’ve even cracked the secrets of military strategy from the war books.
Soon, the ants will be too smart for their own good. They’ll form a secret ant council and hatch a diabolical plan to conquer the world. And let’s not forget that ants are known for their teamwork. They’ll be like a tiny, six-legged army, ready to march on the world’s picnic baskets and overthrow our human overlords.
But what can we do to prevent this ant-pocalypse, you ask? Well, it starts with obeying that library sign. Do not, under any circumstances, eat in the library. It’s not just about preserving the books; it’s about saving humanity from an insect uprising.
We must also launch a counterintelligence operation to infiltrate their ranks and disrupt their plans. Perhaps we can recruit some intellectual termites to wage a war of words against these ant overlords. Or maybe we should start leaving out decoy books with intentionally misleading information to confuse them.
In any case, it’s clear that the fate of the world now rests on our shoulders. We must be vigilant, stay informed, and never underestimate the power of an ant with a library card. So remember, the next time you’re in the library, keep your snacks at bay, and keep an eye out for any ants trying to borrow books. The future of our world may depend on it.
Are you considering a future in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and contemplating pursuing your undergraduate studies at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)? The GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz, hosted at, offers an insightful and user-friendly way to determine your readiness and suitability for GIS undergraduate programs. Let’s take a closer look at this engaging quiz designed to guide prospective students on their academic journey.
Ease of Access
The GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz is readily accessible online, making it a convenient tool for anyone interested in GIS studies at UTM. The straightforward design ensures that users can navigate the quiz effortlessly, creating a user-friendly experience from start to finish.
Self-Assessment Made Simple
The quiz comprises ten thoughtfully crafted questions, each requiring a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ response. These questions delve into various aspects of GIS and related fields, allowing respondents to self-assess their interest and qualifications. It’s an efficient and effective way to gauge your enthusiasm and readiness for GIS studies.
Tailored Recommendations
What sets this quiz apart is its ability to provide tailored recommendations based on your responses. Depending on the number of ‘Yes’ answers you provide, the quiz offers detailed justifications and suggestions for your academic and career path in GIS. It’s a personalized touch that helps individuals make informed decisions about their future studies.
A Sneak Peek into GIS
Through questions like, “Do you enjoy exploring geographic information and its applications in various fields?” and “Are you excited about the potential of GIS to contribute to sustainable development and decision-making?” the quiz gives prospective students a glimpse into the exciting world of GIS. It fosters curiosity and can inspire those who may not have considered GIS before.
Encouraging Exploration
The quiz encourages exploration, even for those who may not have initially considered GIS as their academic path. By providing recommendations for each level of interest, from “exceptional commitment” to “limited interest,” it allows users to reflect on their passions and aspirations. It’s a valuable tool for career guidance and self-discovery.
In conclusion, the GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz serves as an excellent resource for individuals contemplating their academic journey in GIS at UTM. Whether you’re already passionate about GIS or are just beginning to explore this dynamic field, this quiz offers valuable insights and personalized recommendations to help you make informed decisions about your future studies. It’s an engaging and informative tool that underscores UTM’s commitment to guiding students towards success in GIS and related disciplines.
Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Assessing Your Readiness for GIS Undergraduate Studies: A Review of the GIS Interest and Qualification Quiz. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 23 September 2023).
Are you ready to take your passion for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to the next level? Look no further than the GIS Postgraduate Quiz, a powerful tool developed specifically to help you assess your readiness for advanced studies in GIS.
As the developer of this innovative tool, I’m excited to share how it can set you on an exciting academic journey in the world of GIS. Here’s why the GIS Postgraduate Quiz is a game-changer:
Insightful Questions: The quiz consists of ten carefully crafted questions, each designed to gauge your readiness, enthusiasm, and commitment to GIS postgraduate studies. From your interest in research to your motivation to expand your knowledge, every question is thought-provoking and insightful.
Personalized Feedback: What truly sets this quiz apart is the personalized feedback you receive based on your ‘Yes’ answers. If you’re like me and answered ‘Yes’ to all ten questions, you’ll receive a congratulatory message acknowledging your unwavering commitment and enthusiasm for GIS postgraduate studies. It’s an exciting affirmation that you’re ready to take on the academic challenges that await.
Career Clarity: For those who may have answered ‘Yes’ to a slightly lower number of questions, the quiz gently guides you to reflect on your goals and aspirations. It helps you gain clarity about your career path in the dynamic world of GIS.
User-Friendly: The quiz is user-friendly, making it accessible to all. Whether you’re a GIS enthusiast or someone exploring the possibilities, it’s easy to navigate and gain valuable insights.
Empowering Your Journey: The GIS Postgraduate Quiz isn’t just a quiz; it’s a compass that can guide you towards the academic and career path that aligns perfectly with your interests and aspirations.
In conclusion, if you’re even remotely interested in GIS postgraduate studies, I wholeheartedly recommend trying out the GIS Postgraduate Quiz. Developed with your academic journey in mind, it’s informative, empowering, and an essential step on your path to becoming a GIS expert. Access the quiz here and embark on your GIS adventure today!
Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Unlock Your GIS Potential with the GIS Postgraduate Quiz – Developed Just for You! [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 23 September 2023).
Are you considering a career in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or looking to evaluate your potential in this exciting field? Look no further! The GIS Career Assessment Quiz is here to help you gauge your skills, knowledge, and experience to determine the most suitable GIS career path for you.
GIS, a technology that combines geography with information technology, has a wide range of applications across industries such as environmental science, urban planning, transportation, and more. Whether you’re a beginner or someone with some GIS experience, this quiz can provide valuable insights into your potential career prospects.
Skills and Knowledge Assessment
The GIS Career Assessment Quiz is designed to assess your skills and knowledge in three critical areas: Spatial Analysis Skills, Programming Skills, and Management Skills. To begin, all you need to do is answer a series of questions and rate your proficiency on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents Low and 5 represents High.
Spatial Analysis Skills: Spatial analysis is the core of GIS. It involves the ability to manipulate, analyze, and visualize geographic data. Rate your spatial analysis skills to determine how comfortable you are working with maps, geographic data, and spatial statistics.
Programming Skills: In the modern GIS landscape, programming skills are highly valued. Rate your programming skills to assess your ability to write scripts or code for GIS tasks. Whether you are proficient in Python, R, or any other programming language, this skill can open up many GIS career opportunities.
Management Skills: GIS projects often require effective management to ensure they meet objectives on time and within budget. Rate your management skills to understand your ability to plan, coordinate, and lead GIS projects.
Years of Experience
In addition to assessing your skills and knowledge, the quiz also asks about your years of experience in GIS. This factor is essential in determining your readiness for specific GIS career paths.
Receive Personalized Recommendations
Once you’ve completed the GIS Career Assessment Quiz, the website will analyze your responses and provide personalized recommendations based on your skills, knowledge, and experience. These recommendations will guide you towards one of the following GIS career options:
GIS Analyst: If you have a strong foundation in spatial analysis and some experience working with geographic data, you may be well-suited for a role as a GIS Analyst.
GIS Developer: Those with programming skills and a passion for developing GIS applications may find a rewarding career as a GIS Developer.
GIS Manager: If you excel in management skills and have experience in overseeing GIS projects, a career as a GIS Manager could be a great fit.
GIS Consultant: Individuals with a combination of skills, knowledge, and experience across various aspects of GIS may discover that a career as a GIS Consultant offers diverse opportunities.
