Majlis Kesyukuran CEE dan Majlis Persaraan Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof

Pendidikan Kejuruteraan (CEE), UTM telah mengadakan Majlis Kesyukuran CEE pada 21 Mac 2023 bertempat di ruang pejabat Centre for Engineering Education, Aras 2, Blok C09, UTM Johor Bahru.
Majlis Kesyukuran CEE ini diadakan bersamaan dengan Majlis Persaraan YBhg. Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof, felo penyelidik CEE juga yang merupakan Pengasas dan Mantan Pengarah CEE di peringkat CEE. Sambutan ini juga diadakan bagi meraikan pelbagai kejayaan CEE sehingga ke hari ini dan perpindahan masuk CEE ke ruang baharu di Blok C09 UTM Johor Bahru.
Dalam ucapan oleh Prof. Dr. Khairiyah, beliau mengimbau kembali penubuhan dan usaha-usaha dalam pembangunan pendidikan kejuruteraan serta cabaran yang dihadapi bersama rakan-rakan. Beliau juga mengajak hadirin supaya bekerja bersama-sama dalam mencapai matlamat. Tegas beliau, “Big problems will never be solved alone, great things will only be achieved when u work together“.
CEE merakamkan penghargaan melalui Pengarah CEE, YBrs. Prof. Madya Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani Zakaria dan mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Prof. Dr. Khairiyah atas sumbangan jasa bakti yang ditaburkan ke atas CEE khususnya, bermula dari penubuhan CEE dan membawa nama CEE sehingga dikenali di serata dunia termasuk di negara-negara Eropah, Afrika, Amerika Syarikat, Timur Tengah, dan di rantau Asia khususnya sebagai perunding dan pakar rujuk dalam pendidikan kejuruteraan.
Turut hadir adalah felo-felo dan staf CEE, rakan-rakan pensyarah yang telah banyak bekerjasama dengan CEE, pelajar PhD dan post-doctoral bagi memeriahkan majlis dan meraikan YBhg. Prof. Dr. Khairiyah.
Pautan untuk kisah dan gambar boleh di dapati di sini – KLIK SINI.

2022 Day 77 Task – Checked My Engineering Education PhD Student’s Proposal

Hari Jumaat Penghulu Hari. I must admit that today is not as productive and as aggressive as my other days of the week. I relaxed and watch the bulb tube more in comparison to other days. I am pretty much stuck with the new sitcom that my son has introduced to me – The Big Bang Theory. It’s a very interesting sitcom that me and my wife can relate very much as the main characters in the sitcom are scientists and researchers, just like us. Well, half of my tasks as an academician is to do research.

Nevertheless, I did perform some official tasks today. I focused on my Engineering Education Research (EER) PhD student’s proposal today, commented and corrected some of his work. It’s a very interesting and amazing work so far, as I can see. His intention, vision is remarkable as he wanted to contribute to the betterment of Engineering Education in his country, Sudan. Sudan seriously need rigorous help and support it can have. We’ll do our best, our part, as much as we can. In Syaa Allah.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Checked Mei Lian’s video for the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition.
  • Communicated with Ir Tajul and the Head of IEM Student Society in UTM for the allocation of 3 students members seats for IEM program.
  • Communication of SEEM program. Cancellation of the Active Learning and Flipped learning program.
  • Compiled material for MKKL1133 lecture.

2022 Day 56 Task – Strategic Planning Centre for Engineering Education 2022 (SPC’22) – Online

Alhamdulillah, after a long time, finally we managed to start with first day of CEE Strategic Planning.

We can only plan but Allah decides. We plan for a 3 days 2 night retreat for the strategic planning but due to sudden spike of omicron positive cases, we have to opt for an online workshop. The workshop is not over yet. We have to break it down into smaller segments due to online limitations (difficulty to focus long duration of time in front of laptop).

We believe that we are heading in the right direction,

In Syaa Allah. Towards a more quality engineering program and quality engineers in Malaysia…

This post is also published in FB.

