Archives for May 2017

Students, go study NOW!

You can finish university without any debt

Take the first few steps

You will be surprised who comes along to help.

Ramadhan is approaching

My EMOSHM student

This is my student, Thahar, persuing EMOSHM. He has just finished presenting his research project on ankle injury due to occupational injury in his workplace.

Always accept your failures

and learn from them.

We are all going to make it

All you got to do is stay focus.

Don’t stop trying

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2016

Alhamdulillah I received the perkhidmatan cemerlang award for my work performance in 2016. I also received, as a team member of KSJ, the OSH award. I have to thank all my colleagues because excellence in service is not an individual achievement but a team effort.




Future batteries

Research ideas in batteries for the future.