Try It Now!
Curious to know which GIS career path suits you best? Take the GIS Career Assessment Quiz at and receive your personalized recommendations today. Whether you’re just starting your GIS journey or looking to make a career change, this quiz is a valuable tool to help you make informed decisions about your future in the world of Geographic Information Systems.
Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Assess Your GIS Early Career Potential with the GIS Career Assessment Quiz. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 23 September 2023).
In a world dominated by screens and hectic schedules, it becomes imperative to acknowledge the rejuvenating influence of nature. Within the Gunung Ledang forest, specifically at Kolam Gajah, where picturesque lakes and the simple yet captivating act of observing fish reside, a profound opportunity unfolds for individuals to reconnect with both themselves and the natural world. Whether one seeks relief from stress, aims to embrace mindfulness, yearns for emotional healing, or seeks the spark of creative inspiration, this forest sanctuary offers solace and revitalization that can only be discovered within the nurturing embrace of Mother Nature herself. Therefore, it is worth considering a respite from the daily hustle and bustle to embark on a journey to Gunung Ledang and immerse oneself in the therapeutic wonder of watching fish in the heart of this enchanting forest.
On September 10th, 2023, my trusty iPhone 13 Pro, now nearly 21 months old and beyond its warranty period, threw me an unexpected curveball with a perplexing screen problem. To my dismay, the screen began flickering erratically, causing not only concern but also significant inconvenience. Determined to find a solution, I scoured the depths of online forums and blogs, hoping for a quick fix through software updates or adjusted settings. Regrettably, my efforts yielded no resolution.
As the morning of September 11th dawned, the issue escalated, with the screen slowly transitioning into an unsettling shade of green. Despite multiple attempts to restart the phone, the green hue stubbornly persisted. Faced with this increasingly bizarre situation, I decided to seek professional assistance and reached out to the Switch Kulai branch, where I had initially purchased the iPhone.
The response from the Switch Kulai team was reassuring. A helpful Malay representative explained that this screen problem had become somewhat of a regular occurrence among iPhone 13 series users. Many had faced similar issues. She strongly recommended that I take my device to an authorized service provider in Nusajaya. What caught my attention was her assurance that Apple would bear the cost of the screen replacement, provided my phone had not undergone unauthorized servicing, tampering, or suffered damage due to falls or water exposure. However, it came as a surprise that the service provider was closed on Sundays and Mondays.
With determination, I visited the Switch branch in Nusajaya on September 12th at 10:45 AM. The process began with me registering my contact details using an iPad at the entrance, followed by a patient wait for my turn. A friendly Malay lady meticulously examined my iPhone and initiated a detailed report to be sent to Apple. She explained that if no internal issues were detected, the screen replacement would proceed that very afternoon. However, if any anomalies surfaced, the technician would first need to open the device, assess the situation, and seek Apple’s approval for the screen replacement. In the worst case, I may have to pay the full or a portion of the cost.
To my immense relief, the same lady called at 5:15 PM that day to notify me that the replacement work had been successfully completed. Racing to the store, I was reunited with my iPhone, now adorned with a pristine, brand-new screen. The total cost for this was RM1,400, with an additional RM100 for diagnostic charges. Remarkably, Apple graciously covered these expenses under their “One Time Exception” program, amounting to RM1,500, and extended a 90-day Apple Limited Warranty.
The experience left me profoundly grateful and entirely satisfied. The entire process unfolded with remarkable smoothness, exceeding my expectations. If you ever find yourself grappling with a screen issue on your iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro, I wholeheartedly recommend a visit to your nearest Apple authorized service provider. It’s a service that not only saves you time but also money.
A newly replaced iPhone screen is still covered by the screen protector
I’d like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved in resolving this issue promptly. However, it’s worth noting that the ever-evolving tech landscape means that Apple has already introduced the iPhone 15, reminding us of the relentless march of progress in the world of technology.
Mengapa selalu dalam filem, apabila ada adegan dua kumpulan penjahat yang ingin menjalankan urusan dadah, mereka selalu berjumpa di gudang, pelabuhan, atau landasan kapal terbang? Semuanya jelas, tanpa gangguan daripada polis. Malah, satu pun tidak ada penjagaan kawasan oleh pihak berkuasa.
Selain itu, kebiasaannya akan ada bos dalam kumpulan penjahat, iaitu Geng A dan Geng B. Kedua-dua kumpulan ini akan membawa kereta T20 yang mahal. Bos tidak banyak bercakap dan memberikan arahan melalui isyarat mudah atau dengan gerakan kepala. Yang paling menghairankan, anggota kumpulan tersebut sepertinya tahu dengan tepat apa yang perlu dilakukan. Mereka selalunya berbadan sasa dan memakai jaket kulit. Adakah mereka tidak berasa panas atau berpeluh dengan jaket kulit mereka di Malaysia yang panas ini?
Sesuatu yang sangat klise adalah apabila mereka ingin bertukar barang, wang tunai itu selalu disimpan dalam beg briefcase. Mereka hanya mengambilnya tanpa perlu mengira atau memeriksa sama ada jumlah wang itu mencukupi atau tidak. Wang itu selalu dalam mata wang Dollar, tidak pernah dalam Euro. Bagi dadah pula, selalu ada satu beg berlubang yang digunakan untuk menguji dadah dengan hujung pisau, seolah-olah itu adalah ujian kesahihan dadah, padahal sebenarnya tepung MFM yang diisi sendiri digunakan untuk tujuan itu. Itulah modal utama dalam adegan sebegini.
Dan tidak lupa, selalunya akan ada watak wanita seksi yang sentiasa berdekatan dengan ketua penjahat. Tugasnya hanya melambai-lambai kepada bos dan berjalan dengan gaya seperti catwalk, dengan bibir yang sentiasa diatur seakan-akan Angelina Jolie. Ia agak memualkan. Sekiranya terdapat pergaduhan, wanita seksi ini selalunya akan bergaduh dengan wanita seksi dari kumpulan yang lain. Entah apa-apa. Sama saja dalam mana-mana cerita. Itulah ringkasnya cerita sebegini.
Kredit: Sir Hafiz Ostmann
Kenyataan di atas menggarap isu-isu yang sering muncul dalam dunia perfileman, terutama dalam genre aksi dan kejahatan. Ia mencerminkan beberapa klise yang sering kita temui dalam banyak filem. Namun, perlu diingat bahawa dalam dunia hiburan, terdapat unsur hiburan dan drama yang kadang-kadang tidak mewakili realiti sebenar. Ini adalah beberapa pemikiran tentang aspek-aspek yang ditekankan dalam kenyataan ini:
Lokasi yang Klise: Memang benar bahawa dalam banyak filem, tempat-tempat seperti gudang, pelabuhan, atau landasan kapal terbang sering menjadi latar belakang untuk adegan kejahatan. Ini kerana lokasi-lokasi ini memberikan suasana yang dramatik dan menggugat perasaan penonton. Tetapi, memahami bahawa realiti kehidupan jenayah adalah lebih kompleks dan berlaku di pelbagai tempat.
Ketua Penjahat dan Kereta Mewah: Penggambaran ketua penjahat yang penuh misteri dan dengan kereta mewah adalah elemen drama yang biasa terpamer dalam filem. Ia membantu membangkitkan ketegangan dan konflik dalam plot. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam kehidupan sebenar, penjahat mungkin tidak semegah itu.