2022 Day 34 Task – 4th Workshop of 2022: MALAYSIA NGINEERING PROGRAM DIRECTION

This was in fact multigoal workshop that focuses on the “Halatuju Program Kejuruteraan” and to revise the interview protocol for the FGD and the consortium research.Towards a better engineering, science and technology environment in Malaysia 🙂

For more information, click here and here.

Other tasks for the day:

  • FYP (PSM) Mock Presentation with 5 of my students in the morning from 9-11am.

2021 Day 222 Task – RGEE Workshop: Writing How to Get Published in Engineering Education Journals

Participants are able to apply good academic writing practices to enhance publication acceptance and citation potential.

1) The publication journey: Decisions and commiments
2) Journal selection: Match making between what you can “afford” and what is being “offered”
3) Making the writing work: Content (relevance – increasing potential acceptance, reads and cites), writing style (convincing language and grammar, presentations (graphics, statistics, tables), citations and references, formatting

Dr. Maizam Alias
Professor (Retired)
Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education
Former Dean (Research and Development)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

2021 Day 168 Task – Code Book Development Consortium Meeting

Just after Subuh, I received a Whatsapp message about a meeting that will be held at 9am on a Friday which is our weekend break. The meeting was about discussions on document analysis and codebook development, which is for the High Consortium Ministry project involving UTM – UPM and UTHM. It was in this meeting that the Concept Map (CMap) was re-introduced to me again. I began to develop the interest of this CMap thingy, that is by using CMap Tool – Can be downloaded free ~ and if you kind enough, there’s a donation button of $10, which you can contribute to them.

Before this, somewhere end of last year, we already had a webminar about CMap, but that time I was a bit distracted and could not focus because doing other activities at that time.

2021 Day 145 Task – 25th IEOM Global Engineering Education Meeting

Today is an official off day… The bad news is I have a 3 hours class today that cannot be done. The good news is I have time to do quite a number of work today. Nevertheless, there are endless work on my side and what I really need to do is prioritize which one to do first. Basically it is having a clear strategy of executing all my tasks.

This morning Dr. Syed Helmi has set up a meeting with important people from some Indonesian Universities to discuss about Global Engineering Education at the 25th IEOM Global Engineering Education.

Other highlighted tasks for the day:

  • RCEE2021 Extended abstract preparation.
  • Follow up on my PA Student.
  • Submitted 3 manuscripts presented in ReCase2020 (UMP) to Materials Today Proceeding.

Day 288 Task – Virtual Meeting| IEEE TALE 2022

Today, beside continuing the 2nd Day of Part 3 OBE workshop with UNS, I would like to highlight the Virtual Meeting to discuss IEEE Tale 2022 project. I’m totally new to this and am not sure what to expect. Tale is if I am not mistaken a very grand conference on Engineering Education platform. I have just involved in RCEE2020 2 weeks ago and the planning and execution was really massive and exhausting. If we are to host Tale 2020, I hope we will have a better plan and better team, better support, better infra. InsyaAllah.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 265 Task – RCEE2020 Preparation Meeting

Since RCEE2020 is around the corner, we started to feel the tense and adrenaline. It is time to check up again all the checklist, the flow, the technical preparation etc. Today is also the due date for the submission of consortium grant, hence the Director was busy preparing for the mega grant. I was asked to chair the meeting and ensure everything will be smooth and fine. It was initially challenging because I am not the best person who knew the overall of the conference, but someone must handle that and I was assigned. Alhamdulillah the cooperation from all committees were brilliant and amazing.

Lets hope and pray that we’ll successfully run RCEE2020 superbly.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 224 Task – RCEE Progress Meeting

RCEE is around the corner which will be held on the 29-30 th September 2020. Starting from this meeting, this week, we will have the RCEE meeting each Tuesday at 3pm to ensure everything will be ok. Originally I was assigned to lead a specific program, which I forgot now. Now, I assisting other department such as the Program Department and others to help on design the parallel session.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>