Archives for January 2018

UTM Razak School Strategic Planning 2018 – Day 1

Another year, another round of strategic planning workshop.

Final meeting with my executive diploma student

It was the final meeting for Norizan as my student. She has finished her executive diploma project. Now is my turn to evaluate and give the marks.

Internal audit of EDEBM programme

Today the Quality Unit of UTM Razak School conducted an internal audit of EDEBM programme. As the coordinator of the programme I am responsible of the quality assurance of the programme. Internal audit is one of the process of this quality assurance.

You don’t fail when you fall

You fail when you refuse to get up again.

The U.S. Drops Out of the Top 10 in Innovation Ranking

Now innovations do not only occur in western countries. Many developing nations are all innovating.


China Just Overtook The US in Scientific Output For The First Time

In 2016, China published over 426,000 scientific studies indexed by Elsevier’s Scopus database – accounting for about 18.6 percent of the international total. For the first time, the US came in second, notching up 409,000 published papers.

Visit to One Fathom Bank

Today is my first visit to One Fathom Bank in Straits of Malacca. We are researching on ways to replace the generators at One Fathom Bank to renewable energy power generators. First we need to calculate the actual energy consumption at One Fathom Bank.


500 pages in google search

Another milestone for this page. It has reached 500 pages in google search.

AI Is Continuing Its Assault on Radiologists

A new model can detect abnormalities in x-rays better than radiologists—in some parts of the body, anyway.

Site visit to Sg. Congkak

Arus Infiniti Sdn. Bhd., a spin-off company of UTM and NAHRIM is planning to install a ram pump and a hydro turbine at a resort in Sg. Congkak. Today is our first site visit there.