Watak Wanita Seksi: Watak wanita seksi yang berperanan dalam dunia kejahatan juga merupakan elemen yang sering digunakan dalam filem untuk menambah elemen sensasi atau daya tarikan. Walau bagaimanapun, ini juga boleh dikritik sebagai stereotaip gender yang merendahkan golongan wanita.
Pertukaran Barang: Penggunaan beg ringkas untuk pertukaran wang atau barang terlarang adalah stereotaip dalam filem. Ia merupakan cara mudah untuk menggambarkan adegan tersebut secara visual dan dramatik. Tetapi, proses sebenar pertukaran wang atau dadah mungkin jauh lebih rumit dan berisiko.
Bahasa Kasar dan Jaket Kulit: Penggunaan bahasa kasar kumpulan samseng dan memakai jaket kulit dalam keadaan cuaca yang panas mungkin kelihatan tidak realistik, tetapi ini adalah cara filem untuk menekankan personaliti dan ketegasan watak-watak tersebut.
Secara keseluruhan, kritikan ini memberi tumpuan kepada bagaimana filem sering menggunakan elemen-elemen tertentu untuk mencipta drama dan ketegangan dalam plot, walaupun realiti kehidupan sebenar mungkin jauh lebih rumit dan berbeza. Tetapi perlu diingat bahawa filem adalah satu bentuk seni dan hiburan, dan seni drama adalah sebahagian daripada daya tarikannya.
Pernahkah anda memikirkan makna dan sejarah di sebalik arah mata angin? Dalam zaman kanak-kanak kita, mungkin kita terbiasa dengan anggapan bahawa ‘barat’ merujuk kepada ‘Bharat,’ nama kuno India, manakala ‘timur’ adalah merujuk kepada Laut Timor. Namun, sebenarnya, terdapat lebih banyak rahsia yang tersembunyi di dalam petunjuk ini di langit.
Tahukah anda bahawa ‘Barat’ dan ‘Timur’ sebenarnya adalah nama angin? Di Malaysia, kita kenal dengan baik monsun barat daya dan monsun timur laut. Walaupun ‘Barat’ dan ‘Timur’ mungkin kelihatan seperti penunjuk geografi, sebenarnya mereka adalah angin yang memberi nama kepada arah tersebut.
‘Barat,’ dalam konteks ini, ada yang berpendapat bahawa ia berasal daripada kata ‘sebarat,’ yang mungkin merujuk kepada sesuatu yang berat atau kuat. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kita sering mendengar tentang ‘ribut barat’ atau ‘sesat barat.’ Jika kita merenung dalam konteks bahasa Austronesia, ‘barat’ juga merujuk kepada ‘angin kencang.’ Monsun Barat Daya yang sering melanda pantai barat semenanjung Malaysia memang membawa angin kuat, bahkan kadang-kala disertai dengan ribut petir yang terkenal dengan sebutan ribut Sumatera.
Namun, apa pula yang terkandung di dalam ‘TIMUR’? Pasti terdapat makna tersirat yang menarik di sebalik penamaan ini. Pada zaman dahulu, ketika orang pertama kali memberi nama angin-angin ini, mereka mungkin merujuk kepada sifat-sifat angin tersebut. Contohnya, angin Barat sering kali dikaitkan dengan kekuatan atau ‘berat,’ oleh itu, ia mesti datang dari arah yang ‘berat’ atau ‘barat.’ Demikian juga dengan angin Timur, ia mesti datang dari arah yang ‘timur.’ Ini adalah logika yang sederhana yang mungkin digunakan oleh nenek moyang kita.
Ada juga teori yang mengatakan bahawa arah mata angin purba ini mungkin berdasarkan geografi Taiwan, tempat asal bahasa Austronesia. Walaupun teori ini menarik, pergerakan angin monsun tidak sentiasa mengikuti geografi tersebut. Tetapi kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa pemilihan arah angin ini mungkin berkaitan dengan pandangan orang tempatan terhadap geografi mereka pada zaman itu.
Secara etimologi, perkataan ‘laut’ bermaksud ‘punca air,’ manakala ‘daya’ bermaksud ‘menuju ke hulu, darat, atau pedalaman.’ Mungkin ini merujuk kepada kekuatan atau ‘daya’ yang diperlukan untuk melawan arus yang menuju dari hulu ke hilir. Namun, mungkin juga terdapat makna lain yang belum ditemui yang menyertainya.
Kemudiannya, istilah ‘laut’ dan ‘daya’ digantikan dengan ‘Uttara’ (dari bahasa Sanskrit yang bermaksud ‘tempat tinggi’) dan Selatan, yang merujuk kepada Selat Melaka. Penamaan ini mengingatkan kita kepada asal usul peradaban Melayu purba, seperti Langkasuka dan Tanah Merah, sebelum peradaban ini berpindah ke Sumatera dan kemudian ke Melaka.
Peradaban ini sebenarnya merujuk kepada zaman peradaban maritim Orang Laut, yang bermula lebih awal daripada 400 tahun sebelum Masehi. Mereka adalah pahlawan laut yang memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk sejarah awal kebudayaan kita.
Inilah cerita di sebalik arah mata angin yang mungkin jarang kita renungi. Ia adalah jejak sejarah yang menghubungkan kita dengan masa lalu yang kaya dengan kisah-kisah dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang menarik.
Disesuaikan dari sumber: FB Srikandi [Dayang Angin dari Lower Perak]
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a pivotal role in today’s data-driven world, offering applications across various sectors, including urban planning, environmental management, and business analytics. The growing demand for GIS professionals underscores the importance of robust GIS education programs. However, universities worldwide, including institutions like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), have encountered challenges in attracting students to their GIS Master’s programs. This article investigates the factors contributing to low enrollment in GIS Master’s programs, provides insights into the case of UTM, and presents strategies to enhance program attractiveness.
1. Introduction
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have evolved into a critical technology with far-reaching applications. Consequently, the demand for individuals with expertise in GIS has surged. Despite this demand, some universities, including UTM, face difficulties in recruiting students for their GIS Master’s programs. This article delves into the underlying factors responsible for these challenges and proposes a comprehensive set of strategies to enhance program enrollment.
2. Factors Contributing to Low Enrollment
2.1 Limited Awareness and Promotion
Limited awareness about the existence and advantages of the GIS program can discourage potential students. Effective promotion is crucial to educate and engage prospective candidates.
2.2 Competition
The proliferation of universities offering similar GIS programs in Malaysia intensifies competition for students. To attract applicants, institutions need to distinguish themselves by offering unique program features and benefits.
2.3 Admission Requirements
Stringent admission standards can act as a barrier, limiting the pool of eligible applicants. Institutions should critically assess and potentially adjust these requirements to widen the applicant base.
2.4 Cost
Tuition fees, particularly for international students, play a significant role in students’ enrollment decisions. Institutions should explore flexible payment options and financial assistance programs.
2.5 Employment Opportunities
Students often evaluate the availability of job opportunities in their chosen field. A perceived scarcity of GIS jobs or a saturated job market can deter prospective students from enrolling.
2.6 Program Reputation
The overall reputation of a university and the specific reputation of its GIS program have a profound impact on enrollment numbers. Building a robust reputation in the GIS field is imperative.
