Archives for July 2017

Launch of STEM Mentor-Mentee Program

The launching of STEM Mentor-Mentee program was held today at SMK Padang Tembak, Kuala Lumpur. This program will involve the students of UTMKL mentoring students of SMK Padang Tembak in science and mathematics subjects so that they can pursue science subjects in their upper secondary school.


Emergence of the 4th Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Education and Future Career Pathway

We have this forum last saturday. Very eye opening and interesting especially for parents who have children in secondary school.Educators and parents now are very concern on the small number of students taking STEM subjects at school. Therefore UTM Razak School has set-up a task force to open the KL Chapter of National STEM movement to promote STEM at schools in Kuala Lumpur.


Don’t dwell on your failures

Hari Raya Aidil Fitri celebrations

Few of the official hari raya celebrations  I attended last week.

Hari Raya celebration UTMKL:

Ceramah from Ustaz Zawawi:

Yayasan Minda’s Hari raya celebration at PWTC:

HEMA’s Hari Raya celebration:

Officiated by Datul Fauzi adun setiawangsa.

UTM Razak School’s Hari Raya celebration.

UTM Razak School research with NAHRIM

A group of UTM Razak School lecturers led by Dr. Mohd Zaki Hassan is in the process of securing grants from NAHRIM to conduct studies in seabarriers and green energy. Hopefully this initiative will open more links to the industry and other researchers outside of the university.

Engineering Science course for EDEBM students

Engineering Science course for Executive Diploma in Engineering Business Management students in Penang today. Alhamdulillah they really showed their ethusiasm to study the basics of engineering even though they have long left school.

Workshop: How to write a review paper

As an initiative to fulfil KPIs, today UTM Razak School has organised a workshop on how to write a review paper. Personally, writing an academic journal is an ibadah where we spread knowledge and Allah will give reward as long as that knowledge is still giving benefit to others, in this case for example, as long as people keep citing your journal.


Be positive!

Success needs perseverence

When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.

~Jacob Riis

Don’t give up