Archives for January 2017

Programme compliance audit – Day 2

Today we visited the facilities and resources.

Programme compliance audit 

Today is day 1 of compliance audit for Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning. I am one of the auditors. 

No need to worry


Nur Hasanah Physiotherapy Centre (2)

Today we did some small repair works on the roof and floor tiles.


Best online materials science resources

Nur hasanah physiotherapy centre

Lecturers from UTM Razak School are building a physiotherapy centre at pusat jagaan orang tua nurhasanah, beranang. It is almost 90% complete. Today we cleaned the place in preparing for training session with the elderly people to be held on 21st january

Two meetings in one night

MAG meeting. KSJ will be having its malam anugerah gemilang. our yearly award giving dinner

JKM meeting with MPP from kkm trainee. This is the first meeting between them. Currently we have about 300 kkm trainee

You make 2017 the best year

Meeting Adopt a Kampung 1/2017

The program is set to be held tentatively from 21 Feb to 25 Feb 2017


Sleep, take breaks, take good notes, learn the material not memorize, and keep conditions the same during studying and testing.


  • G is generate and test. Quiz yourself and teach others.
  • O is organize. You can organize with outlines, pictures, color coding, related material, etc.
  • A is for avoid illusions of learning. Avoid study methods that rely on recognition. If you can’t remember it at any given time you don’t know it. Learn not memorize or familiarize.
  • T is for Take Breaks. Make sure you take breaks and sleep. You can’t remember large chunks on information in one sitting. Stand up and come back to it.
  • M is match learning and testing conditions. Learn in similar conditions as when you will take the test. my tip is to chew gum when studying a certain subject and chew the same flavor of gum during the test. It will help you remember
  • E is elaborate. Think deeply about the material and make other associations with it.

More details here:

by from discussion