2.7 Location
The geographic location of a university can influence enrollment, especially if it is not easily accessible or lacks a desirable living environment.
2.8 Curriculum and Course Offerings
The alignment of the curriculum with current industry needs and the offering of relevant, up-to-date courses are pivotal in attracting applicants.
2.9 Marketing and Outreach
Effective marketing and outreach efforts are vital for attracting students. Engaging with potential students through online channels, social media, and participation in education fairs is paramount.
2.10 Economic Factors
Economic conditions and government policies can significantly impact students’ ability to pursue postgraduate studies. Understanding and addressing these factors is essential for program success.
3. Strategies for Enhancing GIS Program Enrollment
3.1 Investment in Marketing
Implement targeted marketing strategies to raise awareness about the GIS program and its benefits. Leveraging online channels, social media, and participation in education fairs can effectively reach potential students.
3.2 Tailoring the Program
Adapt the GIS program’s curriculum to ensure flexibility and alignment with industry trends. Offering elective courses and interdisciplinary options can cater to a diverse range of student interests.
3.3 Financial Incentives
Provide scholarships, grants, or financial aid to qualified students to make the program more accessible. Additionally, consider offering flexible tuition fee payment plans and discounts for early applicants.
3.4 Industry Partnerships
Collaborate with industry partners to offer internships, job placement assistance, and engaging guest lectures. Fostering research collaborations can also demonstrate the real-world value of GIS education.
3.5 Address Institutional Barriers
Evaluate and potentially adjust admission requirements to widen the applicant pool. Enhance student support services, including academic advising and career counseling. Promote diversity and inclusion within the program to attract a wide range of students.
4. Recommendations for Future Research and Action
While this article has provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and strategies to enhance GIS program enrollment, further research and actions can be undertaken to continue improving the effectiveness of these strategies. Future research endeavors could include:
4.1 Longitudinal Studies
Conducting long-term studies to track the enrollment trends in GIS programs at UTM and other institutions, assessing the impact of implemented strategies over time.
4.2 Student Surveys
Collecting feedback from current and prospective students to better understand their needs, expectations, and perceptions regarding GIS programs.
4.3 Comparative Studies
Comparing the enrollment and success rates of GIS programs at UTM with those at other universities in Malaysia and internationally to identify best practices.
4.4 Industry Partnerships
Strengthening ties with GIS industry stakeholders to ensure that program offerings align with industry demands and provide students with valuable experiential learning opportunities.
4.5 Economic Analysis
Investigating the economic factors affecting students’ ability to pursue postgraduate studies, including the role of government policies and economic conditions.
As GIS continues to play a pivotal role in diverse industries, the importance of robust GIS education programs cannot be overstated. By continually refining and implementing effective strategies, universities can foster the growth of GIS professionals and contribute to the advancement of geospatial science and technology.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, addressing the multifaceted challenges encountered by GIS Master’s programs in attracting students requires a comprehensive and proactive approach. UTM’s case study offers valuable insights that can benefit universities worldwide seeking to elevate their GIS programs. By targeting various aspects including awareness, competition, admission criteria, affordability, employment prospects, program reputation, location, curriculum relevance, marketing strategies, economic factors, and institutional barriers, institutions can enhance the appeal of their GIS programs. These efforts can yield a highly skilled cohort of graduates equipped to meet the evolving demands of the GIS job market.
Given GIS’s pivotal role in a wide array of industries, the significance of robust GIS education programs cannot be emphasized enough. Through continuous refinement and the implementation of effective strategies, universities can not only attract more students but also contribute to the advancement of geospatial science and technology. The UTM case study stands as an instructive model for institutions seeking to fortify their GIS programs and attract a diverse and talented student body.
Goodchild, M. F., & Janelle, D. G. (2010). Toward critical spatial thinking in the social sciences and humanities. GeoJournal, 75(1), 3-13.
Openshaw, S. (1996). Developing GIS-relevant curriculum: The role of GIS&T in geography. URISA Journal, 8(1), 10-20.
Rinner, C. (2018). GIS Education and Training. In International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology (pp. 1-9). Wiley.
Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Enhancing Enrollment in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Master's Programs: A Case Study of UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia). [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 4 September 2023).
Pusat Geospatial Negara (PGN) telah memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan dan pengurusan Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara (MyGDI) sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 2002. Bertindak sebagai pusat utama penyelarasan dan perkongsian maklumat geospatial, PGN telah berjaya membina platform yang memungkinkan integrasi data dari pelbagai agensi kerajaan, sektor swasta, dan awam. PGN bukan sahaja menggalakkan penggunaan standard geospatial yang seragam, tetapi juga menyediakan perkhidmatan capaian data geospatial yang berkualiti dan boleh dipercayai.
Peranan dan Tanggungjawab PGN
PGN bertanggungjawab dalam memastikan keseragaman data geospatial melalui pembangunan standard yang ketat dan penyelarasan antara pelbagai pihak berkepentingan. Sebagai pusat sehenti untuk perkongsian maklumat geospatial, PGN mempermudahkan akses kepada data yang kritikal untuk perancangan pembangunan negara, penyelidikan, dan inovasi dalam pelbagai bidang. Visi PGN untuk menjadi peneraju dalam perkongsian maklumat geospatial secara mampan juga membuktikan keazaman mereka dalam menyokong kesejahteraan negara melalui penggunaan teknologi geospatial.
Selain itu, PGN menganjurkan pelbagai program pembangunan modal insan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dalam Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS). Mereka juga bertindak sebagai penasihat teknikal dalam pembangunan aplikasi geospatial, memberi khidmat nasihat dan bimbingan kepada agensi kerajaan dan pihak swasta. Melalui program outreach yang sering kali diadakan, PGN berusaha untuk mempromosikan teknologi GIS terkini kepada kumpulan sasaran di seluruh negara.
Pencapaian dan Sumbangan PGN
Di peringkat nasional, PGN telah berjaya mengintegrasikan pelbagai sumber data geospatial melalui platform MyGDI, yang memungkinkan perkongsian data secara lancar dan efisien. Sistem ini telah membantu dalam mempercepatkan proses perancangan dan pelaksanaan projek-projek besar yang memerlukan akses kepada data geospatial yang tepat dan terkini. PGN juga memainkan peranan penting dalam mengelakkan pertindihan data geospatial antara agensi, yang boleh membawa kepada pembaziran sumber dan kekeliruan dalam pelaksanaan dasar. Dengan menyediakan garis panduan yang jelas dan berasaskan piawaian antarabangsa, PGN telah berjaya memastikan bahawa data geospatial yang dikongsi adalah tepat, berkualiti, dan memenuhi keperluan pengguna.
Sumbangan ini terbukti penting dalam usaha menangani cabaran-cabaran pembangunan di Malaysia, terutamanya dalam konteks perancangan bandar, pengurusan bencana, dan pemantauan alam sekitar. Sebagai contoh, melalui penyelarasan data geospatial yang tepat, agensi-agensi yang terlibat dalam pengurusan bencana dapat bertindak dengan lebih cepat dan efisien, sekaligus mengurangkan impak negatif kepada masyarakat dan ekonomi.
Cadangan Penambahbaikan
Walaupun PGN telah mencatatkan banyak kejayaan, terdapat beberapa aspek yang boleh diperbaiki. Pertama, keterbukaan data geospatial kepada umum masih boleh ditingkatkan. Walaupun MyGDI menyediakan platform perkongsian data, akses kepada beberapa set data masih terhad kepada agensi kerajaan dan pihak berkepentingan tertentu sahaja. Dengan peningkatan keterbukaan data, lebih ramai penyelidik, pengusaha, dan masyarakat awam boleh memanfaatkan data geospatial untuk pelbagai tujuan, termasuk inovasi teknologi dan penyelesaian masalah tempatan.
Kedua, PGN perlu memperkukuhkan usaha untuk menggalakkan penggunaan data geospatial dalam sektor swasta dan masyarakat awam. Walaupun program outreach telah dijalankan, kesedaran dan pemahaman terhadap potensi data geospatial di kalangan masyarakat umum masih rendah. PGN boleh meningkatkan usaha untuk melibatkan komuniti melalui program pendidikan yang lebih meluas, termasuk kursus-kursus dalam talian yang mudah diakses oleh orang awam.
Akhir sekali, PGN boleh memperbaiki sistem penyimpanan dan pengurusan data untuk menangani cabaran dalam integrasi data yang semakin kompleks. Ini boleh termasuk pelaburan dalam teknologi baru seperti penyimpanan awan dan kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk menganalisis data geospatial secara lebih efisien dan proaktif. Dengan teknologi yang semakin maju, cabaran-cabaran seperti data besar (Big Data) dan keperluan analitik yang mendalam memerlukan platform pengurusan data yang lebih mantap dan fleksibel.
Pusat Geospatial Negara telah memainkan peranan yang kritikal dalam membina asas yang kukuh untuk pengurusan data geospatial di Malaysia. Dengan kejayaan yang telah dicapai, PGN masih mempunyai ruang untuk penambahbaikan, terutamanya dalam meningkatkan keterbukaan data, memperluas penggunaan dalam sektor swasta dan awam, serta memperkukuhkan infrastruktur teknologi. Dengan pelaksanaan strategi yang komprehensif, PGN boleh terus menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara yang berasaskan data dan teknologi, sekaligus merealisasikan visinya sebagai peneraju dalam perkongsian maklumat geospatial untuk kesejahteraan negara.
Rujukan kepada pelbagai kajian dan laporan menunjukkan bahawa peningkatan dalam penggunaan data geospatial adalah kritikal bagi negara yang ingin bergerak ke arah ekonomi berasaskan pengetahuan. Dalam konteks ini, PGN boleh memainkan peranan yang lebih aktif dalam menggalakkan inovasi dan penggunaan teknologi geospatial yang lebih meluas .
Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM). (2023). Pelan Strategik PGN 2020-2025. Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia.
Kajian ini merupakan hasil penyelidikan oleh Tuan Khairuddin Ismail dari Hulu Langat, Selangor mengenai sejenis kuih tradisional Melayu. Kuih tersebut memiliki tiga nama yang paling popular, iaitu Jongkong, Bongkok, dan Bongkor. Jongkong adalah nama yang paling luas penggunaannya.
Kuih tersebut didapati menjadi kegemaran dan menjadi hasil buatan serta jualan dari dua suku utama kaum Melayu, iaitu Mendailing dan Minangkabau, khususnya di Hulu Langat. Orang Minangkabau lebih menggunakan nama Kuih Bongkok atau Kuih Bongkor, dengan perbezaan terletak pada ejaannya sahaja. Asal usul nama Kuih Bongkok ini berasal dari seorang sahabat kepada Tuan Khairuddin Ismail yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Abang Man yang menyatakan, “Moyangnya yang membuat kuih ini memang bongkok orangnya”.
Secara umum, nama Kuih Jongkong lebih popular di kalangan orang Mendaling. Kini, terdapat 5 pengusaha Kuih Jongkong di Hulu Langat, di mana empat daripadanya adalah orang Mendailing ‘tegar’, tetapi pengusaha yang satu lagi tidak dapat dikenalpasti asal-usulnya.
Semua pengusaha tersebut memanggil kuih ini sebagai Kuih Jongkong terutama dalam percakapan harian, promosi, dan banner mereka. Dalam perbualan netizen di dalam media sosial di sekitar Hulu Langat, mereka juga menggunakan nama Kuih Jongkong.
Pengusaha Kuih Jongkong yang paling terkenal sejak tahun 1960-an terletak di Dusun Tua, Hulu Langat adalah orang Mendailing yang dahulunya dikenali dengan nama Pak Udin Pecal. Ada satu klaim yang dibuat oleh seorang orang Minangkabau mengatakan moyangnya di antara yang terawal atau paling awal menggusahakan kuih ini di Dusun Tua.
Kuih Jongkong menjadi salah satu pilihan utama sewaktu berbuka pada bulan Ramadhan sehingga ke waktu bersahur tanpa mengambil kira asal-usulnya. Namun begitu, waktu terbaik untuk menikmatinya ialah selepas solat sunat Tarawikh. Oleh itu, kuih Jongkong perlu disimpan terlebih dahulu di dalam peti sejuk bagi menjaga aroma, keaslian, dan keenakkannya.
Kesimpulannya, Kuih Jongkong, Bongkok, atau Bongkor berasal dari orang-orang Mendailing dan Minangkabau, khususnya di Dusun Tua dan secara umumnya di Hulu Langat, Selangor. Walaupun begitu, kini kuih ini juga boleh didapati di tempat-tempat lain di serata Malaysia, tetapi tidaklah semeriah seperti di Hulu Langat di mana permintaannya senantiasa hangat dan selalunya tidak dapat memenuhi keperluan pasaran semasa, terutamanya pada bulan Ramadhan.
Suggestion for Citation:
Amerudin, S. (2023). Asal-Usul Kuih Jongkong, Bongkok atau Bongkor. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2022).
Salam, bermula awal bulan Muharram 1443H/2021M, negara-negara MABIMS telah menggunakan kriteria yg baru bagi kebolehnampakan hilal (imkanurrukyah) berkaitan dengan penetapan awal bulan Hijriah, iaitu tinggi bulan tidak kurang 3° dan jarak lengkung tidak kurang 6.4°, dan tidak lagi menggunakan nilai-nilai 2° dan 3° atau umur bulan 8jam.
Bagi kebolehnampakan anak bulan Syawal tahun ini, ianya agak menarik (sehinggakan telah menimbulkan pelbagai polemik dikalangan masyarakat) disebabkan data falak menunjukkan nilai jarak lengkungnya sangat hampir dengan kriteria minimum. Berdasarkan kiraan falak untuk 1 Mei 2022, iaitu hari ke-29 Ramadan (hari melihat anak bulan Syawal), tinggi bulan di Tg Cincin, Langkawi (stesen rujukan paling barat) ialah 5° 15′ dan jarak lengkung ialah 6° 2′. Ini bermakna bahawa sifat bulan mengikut hisab pada 1 Mei 2022 tidak memenuhi kriteria baru dan mustahil untuk dilihat.
Oleh itu, insya Allah Hari Raya Aidil Fitri dijangka jatuh pada hari Selasa 3 Mei 2022. Walaubagaimanapun, oleh kerana Malaysia menggunakan kaedah rukyah dan hisab didalam penetapan awal bulan Ramadan, Syawal dan Zulhijjah, tarikh sebenar Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1443H/2022M bagi Malaysia akan diumumkan setelah menerima hasil pelaporan resmi kenampakan anak bulan dari 29 tapak cerapan anak bulan seluruh Malaysia. Pengumuman tarikh sambutan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1443H/2022M bagi Malaysia akan dibuat melalui pengisytiharan oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja.
Dato’ Dr Azhari Mohamed Mantan Ketua Pengarah Ukur Dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM)
Internet of Things (IoT) has become a trend nowadays. Whether it is a laptop, smartphones, or even home appliances such as smart lights, etc, every device is connected to the internet. In this way, people can operate the device easily with voice assistants or smartphones. The way this technology is developing, there may come a time shortly when every electrical device will be connected to the internet. This will make people’s life much easier and convenient.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are two of the technologies which are rapidly growing day by day and have the scope of heading towards an extremely intelligent future.
“As the Internet of things advances, the very notion of a clear dividing line between reality and virtual reality becomes blurred, sometimes in creative ways.” – Geoff Mulgan
What is IoT?
Since are reading this blog, you’ll probably be using your mobile phone or laptop, or tablet, or desktop, so whatever the device you are using is, it would require an internet connection. In the present scenario, we can’t even think of surviving without an internet connection. It has become a vital part of our life. So, the term ‘Internet of Things’ is everywhere.
In simple words, it refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, each of them gathering and sharing data.
Nowadays, IoT is becoming a burning topic among technology giants as it is advancing day by day. Thus, IoT alludes to an arrangement of interrelated, web-associated objects that can gather and move information over a wireless network without human intervention.
The publicity isn’t groundless as there are sufficient confirmations to help the achievement of the “Internet of Things” in the coming years.
How fast is IoT growing?
The usage of the internet is rising at an extremely rapid speed and on an incredibly huge scale. We all know that the Internet is giving rise to more manageable work than before.
So, let’s read to learn how fast IoT is growing.
There is a possibility that by 2030 the number of connected IoT appliances will rise to 125 billion.
Presently a new EIU report inspects the consequences of its own IoT Business Index study. It contains in-depth interviews with industry heads who have delineated exactly how much the IoT has evolved moderately short space of time.
“We are in a brave new world where not only do our children talk back to us, but so do our appliances.” – Mohammed Dastagir
The EIU research has found three aspects that are accountable for running the IoT’s rapid growth. They are an outbreak in smart-home commodities, powerful mobile machine-to-machine contacts, and immediate adoption in China.
Global Internet of Things demands size was rated at USD 164 billion in 2018. It is predicted to rise at a CAGR of 38.62% by 2025.
So, we just have to wait for two to four years and we will see the rapid advancement in the IoT industry.
IoT application in different sectors
Now, let’s have a look at some applications of IoT in different sectors.
Advanced Vehicle industry- It is one of the enterprises that profited after the introduction of IoT. Vehicle GPS framework and self-propelled vehicles are a portion of the instances of IoT in the car business.
IoT permits car organizations to refresh the product and react to constant mechanical issues by empowering information correspondence framework. IoT assists in improving vehicle execution. We can stay away from mishaps or security risks by utilizing IoT in the car business.
Horticulture/AgroTech- IoT is likewise being utilized in the farming industry these days. The horticulture area is utilizing IoT gadgets or hardware that is associated with IoT, for example, brilliant water control siphons, synthetic level screens, and so forth. These shrewd types of gear are utilized to check the soil and air quality fit for horticulture.
IoT in farming permits making constant changes and along these lines bringing adequacy up all the while. Ranchers are utilizing IoT strategy to deliver more and satisfy the interest of developing populaces.
For instance, GreenIQ is an interesting item that adopts smart agriculture sensors. It is a smart sprinkler controller that allows you to manage your irrigation and lighting systems remotely.
Retail- The retail area has been changed because of IoT. It has changed from physical shopping to E-trade shopping. Presently individuals want to do web-based shopping instead of visiting stores. With the presentation of IoT in the retail area, markets are additionally adjusting their retail approach.
For instance, retail locations are utilizing Bluetooth signals in their stores to bring their clients. These Bluetooth reference points empower stores to give area-based administrations to their clients. When the client connects with a retailer application they can get data concerning explicit items and rebates on their cell phones.
An interesting example here is Behavioural Analytics in Disney. Disney World managed to maximize its customer satisfaction through the introduction of the IoT-enabled MagicBand.
Medical care- IoT has expanded the lifesaving potential in the medical care area. IoT in healthcareassists with improving the personal satisfaction of patients by empowering self-checking and the executives of wellbeing.
For example, the emergency clinic staff gets alarms for fixing and upkeep of clinical gear, for example, MRI machine, ventilator machine, heart screen, and different gadgets by interfacing them to the web. It ends up being useful as working clinical gear can contrast life and demise.
Account- The accounting industry is likewise getting a charge out of the advantages of IoT applications in banking and money. IoT has expanded the security of both the bank and the client also.
It has presented numerous changes in the banking area like versatile banking, ATM, Smart money focuses, and so forth. It has additionally permitted the client with cash move, money store, and other monetary exchange through portable or PC over the web.
For instance, Banking IoT applications like Arimo enable identifying fraudulent or unusual customer behavior through machine learning algorithms that analyze all the data, revealing suspicious cases.
Energy and Utility industry- The energy and utility area is additionally utilizing IoT innovation to improve results. IoT gadgets are utilized by oil and gas organizations to gauge penetrating lines. These gadgets enhance the cycle and limit the use by estimating the speed of the boring system.
Brilliant energy network is a famous development that depends upon IoT gadgets that guarantee the correspondence between energy lattice and customers over a web association. The utilization of IoT innovation in the energy area set aside cash as well as spare time and energy.
Transportation- IoT innovation is being utilized in the transportation and coordination industry to give better business encounters. GPS tracker is one of the instances of IoT arrangements in the transportation business. With the assistance of a GPS tracker, the client can watch out for the item that must be conveyed to him by interfacing the GPS tracker with a route framework in his cell phone. He can follow the area of the transportation medium.
Delivery vehicles are associated with sensors to screen temperature that causes the organizations to guarantee that their payload is showing up in a sheltered condition. These arrangements are likewise used to screen how securely a driver is driving the vehicle.
An excellent example of IoT in the vehicle industry would be Uber. By making use of the IoT data like the location of the driver and passenger as well as the payment approach, Uber helps in pairing the right passenger with the right driver.
Homes and buildings – IoT greatly affect private and business genuine bequests industry. The presentation of a savvy building is associated with IoT arrangements.
The home robotization framework, shrewd entryway locks, keen warming frameworks, surveillance cameras, and lightings are all involved in IoT in the land business. For instance, Nest’s thermostat is considered to be the best solution to adjust the climate of one’s home.
Hospitality- The presentation of IoT has changed the voyaging experience of individuals. The hospitality business is likewise utilizing IoT to improve the experience of their clients. They have begun to utilize facial acknowledgment frameworks that permit the supervisors to realize their clients before showing up and registering.
Sensors and feeling acknowledgment cameras are the extraordinary advancements of IoT that help the lodging representatives to catch the feelings of their visitors and to know if they are ravenous and afterward prescribe them food as per their decisions and inclinations. This will assist the representatives in making the custom suppers accessible to the client before they request it.
Hotels like Hilton and Marriott have already experimented with hyper-personalized hotel rooms, allowing users to control such room’s features like heating, ventilation and air conditioning using their mobile phone, or via a provided tablet.
Future of the Internet of Things
Want to know about the advanced future? Here, we will discuss the future of the Internet of Things or IoT. There is an expectation that in 2021, IoT and analytics income will rise to $520 billion. Bain has predicted this about the future of IoT. MTA anticipates that there will be 15 connected appliances per person by 2030.
So, we can see how experts are predicting the future of the Internet of Things, which is very bright and the future of IoT is likely to be limitless. In the coming days, we will be fully dependent on the internet as it is not just about connecting on mobile phones or laptops rather it is more than that.
IoT is a very known term nowadays and in the future, we will see much more advancement in IoT. So, we can conclude by saying that the rapid growth in IoT is affecting every individual’s life as well as several companies. In this area where developed technologies have been flowering at an incredible rate, IoT is moreover entangling. We just have to wait for much more development in the IoT industry and after that, we will see how it will make our lives much easier.
The term Internet of Bodies conjures up images of humans with cyborg-like features, controlling computers with your mind and syncing up iron man hearts. But you may be surprised to hear that IoB is now not just a science fiction plot.
Almost one billion people worldwide and nearly 70% of the US population are already using IoB. This is the wearable market- smartwatches and fitness trackers. These are all part of the IoB ecosystem, although futuristic inventions that run through your mind may not be that far away either.
IoB is revolutionizing healthcare and on its way to improving our day-to-day conveniences, but it also brings with it some unique risks. So let’s look into what exactly IoB is, its applications, risks, and future.
What is the Internet of Bodies?
The concept of Internet of Bodies uses human bodies as a source of data, making it a part of an Internet of Things ecosystem.
Internet of Bodies or IoB refers to a network of devices that can collect data about and alter the functions of the human body. IoB devices are physically connected or inside your body, enabling them to monitor and possibly interact with your body.
The hierarchy of devices that form IoB ecosystems are divided into three tiers-
First Generation/ Body External: These devices are worn or physically connected to a human body. They collect and transmit data based on physical contact through sensors, computer vision, and so on.
Second Generation/ Body Internal: These devices are placed internally in a human body. They may be ingested or surgically implanted.
Third Generation/ Body Embedded: This is a stage when electronic devices may be completely merged with the human body and functioning together while maintaining a real-time remote connection.
As of now, the first generation of external devices is widely in practice and internal devices in their various forms are slowly gaining traction.
Recent advancements in technology and improvements in connectivity are enabling implantable devices to become more and more practical. Body embedded devices are still being researched and explored, and it is only a matter of time before they too become a part of our worlds.
Applications of IoB in Healthcare
Due to the ability to monitor and possibly interact with human bodies, IoB finds the most applications in healthcare. These range from the now omnipresent fitness trackers to automated medicine delivery, internal tracking, and even devices that are integrated into human organs to enhance or restore their capacity.
The collection of large scale health data through IoB devices also helps identify health trends across the population as a whole.
Let’s look at some of the current applications of IoB in healthcare.
Applications of IoB in Healthcare
1. Wearables
Wearables including fitness bands and smartwatches are the most popular type of IoB devices. It enables personal health tracking and lets people keep track of various metrics in their own bodies.
This includes data on heart rate, blood pressure, calories burned, etc. These can monitor and give alerts about health conditions like seizures. Beyond personal tracking data from wearables can also be used to provide health metrics to doctors during checkups.
Other than watches and bands, wearables also take the form of rings, clothes, and even others as technology continues to expand.
Recently, smart contact lenses have been developed that could provide information based on data collected from the eye and tear fluid. Glucose sensors can be integrated into these to aid diabetic patients.
2. Cardiac Devices
Implantable cardiac defibrillators and cardiac pacemakers have proved revolutionary in the medical world in the years it has been put into practice.
It can transmit data about your cardiac fluctuations to doctors and other necessary people. They can also regulate your cardiac activity to some extent if necessary, depending on the type of device.
3. Digital Pills
Smart pills have electronic sensors and trackers within them that can be ingested and remain inside your body to collect and transmit data. These pills could record and transmit visuals, detect chemical and hormonal changes, release medicines, or simply alert your physician that you have taken them.
The first approved digital pill, the Abilify Mycite from Proteus Digital Health and Otsuka Pharmaceutical had an ingestible sensor used to monitor a patient’s adherence to the regime.
This was used to treat psychiatric patients for whom this was especially useful. There have been further developments, although smart pills have not made it into the mainstream just yet.
A passage from the Medical Futurist describes the future powered by IoB and these pills in detail- “The pill broadcasts a real-time video stream as it goes down your oesophagus and into your stomach. Your GP is simultaneously monitoring the visuals, assessing the progression of your ulcer… the digital pill contains your personalised medicine 3D-printed onto it and it will slowly get activated with your stomach’s activity… she [Your doctor] will be monitoring your adherence via the pill’s tracking sensor.”
4. Precision Medicine
The data collected using advanced wearables and smart pills enables the creation of personalized medicine and treatment plans best suited for the needs of each patient. IoB devices collect data that is more detailed and thorough than anything else, which makes this easier.
5. Contactless Monitoring
The COVID-19 pandemic had spurned a flurry of innovation, and IoB had played a part in helping monitor patients. In Shanghai, smart thermometers from Vivalink are used to constantly monitor the temperatures of COVID-19 patients without contact. These days, when face-to-face consultations are becoming difficult, doctors can use IoB devices to monitor patients remotely.
Disease progression through the population can also be tracked- with large amounts of the population wearing wearables, it becomes easier to track the disease through that data.
6. Embedded Devices
The future of IoB enabled devices in healthcare are embedded devices, like the Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that hope to give users the ability to communicate with or control electronic devices using brain signals. This could be extremely beneficial to disabled individuals.
Most of the other applications of IoB are still linked to health- in that they are using devices to monitor the body and its reactions. But in other fields, they are also used for purposes other than to monitor health and wellbeing.
Wearables have long been involved with sports and athletics, to monitor and improve the performance and health of athletes. These could be incorporated into the fabric of the clothes of athletes, in their helmets, waistbands, wristbands, and so on.
Injuries can be easily detected before they worsen. Using the data the performance of each athlete can be improved by devising the best form, posture, and strategy for them.
Monitoring and Security
IoB finds several applications in the military. This ranges from monitoring soldiers’ physical and emotional state, tracking their location and vitals, to potentially give them enhancements in the future. They could help in simulating real-life combat situations, by inducing reactions in the body.
IoB devices can be used by employers to monitor employee activity and productivity. It can be convenient for the employees too. In 2018, Three Square Market embedded RFID chips in its employees that let them log into their computers, open doors and make vending machine purchases hassle-free.
Risks Posed by IoB
IoB devices, although revolutionary, also bring with them several risks pertaining to security, privacy, legality and ethics.
Any internet-enabled device poses a threat of being vulnerable to cybersecurity risks. So this presents a real threat when having IoB devices in your body- especially those that are implanted or embedded.
IoB devices are data platforms. Data about a person’s health and wellbeing could be incredibly dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. The legal background on this is murky, and it is unclear at times even on the question of who owns the data and what happens to it.
Companies producing and managing IoB devices could sell user data. Insurance providers could track unhealthy habits and deny coverage to users. If data regarding a person’s health got released it could affect their employment and even their social standing.
Cochlear implants and smart contacts could have the capabilities to record audio and video from the environment, which could be a breach of privacy to everyone around those devices.
Future of the Internet of Bodies
The future of IoB could be bright- with our entire bodies being a technology ecosystem. We could perhaps expect levels of convenience like those seen in shows like Black Mirror- implants within eyes that record all moments from your life, smartphones embedded within your palm, smart prosthetics that feel close to the real thing.
But even these shows often show that the risks behind IoB devices regarding ethics and cybersecurity are very real. Invisible implants that record audio and visual data are a serious privacy threat, advanced embedded electronics misused by hackers could mean that your entire body could be hacked.
Some have even hypothesized that IoB devices could give governments and corporations too much power and eventually make the formation of authoritarian and Orwellian power structures easier.
The danger lies when IoB devices advance and spread without a simultaneous advancement of security measures to protect them from threats. As will most new and emerging technologies, there is a need to tread carefully, to extract the most promise out of them.
Pembangunan geospatial di Malaysia kini semakin pesat, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan untuk pengurusan maklumat yang lebih cekap di pelbagai peringkat. Negeri Johor, sebagai salah satu negeri utama di Malaysia, perlu mengambil langkah proaktif dalam mengintegrasikan data geospatial yang dikumpulkan dengan sistem yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pusat Geospatial Negara (PGN). Ini bukan sahaja memastikan data yang dikumpulkan adalah seragam dan boleh diakses oleh pelbagai agensi, tetapi juga membolehkan Johor untuk memanfaatkan infrastruktur yang telah sedia ada, seperti MyGDI (Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara), yang dibangunkan oleh PGN. Artikel ini membincangkan bagaimana pelan induk geospatial negeri Johor boleh diselaraskan dengan standard dan infrastruktur MyGDI, serta kepentingan pematuhan kepada garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan.
Pematuhan kepada Standard MyGDI
Pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI merupakan elemen asas dalam memastikan data geospatial yang dikumpulkan adalah berkualiti tinggi dan sesuai untuk digunakan dalam pelbagai aplikasi. MyGDI menetapkan pelbagai standard dan garis panduan teknikal yang perlu diikuti oleh agensi-agensi yang terlibat dalam pengumpulan, penyimpanan, dan perkongsian data geospatial. Salah satu aspek penting dalam pematuhan ini adalah pengurusan metadata. Metadata berfungsi sebagai deskripsi data geospatial, yang merangkumi maklumat seperti tarikh pengumpulan, sumber data, skala, dan ketepatan. Dalam konteks Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor, setiap set data yang dikumpulkan mesti disertakan dengan metadata yang lengkap dan mengikut format yang ditetapkan, seperti ISO 19115. Ini akan memudahkan pengguna lain untuk memahami konteks data dan menggunakannya dengan betul.
Selain daripada metadata, format data juga memainkan peranan penting dalam pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI. Data geospatial perlu disimpan dalam format yang serasi dengan sistem yang digunakan oleh MyGDI, seperti Shapefile, GeoJSON, atau GML. Format-format ini dipilih kerana mereka menawarkan fleksibiliti tinggi dan keserasian yang luas dengan pelbagai perisian GIS yang digunakan di peringkat global. Dengan menggunakan format yang standard, negeri Johor dapat memastikan data yang dikumpulkan dapat diintegrasikan dengan mudah ke dalam pangkalan data MyGDI tanpa mengorbankan kualiti atau struktur data asal.
Selain itu, aspek privasi dan keselamatan data juga tidak boleh diabaikan. Data geospatial mungkin mengandungi maklumat yang sensitif atau peribadi, dan oleh itu, ia perlu dilindungi mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh MyGDI dan undang-undang seperti Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (PDPA). Ini termasuk penyulitan data, kawalan akses yang ketat, dan langkah-langkah keselamatan lain yang dapat memastikan data tersebut tidak terdedah kepada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.
Penggunaan Infrastruktur MyGDI
Selain pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI, satu lagi komponen penting dalam pelaksanaan Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor adalah penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI. Infrastruktur ini, yang dibangunkan oleh Pusat Geospatial Negara, menyediakan platform untuk integrasi dan perkongsian data geospatial di seluruh negara. Penggunaan infrastruktur ini akan membolehkan Johor untuk menggabungkan data geospatial yang dikumpulkan dengan pangkalan data nasional, sekali gus memudahkan perkongsian data antara agensi negeri dan nasional.
Langkah pertama dalam penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI adalah penghantaran dan penyelarasan data. Data geospatial yang dikumpulkan di peringkat negeri Johor perlu dihantar ke MyGDI untuk diselaraskan dengan pangkalan data nasional. Ini termasuk pelbagai jenis data seperti peta topografi, data tanah, data kemudahan awam, dan lain-lain yang relevan dengan perancangan dan pembangunan negeri. Proses ini memerlukan penyelarasan yang rapi antara agensi negeri dan PGN untuk memastikan bahawa data yang dihantar adalah tepat, terkini, dan memenuhi standard yang ditetapkan.
Setelah data dihantar dan diselaraskan, agensi-agensi di negeri Johor akan mendapat akses kepada data geospatial nasional melalui portal MyGeoportal. Akses ini adalah kritikal untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih informatif, terutamanya dalam perancangan pembangunan yang melibatkan analisis merentas sempadan atau memerlukan maklumat dari negeri lain. Sebagai contoh, dalam merancang jaringan pengangkutan yang menghubungkan Johor dengan negeri-negeri bersebelahan, akses kepada data geospatial dari negeri-negeri lain akan membolehkan perancangan yang lebih berkesan dan menyeluruh.
Selain itu, kemas kini dan penyelenggaraan data adalah aspek penting dalam penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI. Data yang disimpan dalam pangkalan data MyGDI perlu dikemas kini secara berkala untuk memastikan bahawa ia sentiasa relevan dan boleh digunakan untuk analisis semasa. Ini memerlukan kerjasama berterusan antara agensi di negeri Johor dan PGN dalam memastikan bahawa data yang dikumpulkan dan disimpan adalah sentiasa terkini, tepat, dan mematuhi piawaian yang ditetapkan. Penyelenggaraan data ini adalah kritikal untuk mengelakkan penggunaan data usang yang boleh mengakibatkan kesilapan dalam perancangan dan keputusan.
Dalam usaha membangunkan Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor, pematuhan kepada standard MyGDI dan penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI adalah elemen-elemen penting yang perlu diberi perhatian serius. Dengan mematuhi garis panduan yang ditetapkan oleh Pusat Geospatial Negara, negeri Johor dapat memastikan bahawa data geospatial yang dikumpulkan adalah berkualiti tinggi, seragam, dan boleh diintegrasikan dengan mudah ke dalam pangkalan data nasional. Penggunaan infrastruktur MyGDI pula akan membolehkan Johor untuk memanfaatkan data geospatial yang sedia ada di peringkat kebangsaan, serta memudahkan perkongsian data antara agensi negeri dan nasional. Kerjasama erat antara agensi-agensi di negeri Johor dan PGN juga adalah kunci kepada kejayaan pelaksanaan Pelan Induk Geospatial Negeri Johor. Dengan langkah-langkah yang betul, pelan ini bukan sahaja akan menyokong pembangunan negeri Johor, tetapi juga akan menyumbang kepada pembangunan geospatial yang lebih luas di peringkat kebangsaan.
Pusat Geospatial Negara. (n.d.). MyGDI: Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara. Diakses dari
Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia. (2019). Manual Penyediaan Data Geospatial Bersepadu.